We are able to make more informed choices about how we use drugs. Kathleen Keane MBA from Western Governors University Author has 511 answers and 109.4K answer views 2 y I am a member of eJOY team. Enclose or offer additional information for those readers who want detail, or refer them to a Website where more information can be found. Comma Before or After Regardless: Rules & Tips. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. Sentences build language, and give it personality. If you use please be informed and nothing else, the reader will anticipate more information. Even if no law, regulation, or contract requires notice, you might find that conveying pertinent information to another party is beneficial to a business relationship or the completion of specific objectives. 123 96 In a scientific paper, you might find the expression used as follows. The Meaning Behind 16 Job Application Statuses Revealed! It is correct to say, please be informed. This imperative clause directs the readers attention to a particular term, condition, or instruction that affects the readers action or the relationship with the writer. (63) Photographers also need to be informed of the printing process involved in the publications for which the picture is intended. Engine room will be informed ofstandby fire mains in the event of emergency. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. (75) The right we say to be informed of distressing news, news of the death of a loved one, for example, does not exculpate the negligent driver in relation to the secondary consequences of his or her negligence. . We are doing everything we can to make things easier for you. With just one click, you can watch your favorite TV shows, movies, or videos with dual subtitles, translate, and look up any word right on the captions. Please Understand Example: In this paper, we present a semantic parsing model based on neural networks to obtain semantic representation of a given sentence. :" Response from Talk : HOFUS " : " To all the hardworking Wikipedia staff who are so discriminately judging this page after a mere three minutes of its existence, When voice contact was regained, Lovell announced, ", While this was eventually done after a bit of effort, even their response, while perhaps a generic was, was far from satisfactory ", They began their return to Earth on Christmas Day with a rocket burn made on the Moon's far side, out of radio contact with Earth . The show is about to start in 5 minutes.. Kindly note is another great synonym. Every idea in the paragraph should be justified and developed (with examples, explanations, consequences). Say, Yes, by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected; then you will surely be informed of what you did. To demonstrate the different contexts and circumstances in which you might use please be informed, lets check out some examples from everyday life. The Criminal Court yesterday handed down a 10-year jail sentence to Apirat Jayankura Na Ayudhya, a close aide of the late abbot of Wat Bowon Niwet, for forgery to embezzle 80 million baht from the . You should use it to let the recipient know that something important is coming. At the time, Tubbs was two weeks shy of 18 and and identified as a male named James. Then we can actually address your doubts directly, rather than saying "it's fine", shrugging and moving on, which is not really of help to anybody. Please be informed that according to the competent authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the. 3.3. Why does RSASSA-PSS rely on full collision resistance whereas RSA-PSS only relies on target collision resistance? If your recipients didnt ask for information, this line definitely must appear. If youre sending an email to an address that doesnt have a specific contact name, you can just use Dear Sir/Madam. sentences. (7) You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. From the Cambridge English Corpus Each essay offers subtle and well-informed readings, with just slight waverings here and there. 58 44 The police haven't even informed his wife if her husband is dead or alive! Thats a must when writing any business email. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency. Please be notified For example, you could say "please be notified," which both has the same meaning and is just as formal as "please be notified." Example: If your utility provider has some bad news for you, they may let you know by sending you an email or letter. These Words & phrases will help you a lot while writing a, I am writing in reply to/in response to your email asking for information about, I am writing in reply to your request for information regarding, You might also find it useful to know that, It might be interesting for you to know that. See a translation Please show me example sentences with please provide the report to me by end of today is correct . Examples from Collins dictionaries. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. After consultation with my Generals and military experts, the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. military.. All you need to know about Streak, Change voice in Games, Wordbook and translation, How to turn off notification on eJOY extension, These Words & phrases will help you a lot while writing a giving information email, 20 Verbs Describing Downward Trend [IELTS Writing Task 1/Vocabulary]. I believe its going to be very important for you. (10) You will be informed of the result in writing by end of May. 0. - 10 examples of sentences "be informed of". To all students and teachers, Please note that as of Monday, May 28, school will end for students at 12:30 and for teachers at 2:00. Ex: your company has launched a new line of product and you want to send an email to introduce and market it to your regular customer who may be interested, Ex: your company has decided to change a little bit about the packing of your product, you need to tell your clients and partners about this change, Ex: you bought a new photocopy machine for the office and need to write an email to instruct your employees how to use it. Though please be informed is a grammatically complete sentence with an implied subject and a verb, it is not a complete thought without specific details. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you want any further information. We had to raise them by 5% due to market conditions. I look forward to being able to help you again in the future. 3 examples of please be informed in a sentence - how to use it in a sentence. Such a belief is fundamentally millenarian, His odd, slightly discomfiting palette-a range of hues, Temporary speed limits are put in place due in high winds or thick fog, with drivers, A patient needing specialist care at a hospital or clinic, will be, It is important to note that this list of DL practices is, Hereafter, whole works rather than brief passages would be, On the day after the first anniversary of Brown's death, Victoria was, Does the mere possibility that a cryopreserved body may be revived indicate that it is potentially alive and thus still, Individual interpretation occurs within the Church and is, However, he and Stravinsky later developed a mutual antipathy, The pragmatique traductive assumed to have been emplotted here is that of interdiscursive transvestism, The company commanders were at that point, It has been argued that St Edmund's story was, Behavioral pride is also socioculturally situated and, This impulse, pitted against the insouciant acute observational approach. "Please be aware that the event will be cancelled in the event of rain". How to write an email to inform something? Would the phrase "Would you have interest?" Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "please be informed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "please be informed". (103) What is "be informed of" definition and meaning? I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. (66) My wersion:Before arrival of the clients who are at key level, the relevant departments shall hold conference to be informed of important issues. This week, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of an Arizona death row inmate. 1. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency. This article was written for strategiesforparents.com. You might use one of the above supplemental clauses to elaborate on your topic after introducing key information with please be informed. Lets use an earlier example to demonstrate: Please be informed that the main entrance will be closed during renovations. This site is owned and operated by Sona Digital Media LLC. Explain why you are writing this: State your purpose for writing is providing information. (181) we're going to be able to make informed decisions. For your information, we have left it open and do not know who will fill the role. Some situations require disclosure, while others benefit from it. In these examples, formal language seems out of place. Please show me example sentences with please be informed that,the time of meeting was postponed to 11.00 -12.30 is correct or incorrect . Use "please be informed" in formal writing when regulation or contract requires notice or when the information conveyed is necessary for performing future actions. All of these terms are attempts at grabbing your attention somehow. (70) It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. What do you think is ungrammatical about the phrase? Therefore, the recipients could be anyone including: Your recipients could have requested the information or not. Well-informed definition: If you say that someone is well-informed , you mean that they know a lot about many. It also suggests that an important change is coming, allowing them to keep tabs on it moving forward. Every idea in the paragraph should be justified and developed (with examples, explanations, consequences). From the Cambridge English Corpus Whenever you come across a new word that you want to learn, simply click on it. Keep in your words book format words and phrases, then youll easily apply them every day in every situation. (113) What is the meaning of "be informed of" in a sentence. Please note that the potluck lunch has been rescheduled. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Example: Ex: Hi Jayden Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. : It has to be informed by a deep understanding of the period and its cosmology. Your business partner: to introduce a product or service, Your employee: to announce an employees achievement, announce an office or store closing to employees, announce the companys new policy, introduce a new employee, etc, Types of information we might need to inform, About a new policy/notice/announcement/change in the business, About a new policy/notice/announcement/change in the company. If you were to do that, the above letter would read as follows: Dear Mr.,We have received your letter and are currently revising the matter. A complex sentence with "be informed of" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. To bear something in mind means to keep yourself informed about it. For instance, a business might use the expression as follows: In the first quarter of last year, our revenue more than doubled in comparison to the year before that. It suggests that someone should take note of the situation youre about to reveal to them via email. Omit needless detail. In legal and regulatory matters, notice refers to the act of informing another party of specific information or to the fact that another party has (or should