Fogg Chas M wf Lenna fireman Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 507 s Olive Painter Mike Milton.Ed CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. HAMBLIN W FRED wf Maude R (Hamblin Bros) r 723 n Blaine Wellington, Kansas. Third3rd st. Lee J M Geuda Spgs l.Wal Sones H R Conway Spgs.Con Staley Jesse Argonia.Spg Byler Catharine wid Asalom H r 811 n Blaine Hull Belle M Mrs 423 w Lincoln Garver C J 111 e Harvey Gilmore F H 106 e Harvey ACME PAINTING CO 111 w Lincoln tel 500 Burscougli & Davis proprs I. Hatfield H A Milan.Ry Surplus Fund $25,000. Mahaffy Chas Caldwell 3.Bl 377 Perry Abe Snavely Sherman One dollar will start an account. CATONS MARBLE WORKS 211 n Washn Shrader H R Caldwell X.B1 LUENING FURNITURE CO (C F Luening O C Knowles) furniture and undertaking 212 s Washn phone 90 Cease, Argonia; H. C. Hetrick, Argonia; Warren Washburn, Argonia. USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOW. Shull L C Mulvane.Go Allen H Wellington.76 Raffensperger E South Haven.S H Reid J R South Haven.S H Davis P L Fitch O T Farmers Phone 38. Holdaway Wm Oxford.Ox J. F. THOMPSON W.A. Lattimore R L Wellington.Do WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES & WATSON, PROPS. Armstrong John Brown J H Phone 173. LICHTENBERGER ALVIN A wf Cora barber shop & bath rooms 122 s Washn tel 162 r 716 n C tel 346 Byrd Mary (c) r S14 w 8th Harris J L Ashton.Wal Gilliland Mabel M r 1120 e 4th Romig Ulysses G (W A Romig & Sons) r 1120 n Blaine Mack Ninen B wf Emily car rep Santa Fe r 1010 s F 106 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Hall Danl (c) wf Millie lab Wellington Mill E Co r 623 n F 87 SARGENT THOS P wf Carrie mgr Wellington Plumbing Co r 306 e Harvey FifthBirch st. Barnhard W A Wellington.76 MONUMENTS Bland A B Conway Spgs.Spg Bonham J W Anson.Su Bennett I C Portland l.Gr Bless George Oxford.Val W. H. BURKS, CashierW. Whealy Julia (Whealy & Scow) r 811 e 4th Willett Glenn wf Orpha mach Santa Fe r 1003 e Harvey Holmes J D Peck.Lon Miner Abner W boiler washer Santa Fe r 524 e 1st Bell L B Milton.Ed Blankenship F A Belle PlaineHar Back Fly. Phone 316. Siddons Leroy J wf Rachel r 502 s Olive Dale Wesley Geuda Spgs.Val OsbornG. Turley T M Clearwater.Lon Vaughn W E Dalton.Av Rhodes Elton Corbin.Ch Roberts D H Mayfield 2.iOs Smith Boone M wf Lute r 1002 s Jefferson Edmondson Evan A r 928 n Olive Ilyser Stearn H painter Acme Painting Co r 317 e Lincoln PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Smalley C Mi Ward Frank THOMAS & THOMAS PROFS (refracting eye specialists and diagnosticians) 117 1/2 n Washn tel 66 Scott J E Geuda Spgs.Wal Shafer A W Milan. Lyle P W Drury.Falls Pilant Cale wf Rose lab r 715 w 3d McKisson Guy C (Dock) clk W E Overman r 203 1/2 s Washn GARLAND THOS J wf Josie pres Security State Bank r 804 n Washn tel 281 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Surplus Fund $25,000. SUMNER COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN 113 1/2 e Harvey tel 82 I D Rogers pres O C Knowles sec Diamond Barber Shop 119 n Washn C J Nisewanger propr Winchell Frank Wellington.Well Woods Leo Geuda Spgs.Val Robinson Geo B (c) wf Addie lab r 920 n C Simpson Geo Milton.Ed Warlow Maude M clk r 311 n B Phone 500, BUBSCOUGH & DAVIS, Proprietors, Res. Galloup H K Cramer J W Wellington.76 Richards C K South Haven.S H Roberson D H Peck 1.B P FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SON Wilder W E Carson John Kellog J M Milan.Ry Gardner Ivy Mayfield.Os eyes straightened without drugs or knife orris W J Oxford.Ox Henry John Mead G G Chitwood J C Conway Spgs.Con Chambers Maggie (c) r 421 n Washn Renn Maude M student r 205 n G Elliott James T wf Annie AT clk B F Dobbs r 701 n C Elliott Kathrina K r 816 n Washn Emmons C J Milan.Ry SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER Pure Drugs Harris P J Oxford 3.Go Morris Wm C wf Ellen L foreman B & B Santa Fe r 511 e Harvey Begley Susan Mrs r 921 w Harvey M. T. Turner, Prop. Jackson J F Perth.Jk Pfeifer Lena M asst postmaster r 308 w Lincoln Phelps Laura A r 606 e Harvey WE BUY FOR CASH. G 472 R. Owen, sec. RENN & NEWBOLD LAND BROKERS Devaney Wm brake Santa Fe r 403 e Harvey Baxter H Belle Plaine.Har Ostrander James G wf Welthy engr Santa Fe r 514 s Jefferson Overman Wilbur E wf Florence pool hall 203 s Washn r 310 n Olive Mortimer Wm Poston R Z Tomlin Henry H r 412 s C 4 EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE Wilson Henry Ashton.Wal Wood N N Milan.Ry Ash C W Wellington.Av Wampler Andrew J wf Mary J r 519 n Blaine Phone 173. 40 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Hackney John J bkpr Aetna Milling & Elev Co r 322 w Lincoln Hackney Katharine student r 322 w Lincoln Whitesell R G Clearwater 3______Ill Williams E Conway Spgs.Ed Rev. Offices in Court house, phone no. CATONS MARBLE WORKS Dowers Grant Peck.Lon SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. Wellington, Kansas. Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R It 1st and Washn E H Shirk agt Chicago Rock Island & Pacific w Harvey Manufacturers of Chamberlain Philip Portland.Val Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Freeman W H Freeport.Mor Cummings John B Drake V B TwelfthBotkin st. G. PHONE 436 Tracy R J Argonia.Dix Tyson Jacob Hunnewell.S H Crites W L Argonia.Dix Showalter Wm T wf Margaret sales French Hitchcock & Son r 709 n Washn MINERAL WATERS W. Metcalf. ACHE PAINTING CO. CROUSE GEO H 121 e Harvey tel 104 Troxel J J Conway Spgs.Con Vandaveer Jas Mayfield..Os HERRICK & HERRICK Tel. OFFICE In LUENING BLOCK RURAL, PHONE NO. LOVINGFOSS CHAS H wf Lizzie B (Lovingfoss Bros) r 411 n Jefferson tel 387 Paulis Charles Oxford.Ox Jarvis Benj D wf Lula M plasterer r 411 w Harvey 124 S. Washington. Rev. Jarvis J A Portland.Ge SpringdaleJ. Manufacturer of Rectors Horseradish Deahl J A Fossett C Simon Phone 173. Leakey B P Radkin W H TELEPHONE 58 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Brown A S Milan.Ry 53 Dunn J A Argonia.Dix OBrien Elmer G wf Julia trav r 121 n F Troeger Henry Milton.Ed Underwood W B Weilingtn 6.Gr Atkinson Clyde CaIdwell_Cald FOSSETT BROS.,HARNESS, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. J. F. THOMPSON W. A. HARPER Wellington, Kans. W. E. O. Stewart John T Estate 107 1/2 n Washn F M Borders mgr real estate A E Bowers sec and treas T. HERRICK HARROLD W. HERRICK W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. PHONE 20. 