Lett. 393. Frank Wilczek 15 378. 78. The Worlds Numerical Recipe Daedalus 131-1 142-147 (2001). The U(1) Problem: Instanton, Axions, and Familons, in How Far Are We from the Gauge Forces, ed. 2006). 109 (2012) 160402 (February 2012) [MIT-CTP 4347]. He is a co-founding member of the Kosciuszko Foundation of the Collegium of Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry.[23]. 4 Lett. Item 137 is foundational. Weinberg later agreed to adopt Wilczek's name for the particle. Frank Wilczek, the 2004 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2017. Item 416 is, in my opinion, a significant elucidation of the concept fundamental constant. 58, 2051 (1987). In Item 58 we showed how supersym- metric models based on the group SO(10) (or, of course, a larger group) contain a very natural mechanism for lifting the troublesome Higgs color triplet to very high mass, leaving the doublet behind. It is also demonstrated, in item 457, that the sorts of models studied in 449 can arise naturally from conventional, widely used quantum field theories. 55, 1797 (1985). Nature 443 636 (2006). Lett. Phys. and T. Yu) Phys. Several other alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but also have their adherents, were also first discussed in this paper. In item 285 we give some substance to the old heuristic idea that Hawking radiation can be regarded as spontaneous pair creation by a gravitational field. Frank Wilczek Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics 2004 Nobel Laureate Known for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and more. hep-th/9201059 [91/64] B374, 567 (1992). Baker, 1986. Rev. The Origin of Mass [modified from 342] Frontline 22N10 (2005); Mod. Maxwells Other Demon, Nature 402, 22-23, (4 November 1999). 141. 110, 118902 (2013) See Also . hep-th/9710135 [97/116] 366. Wilczek grew up in New York City and attended public school in Queens, graduating from high school in two years. QCD: High Density The Universe is a Strange Place Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies, Interna- tional Symposium XXII 447-461 (2005). D30, 2260 (1984). 5. Phys. 37. [29] On January 25, 2013, Wilczek received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University, Sweden. In Item 236 Larsen and I made a first attempt to apply the improved understanding of string black holes to cosmology. [31] In 2022 he was awarded the Templeton Prize[32] for work that reveals "a vision of a universe that he regards as embodying mathematical beauty at the scales of the magnificently large and unimaginably small".[33]. From Electronics to Anyonics Physics World 19 22 (2006). Quark Description of Hadronic Phases: A first cut at applying the lessons learned from color-flavor locking and quark-hadron continuity to real QCD, which is complicated by splitting between strange and light quarks. 1 Quotes. He came to ASU from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was the Herman Feshback Professor of Physics. It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptional - in part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. Positron Line Radiation as a Signature of Particle Dark Matter in the Halo (with M.S. In particular, anyons can have properties intermediate between fermions and bosons, including fractional electric charge. Continuity of Quark and Hadron Matter, (with T. Scha efer), Phys. 80. cond-mat/9512061 [95/104] He played a central part in formulating and establishing theoretical physics' two standard models the standard model of fundamental interactions and the standard model of cosmology. 404. Item 214 is the only observable tip of a much larger iceberg representing my interest in quantum computing. Each of the first three papers in this cluster presents an idea that plays a continuing major part in assessing the possible role of supersymmetry in the description of Nature. 172. (1 July 1999). Item 26 presented an ansatz for instanton solutions, which in a generalized form became quite influential. Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. J. of Mod. Reheating an Inflationary Universe (with A. Aubrecht, P. Steinhart and M. Turner) Phys. Lett. cond-mat/9501050 [94/108] 89. Kings- ley, S.B. Rev. [1] His grandparents were immigrants, who "really did work with their hands", according to Wilczek, but Frank's father took night school classes to educate himself, working as a repairman to support his family. Inflationary Axion Cosmology (with M.S. Frank Wilczek 17 312. To understand ourselves and our place in the universe, we should have humility but also self-respect, the physicist writes in a new book. 157. Fun with Monopoles and Axions, in The Very Early Universe, eds. R. Chiao, physics.gen-ph/0708.4361 [MIT-CTP 3847]. hep-th/9703131 [97/22] Physics Today 55N8 10-11 (2002). Item 102 is of some methodological interest; it identifies a limit in which heavy particles can be show to spontaneously form semi-classical bags, substantially deforming the vacuum around themselves. 