have) detailed knowledge (source). And dont forget to really end with your signature. Career And that, for Allah, is easy. Obviously, more complex investigations usually require more informed consent from the mother. If I flipped a coin 5 times (a head=1 and a tails=-1), what would the absolute value of the result be on average? "On 24 January of this year, you were found guilty of two charges of rape involving two different women. Review 3 sentence examples with Please Be Informed That to better understand the usage of Please Be Informed That in context. A man who deliberately ran over a man he believed was involved in the death of his brother, leaving him brain damaged and in a coma, has been warned that if he fails again to engage with the . About us How to use please be informed in a sentence? However, my team and I are unable to move forward without your valuable input, so would it be possible to give us a time frame during which we can expect to conclude this business. This construction enables the writer to form a useful imperative with the verb be, but there may be situations when you wish to avoid using the passive voice. (99) What is a antonym for "be informed of"? Please take note of the following issues. (95) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "be informed of". The latter is used in spoken conversation except when particular formality is required. Second, please establishes the writers desire to be polite and cordial to affect a mutually beneficial interaction. How to Put SQL Skills on a Resume Like a Pro, Thank you for your concern in (Business) Correspondence. We met at the Business Conference in Ho Chi Minh City last weekend and discussed ways my company could help you prevent evils from taking over the world. Please take note is a simple alternative to use here. It works well because it is polite with the use of "I would like to.". (90) What is definition of "be informed of" by Merriam-Webster. 21. Just Save the names you like by clicking on the heart shape on the bottom right corner. The business communications we would use please be informed are more often between parties of similar standing. It can also be used assertively but is not an inherently assertive formulation. (35) The group hopes to be informed of the results of dye tests on the sewage works effluent. (187) A cornet, hearing the story, informed his commander. A school administrator might include this sentence in a written warning to a habitually tardy student. Please pay attention to the works well in formal emails. It suggests to the recipient that they need to focus on the information provided. They dont need to hear your life story. good sentence like quote, proverb). Find 55 ways to say INFORM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. In this case, the writer is the active party that informs the passive reader. Also, what could be an alternative to this? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. (80) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "be informed of" is, what would you say? Yet, you might also choose to hint at your frustration through the letter. Wait for about 3-7 seconds while our algorithm puts together memorable, easy to spell and easy to pronounce names for you to choose from. (72) And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. For transparency, please be informed i am going to notify previous Keep voters to speak up again here. (14) Supplier shall be informed of the account balance in the payment note. In each scenario, using please be informed to introduce critical information is suitable. (46) We have been through the Austrian Anti-Doping Agency will be informed of the test results Cole. So, while it should be used way less frequently than it currently is, there are a few use cases that make some sense. (34) The work force should be informed of the likely changes in good time.Sentence dictionary. For starters, this is a formal, if not stuffy, way of drawing peoples attention. Using the imperative be conveys an instruction, command, or suggestion to the reader commensurate with the readers relationship with the writer. Another similar expression that is meant to draw your focus towards something specific is please be advised.. rev2023.2.28.43265. Adviced is incorrect (the c should always be an s): Please be advised means you have some important information or a warning to share with someone. All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision. After reading this post, we hope you will know, how to write an email to inform something, . Tell me as many daily expressions as possible. Interrogative
Using understand here is a more empathetic way of getting someone to look into the information you share next. I am a career educator and have served at the classroom, administrative, and university levels. Please understand that you are not the only person who applied for this job. However, it contains only one independent clause. But if you repent, you may have your principal - [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged. Generally, this phrase shows that you know someone doesn't have the information you want to share already. (81) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "be informed of" can get slippery. Note how the following sounds natural and appropriate for the occasion: The sentence below sounds like a parent trying to maintain a little patience despite delivering a repeated reminder about the dogs water. Are the following sentences grammatically correct? (45) The lexicographer will be informed of the results of any investigation and the proposed action. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Is the phrase "various information" grammatically correct? Sometimes, you can use the non-traditional like, Look forward to hearing from you, Hope this helps, Have a great day. Can I use "please be aware" or "For your information" instead of this phrase? It should be noted that the above email is extremely passive-aggressive, and it is meant to be illustrative only. A flexible and sensitive approach will be taken to how and when the RT will obtain informed consent. 'Please be informed that' is more polite than 'This is to inform you that'. How to draw a truncated hexagonal tiling? The simplest and most common way to include this information is to use the conjunction that to join a subordinate clause containing the information. Hello Captain America, This is great to use if you want to be more friendly with the recipient. They use it to talk to employees who they need to share a warning with. Its great for formal emails because it shows that something applies to the recipient directly. When speaking or writing to someone you personally know or for a casual purpose, you do not need as much formality in your writing. The latter letter sounds more crisp and concise. Please inform me if I can be of any further assistance. . In this example, the bank is documenting that a prior request has been satisfied. (30) The person who requested the change will be informed of the decision via his manager. Do not hesitate to contact me should you require further assistance. Is Dear All Appropriate In A Work Email? Use a wide range of linking words (moreover, for example, therefore, however, etc) to logically connect sentences and paragraphs. Let us tell you. 1 Yes it's grammatical. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics, First letter in argument of "\affil" not being output if the first letter is "L", Derivation of Autocovariance Function of First-Order Autoregressive Process. Please be informed fulfills this requirement by connecting the requisite information directly to the addressee. This means that someone other than the reader is informing, and the reader is receiving the specified information. You can use that against them later if they dont pay attention. How can I recognize one? After reading this post, we hope you will know how to write an email to inform something. 30-50 words. "Please be" is a subjunctive clause which supposes that you either are informed, or are being informed as we speak, so "inform" is treated as being very slightly in the past, just a mere moment ago. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (54) Will those householders whose properties are valued through the use of aerial photographs be informed of that? (27) The Company representative must be informed of any changes in the following. Sentence types can also be combined. It shows that you have learned something vital and want to share this information with the affected party. State your name and give them some clues to figure out who you are. (71) He returned to Paris shortly afterwards on the summons of Louis XVI., but he was not sufficiently in the confidence of the court to be informed of the projected flight to Varennes. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Please be informed meaning and usage. (106) "be informed of" meaning in english, "be informed of" definitions. (65) Secondly, in the attainment of each learning outcome pupils must be informed of the tasks which contribute to summative assessment. Ive been having a hard time integrating my spreadsheets into the new system, and Ive been told that you can help me with the matter. (15) The physician should be informed of abdominal distention and rigidity. While please be advised tells the reader that they should be aware of the ensuing information, please advise is actually a request for information. 3. (89) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "be informed of". (39) I agree wholeheartedly that parents need to be informed of their children's progress. In the final installment of my three-part EAB series on an effective data infrastructure, we conclude by taking a cursory look at how data can be used to (21) Supplier shall be informed of the account balance in the payment note. According to informed sources, those taken into custody include at least one major-general. End the mail with the classics Regards, Best or Sincerely. Other ways to say "please be advised" are "please understand," "wish to inform you," and "please note." These work well in formal and informal capacities. We use imperative clauses to express a command, suggestion, or instruction to the reader. This is much more suitable than our earlier, formal example: Formality isnt the only consideration when choosing how to write. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require/want any further information or assistance. (185) If you read good books, you will be well-informed. We will also explore situations where a different phrase is more suitable and review the grammar of imperative clauses. Some have thought that this dhamma was identical with Buddhism but, though, The Sun reported that they will be officially, The discourse analysis undertaken to answer these questions was, It's no surprise that much of his music is, I believe that political life would be greatly improved if the ideas floating around it were, Liam isn't copied from any individual but his fictional life and the dilemmas he confronts are, These draft guidelines are based on constructs, research and practices. eJOY will help you store, manage, and track your vocabulary. The selection committee should come to a final decision within the next two weeks.. (96) How do you explain "be informed of"? Its used to tell someone you will inform them of something important (often negatively). (98) What is a synonym for "be informed of"? Often, the information you introduce with please be informed is only a summary statement. If a company wants to let a job candidate know that theyve been shortlisted, they might send them a letter that says the following. 0. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples What salutation should we use? Nevertheless, you will find this expression in plenty of legal and business writing. Here you can write whatever you or your reader want about the matter (if they are the ones who asked for it). sentence from "informed". (41) You can just go on SolarImpulse.com, subscribe to just be informed of what we're doing. But using a real notebook is quite out of date already. For your information is a decent phrase used formally to show that certain information applies to somebody. They dont need to hear your life story. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. In the business world, communicating and introducing are very important so knowing how to write one will help you a lot at work. (74) Those who disbelieve have claimed that they will never be resurrected. I have seen this phrase in many articles. Related terms for please be informed- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with please be informed. CLICK on Generate Brand Names. (22) The Company representative must be informed of any changes in the following. please be informed in a sentence Sentences Mobile Please be informed and inform us, kindly. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abode. You could also say "For your information, the event will be cancelled in the event of rain" or "Please be aware the event will be cancelled in the event of rain" but the lack of 'that' makes it less formal. Log in. (17) The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal. Ex: I am writing in reply to your request for information regarding our companys new tour from Hanoi to Singapore. It only takes a minute to sign up. This is the informal version of please be advised. If you even want to go more informal, you can use the abbreviation FYI, a common three-letter word you will find in texts between friends and colleagues. Pleased be informed that our prices have been raised by 5% due to market conditions. Now, imagine the same quote, but remove please be advised. It will read something like this. Cleveland's second term expired on the 4th of March 1897, and he then retired into private life, universally respected and constantly consulted, in the university town of Princeton, New Jersey, where he died on the 24th of June 1908. (107) Primary meanings of "be informed of". I hope that I have been able to answer all of your questions. In most academic writing, you may use first-person pronouns to describe actions but not opinions (source). If two friends are texting each other, one of them might throw this in the middle. If you are having a hard time using the new software at your company, you might reach out to the head of IT with the following email. Including but not limited to Comma Rules & Usage, 19 Full Apology Letter to Girlfriend Examples (Copy & Paste), 10 Other Ways to Say Well noted in Business Correspondence. The latter implies authority, so the 'you' becomes an object. All the best, Darren. Starting an email with please be aware is similar to flagging it for importance. We met at the Business Conference in Ho Chi Minh City last weekend and discussed ways my company could help you prevent evils from taking over the world. Use please be informed in formal writing when regulation or contract requires notice or when the information conveyed is necessary for performing future actions. (42) Clients of an outgoing partner must, of course, always be informed of his leaving the firm. (97) What can I say instead of "be informed of"? 40 32 : Our study is informed by both the symbolic interactionist perspective and . 2. A sentence such as this one might appear on your credit card statement to provide you required notice of a rate change. Give just the important facts, not the whole background or history. A simple sentence with "be informed of"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. First, please alerts the reader that he or she is the recipient of the following command or request. I hope I have answered some of your questions. So the proper form is a past tense: informed. "I would like to make you aware" is a good example of what to say instead of "please be informed.". (47) Clients of an outgoing partner must, of course, always be informed of his leaving the firm. Well, it depends on who you ask. Bear in mind that you are the only person who has come to us with this. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. At this step, we just do like writing any other business mail. It doesnt matter too much when we are writing. That said, please advise could also be used in a passive-aggressive fashion, as a way of saying that you expect a response from the other person. And, you kind of understand why. Compound-Complex, length: All <=10 words
How to use please be informed in a sentence? Sentence examples for please be informed thatfrom inspiring English sources RELATED ( 12 ) please be reminded that please be advised that please be noticed that please be warned that please be informed that please be assured that please be noted that please be forewarned that please be reassured that please be notified that please be aware that An Arizona death row inmate a Masters degree in Finance and International business readers who want,... Approach will be cancelled in the middle 46 ) we have left open... Things easier for you competent authority in the following time of meeting was postponed to 11.00 is. Imagine the same quote, but remove please be informed that, the void, or suggestion to works... Time, Tubbs was two weeks shy of 18 and and identified a. And nothing else, the void, or the planets =10 words to. 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