42 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Gile H J South Haven.S H Gleason Albert H tel opr Santa Fe r 708 e 4th Bush Lewis Edw engr Santa Fe r 518 e Lincoln Erhart H A Miller A M Wellington, Kansas Krummery Wm Freeport.Mor Sellers, Jeweler and Optician Miller Wm V wf Ella engr Santa Fe r 817 e 4th Hartsell John Oxford.Ox Jefferson. Notestine Thomas Oxford.Ox Pierce O M Milan.Mor Post H T Geuda Spgs.Wal Markley L C Belle Plaine 2.B P Mathes J C Conway Spgs.Cr Moorehead J M Corbin.Falls Riley R T carp rms 207 1/2 n Washn Renn Robt J wf M Belle r 205 n G______________________________ AMSDEN LUMBER CO 113 to 123 w Lincoln tel 173 rural phone strictly first-class work. Darby J H Argonia.Mor Green J H Wellington.WeIl KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Bradshaw J G Conway Spgs.Con Wright Stella student rms 213 n Elm CARRINGTON W A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 Blackwell Henrietta (c) dom 919 s Washn Parsliall Levi P wf Katharine carp J H Mitchell r 1116 w Harvey 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS TELEGRAPH COMPANIES THE SECURITY STATE BANK Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Anderson Anna W r 615 s F Pinckley K Pipe, Farm Drain Tile, Etc. Garrison Dillard wf Bertha L fireman Wellington Ice & Cold Storage Co r 513 s Olive Monley Thos wf Mary A r 413 e 3d Heeney N E South Haven.S H 123 W. Harvey. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Williams Luella r 425 e 1st Lester Y Pearl r 808 s Blaine MILLINGTON GUY L DR (Homeopath) wf Bertie L 109 1/2 n Washn tel 576 r 702 n C Walcher A M B South Haven.S H Warner Albert Milan.Ch BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS GEO. McCutcheon A B Ashton.Wal Your business solicited. Mock Elmer Corbin.Ch Ge..Guelph Twp. Hartung L Oxford.Ox Williams Robt C wf Delia cond Santa Fe r 520 s II REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS Wellington, Kans. Johnson J M Nunn R H Nearly all church denominations are represented with organizations, and have Sunday services in their own beautiful houses of worship. Smisor D O Mulvane.Go Smith Wm Caldwell Cald 101 W. 7th Millard J T Oxford.Val Osteopathic Physicians Cann A B Wellington.Well Levering I Ashton.Ge Taylor & Wightman 220 s Washn Bradley Eldridge L fireman Santa Fe rms 322 s Washn MILLER PERRY E 114 s Washn tel 153 Cissel B F Hedrick W A Ramsey C Wellington.Av Rex A Mayfield.Do Hall O D South Haven.S H F. W. Sellers, Jeweler and Optician MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Wellington Cement Stone Company KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Holt Marcus H wf Estella fireman electric light plant r 621 s H Griffith Hugh Belle Plaine l.Pal 177 No. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO 7th ne cor Jefferson tel 20 81 Faulkner Tom Milton.Ed Hatfield Moses Jinkins O B MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE Henderson Frances M tchr r 719 n A McKee Wm Argonia.Dix Overly W S Belle Plaine 3.Pal Marshall C Milan.Ch Matthews F B Peck.Lon GARVER C J 111 e Harvey tel 43 Ashmore Geo W Mayfield l.Su Black Hattie F r 405 s Olive Gwynn Harry wf Myrtle barber 109 e Harvey r 917 w Harvey Broomfield Mr Milton.Ed Hinchcliffe Chas E student r 906 n A IRLAND FRANK D wf Mary N (Shirlie & Co) r 415 s H Harbaugh H F South Haven 2.Gr Davis W T Forbes J B Henry James Post S L Gray James (c) wf Helen r 123 n Olive ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. Yice-Presideot W. H. BURKS. Patton George Geuda Spgs.Val M. Rothrock. RUSH, LIVERY, FRENCH LORENDO J wf Cora D (French Hitchcock & Son) r 924 s Washn tel 160 Hibberd Saml W r 1116 s Washn EighthElm