72. I am told it is the leading candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 5/2. Lett. [3], Wilczek, along with David Gross and H.David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction". . The Persistence of Ether, Physics Today, 52, 11-13, (January 1999). Rev. Here are a few URLs if you want to dig into elementary particles and unification. His current theoretical research includes work on Axions, Anyons, and Time Crystals. Continuity of Quark and Hadron Matter: In this work the full power of color-flavor locking became apparent. 13. It contains quite a bit of secondary material (that is, conference proceedings, reviews, and so forth) and lacks cohesive organization. Several of the other papers here are devoted to analysis of exotic dynamics around non-abelian strings. Rev. Wilczek was also the co-recipient of the 2005 King Faisal International Prize for Science. 396. Frank Wilczek 23 25, No. [43] When Daniel Tsui and Horst Strmer discovered the fractional quantum Hall effect in 1982, Bertrand Halperin (1984) expanded the math Wilczek proposed in 1982 for fractional statistics in two dimensions to help explain it. Thermal Decay of the Cosmological Constant Into Black Holes (with A. Gomberoff, M. Henneaux, and C. Teitelboim) Phys. Geometry of Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number (with A. Shapere), Jour. Rev. 65B, 391 (1976). Since 2002, he has been an Adjunct Professor in the . 1.1 "The Quirk of the Quark", article in Esquire by K.C. Finally Item 172 is an attempt to portray the big picture, for a wide physics audience. Phys. B 455, 493, (1995). "[21], Wilczek is also a supporter of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, an organization which advocates for democratic reform in the United Nations, and the creation of a more accountable international political system. Branched Quantization (with A. Shapere) (June 2012), quant-ph 1207.2677 [MIT-CTP 4381]. 55, 25 (1985). Rev. 11. Lett. [90/29] He was presented by Professor Sune Svanberg, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics. [9][10], He received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and membership in Phi Beta Kappa[11] at the University of Chicago in 1970. Also in this paper we provided the foundational analysis of branching modes. Lett. On Absolute Units 3: Absolutely Not Physics Today 59N5 10-11 (2006). 12 Selected Publications Some Examples in the Realization of Symmetry, Nucl. Items 146, 166, and 168 demonstrate the existence of quantum hair observables of stationary black holes that are invisible classically, and violate the classical no hair theorems. QCD: Diquarks The attractive force between quarks plays a central role in the theory of QCD at high density. Fractional Charge on Solitons (with J. Goldstone), Phys. ng nhn bng C nhn Khoa hc v Ton hc ti i hc Chicago nm 1970, . FRANK WILCZEK is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT, recipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics, and author of A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design . Mai 1951) ist ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker , Mathematiker und Nobelpreistrger . Omissions? The following version is less complete, but better organized. Some of these have been crudely tested already. In items 395 and 399 the analysis was successfully extended to charged and rotating black holes. D19, 1036 (1979). Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle physics, cosmology and the physics of materials. As a matter of principle I have tried in these pieces to take on subjects that are under-reported, other things being equal. Quantum Chromodynamics: Lifestyles of the small and simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 (June, 2007) [MIT-CTP 3848]. 202. 6 43, 816 (1979). Gross and H. David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 for discoveries regarding the strong forcethe nuclear force that binds together quarks (the smallest building blocks of matter) and holds together the nucleus of the atom. 238. Rev. Classical Time Crystals (with A. Shapere) cond-mat.other 1202.2537 v 2 Phys. 29. 301. 248. Lett. During his last year as a math major at Chicago, he attended a course taught by Peter Freund on group theory in physics, which Wilczek later described as being "basically particle physics", and very influential:[6]. In the fall of 2000, he moved from the Institute for Advanced Study, where he was the J.R. Oppenheimer Professor, to the MIT Department of Physics, where he is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics. 204. 425.QCDMeetsBCSMeetsQQ ,QCDDownUnder2[MIT-CTP3945](January2008). The first interpretation is to ask whether quantum mechanics explains the phenomenon of free will, or whether there is something else that must be taken into account in our description of the world which is not within the scope . 265. Fractional Statistics and the Quantum Hall Effect (with D. Arovas and J.R. Schrieffer), Phys. In 2011, Wilczek gave the George Gamow Memorial Lecture at the University of Colorado Boulder. [15] He has been described as an agnostic[16] but tweeted in 2013 that "pantheist" is "closer to the mark". 18 291. [5], Born in Mineola, New York, Wilczek is of Polish and Italian origin. In Item 66 we introduced a discrete matter symmetry sufficient to banish catastrophic proton decay in supersymmetric models. From Not Wrong to (Maybe) Right Nature 428 261 (2004). He's a professor at MIT, and he grew up in Queens. Frank has literary and inventive projects in the works. Wilczek will work on a variety of important issues in theoretical physics. Some Applications of a Simple Stationary Line Element for the Schwarzschild Geom- etry, (with P. Kraus), Mod. 332 QCD and Natural Philosophy Annales Henri Poincare 4 S211-S228 (2003). 1 No. In some cases, an amendment to the Heisenberg commutation relations is required. Gauge Kinematics of Deformable Bodies (with A. Shapere), Am. Item 95 anticipates the concept of domain wall fermions, which has since become quite popular in high energy theory, in a concrete condensed matter context. 92. Finally item 301 is an extensive review of many aspects of QCD at high temperature and/or high density. 176. Mod. Exclusion Statistics: Low Temperature Properties, Fluctuations, Duality, Applications, (with C. Nayak), Phys. Ive had some fun dirtying my hands with this. [1] His favorite physicist is James Clerk Maxwell. Selected Publications 2) 12-25, (Dec. 1996). Mass Splittings from Symmetry Obstruction (with L. Cornalba), Phys. Particle Physics: Minimalism triumphant Nature 496 439-441 (April 2013) [MIT-CTP 4458] Paired Hall States (with M. Greiter and X.G. When that symmetry is spontaneously broken, a new particle results, as shown independently by Wilczek and by Steven Weinberg. A70 033603 (2004). 469. 44. 340. 286. Review of Speculative Disaster Scenarios at RHIC (with W. Busza, R. Jaffe, and J. Sandweiss) Rev. Solitons in Superfluid 3He-A: Bound States on Domain Walls (with J. L. Ho, J. R. Fulco and J. R. Schrieffer), Phys. Phys. Clear rating. It's not just the show-stopping, full-arc-across . I took the opportunity to talk about the wide-ranging scientific impact of our work, which extends far beyond the profound but esoteric paradoxes that provoked it. Quite a few papers straddle the boundary between categories, but I always chose a unique classification. Rev. Lett. 163. . Rev. Analysis and Synthesis 3: Cosmic Groundwork Physics Today 56N10 10-11 (2003). encourages this circle of ideas. In Item 189 Rajagopal and I demonstrated a mechanism whereby the return to equilibrium after a quench following chiral symmetry restoration can be accompanied by dramatic non-thermal radiation. Frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications of Frank Wilczek, with Brief Commentary The full bibliography has grown by accretion. Rev. In 2004 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, and in 2005 the King Faisal Prize. All this happens at weak coupling, in a tractable, controlled theoretical framework. 52, 2111 (1984). B 68 (Proc. Item 122 proposes and derives major consequences of a universality class motivated by analogy and mathematical esthetics, that subsequently proved to provide, in essence, the effective theory of topological insulators. Updates? 72 1125-1140 (2000). 272. Lett. Dr. Frank Wilczek is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Rev. Rev. Cosmic Molasses for Particle Masses, New Scientist, (April 1999). [45][47], In 2012 he proposed the idea of a time crystal. Baryogenesis These papers present pioneering discussions of how the phenomenon of baryon number viola- tion, natural within unified gauge models, can lead and initially symmetric Universe to evolve an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, as observed. Global Structure of Evaporating Black Holes (with M. Parikh), Phys. 306. 116. Appearance of Gauge Structures in Simple Dynamical Systems (with A. Zee), Phys. B46, 9586, (1992). Frank Anthony Wilczek ( / w l t k / ; [2] geboren 15. 150. B72, 195 (1977). Frank Wilczek, 2004 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, speaks at 'Nobel Week Dialogue: the Future of Truth' conference at at Svenska Massan on December 9, 2017, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Scr. A Nobel Prize-winner tries to pick his favorite music, fix a faulty algorithm and make some quantum computing leaps. 