st. Farmers Phone 29. Hastings Thomas Peck.Lon CITY LIVERY & FEED BARN 301-303 n Washn tel 396 LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Goodell L Oxford.Ox Phones; Office, No. Heating-Gas Fitting Wellington, Kansas, City Directory 49 KANSAS T. HERRICK HARROLD W. HERRICK Hough Geo W Milan.Ry Heasty W J Mayfield.Ch Beatty B O Wellington 4.Os Hauser A Geuda Spgs.Val HOGE JOSEPH J wf Kate P mgr Hoge & Co tel 92 r 311 e 10th tel 31 Hahn Anthony Caldwell 4.B1 Hunt John wf Hattie r 526 s Olive FEED MILLS 117 Showalter Joseph W wf Mary E r ns 12th bet Poplar and Plum The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas Evans Robt wf Maggie carp r 424 n Poplar OBrien Lillian tchr r 121 n F Hirons C A Mayfield l.Su COPYING AND ENLARGING Winger James E mess W U Tel Co r 524 n B Faith A T Wellington.Jk Tel. L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Harper W D Conway Spgs.Spg Walcher G W South Haven.S H Warner George Corbin.Ch Dumbauld B D Hurt G T Walton Wm E wf Gertrude (Walton Bros) r 311 e 8th Back Fly. Foster Mack Caldwell.Cald Burghardt B A Wellington 6.Gr Excessive shrub or tree overgrowth interfering with the safe use of City streets is prohibited. Animal control falls under the jurisdiction of the Jefferson County Department of Animal Control and Protection. Summers Gideon S wf Elizabeth r 510 e Lincoln HAVENS D J 700 n Blaine tel 280 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. office hours, 8 to 12 a. m., Osborne J M Terell R A. M. Reitzel, pastor. Czaplinski H C Etter W A PHOTOGRAPHERS Yards Cor. 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Kubic Chas Caldwell 3.Bl Murphy Andrew wf Olive foreman Santa Fe r 501 e Lincoln Messener A C Geuda Spgs.Wal NinthPlum st. Phones; Office, No. SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Gifford Chas Welington lHar Gaunt J PerthDo LICHTENBERGER A A 122 s Washn tel 162 Davisson Josiali C wf Anna C car foreman Santa Fe r 214 n B Foster Fannie laundress Well Stm Ldry r 717 n C 166 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Erwin D M Cicero.Har Hull Arthur Wellington 6.Gr Lefler J F Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Osborn G D Cron C W Capital Stock $75,000, Fully Paid. Podschun Frank Argonia.Cr Pratt D W Perth Do CITY DIRECTORY. McMullen R Milan.Ry Golightly Geo Wellington lHar Knox W H Ashton.Wal Garrison E W Wellington.Jk Mailing ClerksW. Fisher W C Dalton.Av 59 Some estimates presented here come from sample data, and thus have sampling errors that may render some apparent differences between geographies statistically indistinguishable. J. GARLAND, President HENRY F.. SMITH, Vice-President. Podschun Gustav Argonia.Cr Pratt H E Pertht.Do Asst. Parker Ira Mayfield 2.Os Fetters Augustus wf Anna E (A Fetters & Son) r 708 e Harvey Dickson J W Caldwell.Cald A. BOYCE, Mgr. Little Roy Oxford .0x McMath Jesse C wf L Mabel brake Santa Fe r 907 e Harvey RUSH, LIVERY, Sulsar Laura A wid Leander r 420 n Washn Hatfield John Belle Plaine l.Pal Wash. Ave, Corner 8th Winget Theo S wf Clara. WELCH HUNT & CO (Frank Welch C F Hunt) real estate rentals and loans 208 1/2 s Washn farmers phone 53 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSA
Michigan Arrests Org Ottawa, 1969 Corvette 427 Tri Power, Darling Paws Rescue Nutley, Nj, Sean Slater Kelly Brother, Mikey Williams Bench Press, Articles W