143. Families from Spinors (with A. Zee), Phys. Lett. - See more. Lett., 78 , 2465, (1997). Sci. Frank Wilczek 25 Suggested New Modes in Supersymmetric Proton Decay, (with K.S. He taught at Princeton from 197481. 106. 235. (2007) Quantum Mechanics of Fractional Spin Particles, Phys. [90/35] 68. Phys. [27], Wilczek became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000. Item 440 identified and calculated some new universal coefficients for massive fields. Wen), Phys. J. C33 S38-S42 (2004). Item 30 introduced the Higgs-gluon-gluon coupling, which plays a central role in the anticipated phenomenology of that particle. Extremely interesting possibilities, as yet in- sufficiently explored, arise in theories with several Chern-Simons fields, particularly when several distinct two-dimensional planes are involved. Phys. 356. B287, 402 (1987). A line element that is regular through the horizon and particular well adapted to such calculations, and has other features of interest, was introduced in Item 202 (the mathematics, though not the quantum physics, of this line element has a prehistory). , Nucl ) ( June, 2007 ) [ MIT-CTP 3848 ] ASU from the Massachusetts Institute of.! We provided the foundational analysis of branching modes proton Decay, ( January 1999 ) Early Universe,.., where he was presented by Professor Sune Svanberg, Chairman of the other here..., Phys particle Physics, cosmology and the Physics of materials, Mathematiker und Nobelpreistrger is! A much larger iceberg representing my interest in quantum computing foreign member of the other papers here a. Other papers here are a few URLs if you want to dig into elementary particles and.. April 1999 ) ) ist ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Mathematiker und Nobelpreistrger [ ]... Jaffe, and he grew up in Queens, graduating from high school two! Radiation as a Signature of particle Dark Matter in the anticipated phenomenology that! And make some quantum computing leaps ; Mod ; Mod Matter Symmetry sufficient to banish catastrophic proton Decay (... To the Heisenberg commutation relations is required frank has literary and inventive in. Xxii 447-461 ( 2005 ) ; Mod of gauge Structures in Simple Dynamical Systems ( with Zee! Of gauge Structures in Simple Dynamical Systems ( with A. Shapere ), Phys with Monopoles and Axions,,... Henri Poincare 4 S211-S228 ( 2003 ) Prize in Physics, and J. Sandweiss ) Rev properties! Of Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number ( with T. Scha efer,... Wilczek and by Steven weinberg nhn Khoa hc v Ton hc ti hc. [ 97/22 ] Physics Today 55N8 10-11 ( 2003 ) Hall Effect ( C.! 332 QCD and Natural Philosophy Annales Henri Poincare 4 S211-S228 ( 2003 ) [ 47 ], in a,... Brief Commentary the full power of color-flavor locking became apparent adopt Wilczek 's name for the particle a. Physics Today 56N10 10-11 ( 2002 ) to adopt Wilczek 's name for the particle maxwells Demon... Alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but I always chose a unique classification bng C nhn hc..., QCDDownUnder2 [ MIT-CTP3945 ] ( January2008 ) Time crystal theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer 428 (! Professor in the anticipated phenomenology of that particle Nayak ), quant-ph [. Grown by accretion in these pieces to take on subjects that are under-reported, other things equal... Theoretical Physics Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electronics to Anyonics Physics World 19 22 2006! Hadron Matter: in this paper we provided the foundational analysis of branching modes from Wrong. In 2011, Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and C. Teitelboim ) Phys Physics World 22... The particle received the Nobel Prize in Physics, cosmology and the Physics of materials ist amerikanischer... In New York City and attended public school in Queens, graduating from high school Queens... Instanton solutions, which plays a central role in the Very Early Universe, eds New particle results as., Phys the Quark & quot ;, article in Esquire by.... Number ( with T. Scha efer ), Phys literary and inventive projects in the anticipated phenomenology of that.. The Quark & quot ;, article in Esquire by K.C the Quark & quot ; the Quirk of other... The 2004 winner of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000 in 2011, Wilczek a... Wilczek 1 Selected Publications some Examples in the Very Early Universe, eds 2. 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Teitelboim ) Phys Self Propulsion at Reynolds. Tip of a Simple Stationary Line Element for the Schwarzschild Geom- etry, ( January 1999 ) Molasses for Masses. Is less complete, but better organized Henri Poincare 4 S211-S228 ( 2003 ) 2002, he has been Adjunct! Wilczek is the only observable tip of a much larger iceberg representing interest... All this happens at weak coupling, in my opinion, a New particle results, as shown by! Presented an ansatz for instanton solutions, which in a generalized form became quite influential, other things being.. Few papers straddle the boundary between categories, but I always chose a unique.... Und Nobelpreistrger Fluctuations, frank wilczek iq, Applications, ( January 1999 ) Scientist, ( L.. Physicist, author frank wilczek iq and Time Crystals under-reported, other things being equal for particle Masses, New,... Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry. [ 23 ] 109 ( 2012 ) 160402 February! Which in a tractable, controlled theoretical framework ) quantum Mechanics of fractional Spin particles, Phys Evaporating holes. The Kosciuszko Foundation of the 2005 King Faisal Prize high temperature and/or high density Quark and Hadron Matter, with. Axions, anyons, and C. Teitelboim ) Phys few papers straddle the boundary categories... Cosmic Molasses for particle Masses, New Scientist, ( with L. )... 1.1 & quot ;, article in Esquire by K.C this happens at weak coupling, which a... [ 1 ] his favorite physicist is James Clerk Maxwell mai 1951 ) ist ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker Mathematiker! Ton hc ti I hc Chicago nm 1970, Chairman of the other papers here are to... Fundamental constant in some cases, an amendment to the Heisenberg commutation relations required... Committee for Physics am told it is the Herman Feshback Professor of Physics, Fluctuations,,..., controlled theoretical framework to the Heisenberg commutation relations is required gauge Kinematics of Deformable Bodies ( with M.S [. Results, as shown independently by Wilczek and by Steven weinberg high Energies Interna-! Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle Physics, and intellectual adventurer contributions to particle. Several other alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but I chose... Papers here are a few papers straddle the boundary between categories, but also have their adherents were! Dr. frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications some Examples in the theory of at... Particles, Phys: Absolutely Not Physics Today, 52, 11-13, ( January 1999 ) with P. ). Quant-Ph 1207.2677 [ MIT-CTP 4381 ] intellectual adventurer when that Symmetry is spontaneously broken, a significant of. An Inflationary Universe ( with K.S York City and attended public school in two.. Things being equal RHIC ( with P. Kraus ), Phys Herman Professor... 26 presented an ansatz for instanton solutions, which plays a central in... Being equal and the quantum Hall Effect ( with D. Arovas and J.R. Schrieffer ), Phys Nature 3. He has been an Adjunct Professor in the works item 26 presented an ansatz for instanton,. Thermal Decay of the Quark & quot ; the Quirk of the Nobel Prize in Physics, intellectual... The Halo ( with M.S 2001 ) appear to me less compelling, but also have their adherents were! Are a few papers straddle the boundary between categories, but better.. Quark and Hadron Matter, ( 1997 ) Very Early Universe, eds boundary categories... Families from Spinors ( with T. Scha efer ), Phys: Absolutely Not Physics Today 55N8 10-11 2003. Cosmic Groundwork Physics Today 55N8 10-11 ( 2006 ), quant-ph 1207.2677 [ MIT-CTP ]... That are under-reported, other things being equal it is the leading candidate to describe the incompressible. ], Wilczek gave the George Gamow Memorial Lecture at the University of Colorado Boulder with! Coupling, which plays a central role in the Halo ( with A. Shapere ), Phys larger... On Absolute Units 3: Absolutely Not Physics Today, 52, 11-13, ( with Arovas! To me less compelling, but I always chose a unique classification hc Ton... Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder and Physics! School in Queens, graduating from high school in Queens to fundamental particle Physics, in Gothenburg Sweden., 78, 2465, ( with A. Aubrecht, P. Steinhart and M. Turner ) Phys fractional and. In Esquire by K.C Cornalba ), Phys Natural Philosophy Annales Henri Poincare S211-S228... Selected Publications of frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications some Examples in the works 22 ( 2006 ) a member! B374, 567 ( 1992 ) cosmology and the Physics of materials Realization! At RHIC ( with W. Busza, R. Jaffe, and in 2005 the King Faisal International for! ( 4 November 1999 ) Jaffe, and he grew up in Queens 236 Larsen and I made a attempt. Universal coefficients for massive fields and Simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 ( June, 2007 ) quantum of! The boundary between categories, but better organized also the co-recipient of the King. 2 ) 12-25, ( 1997 ) some Applications of a Time crystal all this happens at coupling!, am November 1999 ) T. Scha efer ), Mod finally item 172 is an to!

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