Listen to music from PseudoScorpion like Zenjin. You can find him on YouTube.An album called Pseudoscorpion by the artist Zenjin, it uses audio from alleged real CP footage, can be found through /x/ archives and p2p softwares, do not listen . something makes something illegal and goes to prison, someone else compiles audio to make an album (supposedly, idk never heard it or even knew about it until moth made this video) and now here we are. Pseudoscorpion Tangles With A Juvenile Cobweb Spider JustNature DOWNLOAD MP3. I looked into this Zenjin rabbithole and really wish I didn't, that was to my own discretion though. Cant wait for the new vids! agree, it's a very edgy concept to explore. Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls. 11:40. A better artist would have contrasted the audio of CP with the interviews talking about the abuse they went through. @Ichijou Miyamoto it's been well documented by scores of people. I recommend the Sword and Scale podcast if you want more Buyers Market type content, or maybe The Last Podcast on the Left if you want it with a lighter, more humorous tone. Dude this is the one thing that needs to stay lost and forever lost. this isn't your average gore video. But he will probably not deliver as always. 3K. It's very real.Good video though! You! Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. So unless someone links it to me, I view this as the anti-Saki Sanobashi: an interesting but bullshit story that I absolute do not made real. +18, EL BRUTAL FEMINICIDIO DE INGRID ESCAMILLA. Download Lagu Pseudoscorpion Mp3 dan Mp4 di gudanglagu123. i wont link to it at all, but its very easy to find. Found this small little crab tick scorpion thing today went to research, now I really wish I didnt. @sleep246 thanks man. I was on /mu/ and somebody posted two tracks off the album and it wasnt that bad, just some smacking and sucking sounds. Cheese Pizza isn't even that hard to find. Who is it meant to market to? Not everything one can create is art. Shots and audio we are suppose to believe that you got this info legitimately so I can get the audio and screen shot modify it and make a YouTube channel and repeat the same words as if I came across the album. Suggested videos:1. I have listened to this album, it does exist. The cover art is legit too. how about you consider chemical castration you pedo shit, you ever notice that the cases of people getting v& in Sup Forums (Mad Thad, for example) is when theyre specifically reported by people in real life. All right, been through the whole thing, it is CP audio, i delete it x) >Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, writing, film, video, and video games.>sound recordingwell I guess that settles it. Whitehouse and other artist from this part of harsh electronic music are rude to listen ahah .. are you sure that it's even legal to download this? If you watch a video with the album (imagine this) - you don't. Contact, Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick. @Jack That album was a commercially released retail product, doofusit's not illegal at all. If you think making a sequence of sounds out of already existing sounds is the worst thing anyone has ever done, you've got some issues. What would Peter Scully do if he were here right now? @Eric daniels Benavidez I'm actually both! I thought this lost album was some fake as there was no evidence, but thanks to you I found out its real thanks to this video.jesus christ, I wish it wasnt real, The opening sample in at 1:38 is from Buyer's Market by Peter Sotos. When did the whole "this is lost media" thing ever start? PseudoScorpion. Suggested videos:1. The album doesn't seem as lost as people think it is since there are people who have the entire thing downloaded and someone I talked to who listened to it told me some details like how the album is 7 songs and a tribute to the guy who made Daisy's Destruction, so much so that Zenjin sampled daisy's destruction in the last song titled, "Scorpion". What's the tracklist? 06:50. Rate Your Music is an online community of people who love music. @Yoshimi dude, your a youtuber not a musican. Is it a cultural thing? There's a lot of fucked up shock crap just on the surface web alone. We have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders. The YouTube account that uploaded it is named Zenjin (idk if it's really him or not) but the thumbnail is the full picture of the girl unfiltered. I'm curious but this time i won't let it get a hold of me. He got doxxed some time ago. I reported it to the admins, and they took care of it. Lole! Is there anywhere you can listen to this? Ignorance is bliss. i wont link to it at all, but its very easy to find. @Professor Putin I'd say if you DOWNLOAD it - you own it. Antennae: Absent. Can't believe you don't have more subscribers, your content is amazing! If you really did then tell me this. @Katie have you tried finding my other comment where I explained all what has happened? Everything I cover is pure speculation unless proven otherwise. Unfortunately I found a download link very easily (did not download though) just through looking at a deleted message on the top result when you search it. How is this gonna become lost media when its now being talked about if u wanna have lost media have this person who made this video take it down. wow, that's bizarre, btw can you tell me the name of the audio used in 1:53, Its the first Track Children off of Buyers Market by Peter Sotos. Reality can be worse than any fiction we could possibly fathom, and on occasion, it is. 565K. Hopefully theyre found one day, stumbled onto your channel and now im binging your vids!! I dont think I could listen to the album either given that just reading about or listening to accounts of child abuse makes me feel just disgusted and angry. Bernard Lucasi is his real name. @Oswald Green Granted that I haven't actively looked for it, but I have been using Soulseek for almost 20 years (it's not a site, but a P2P file-sharing program like Napster or Limewire) and never come across it. CloseIntel. This album is real, many people who listened to it explained the tracks like everyone else (even on the Spanish forum site), I personally dont want to listen to it, but know that the person who made this album was someone like Its called Sewerslvt or something like that, I dont know who they are mostly, but I guess I dont, the person who sampled (and how everyone describes it, its not real music, its just audio) disgusting real audio like this The stuff is not someone I even want to investigate. I love being a stripper. And it is illegal what law is it? Monsters is even an understatement. you should collab with plaguedmoth. Please go to >>>/random/ to view live content. Buyer's Market is the most disturbing thing I've ever listened to. [3] The largest known species is Garypus titanius of Ascension Island [4] at up to 12 mm (0. . @j maguire I dont know dude, some deserve irrevocable punishment when they commit irrevocable crimes. People of the communuty Zenjin, Petet Scully, etc arent even people. But I just don't see the [purpose of making something like this. @Christian Olson dude all the info bout this album is fairly consistent.I don't get why you don't believe that it's an actual CP album. I understand wrongful convictions, but when there is undeniable, video documented, and confirmed guilty confession proof to these heinous crimes, some people have gotta go. @Ballorby 777 I'm aLean Brother I saw one of his videos mention it and it's been seven months since I commented this so yeah, I know he knows. Everyone talks about the youtube mixtape version by corey, but nobody mentions how if you listen to the end you can actually hearstrange noises. I already said this . He's dead wrong. @Christian Olson dude all the info bout this album is fairly consistent.I don't get why you don't believe that it's an actual CP album. LOST MEDIA IS NOT media you can't remember the name of or only have vague memory of. @Yoshimi dude, your a youtuber not a musican. Its always amazing to me when people take offense because someone they perceive is judging. Yeah, Enigma. What artistic statement does it make? as much as one would like to discover this, it is NOT something I would actively look for, even for morbid curiosity - after all we are talking about potentially illegal material here and there are always possibilities of honeypots. Quien decidi mezclar entre en sus pistas fragmentos de audio de pornografa infantil. There's so much mystery surrounding it. I was searching for videos of actual crawly pseudoscorpions, but ended up herethis is a horrifying eye-opener and what a demented excuse for making musicWill keep vigilant, in case its real. road tire (red eye mix) 11 years ago. 1h 00. Put it back into obscurity. I really want to but finding the movies in any watchable format has been almost impossible. @CARrot IzGud thats been bothering me for days tbh. Peter Scully comes to mind. $3.49 . @Cody it's still around and like similar will never disappear. Hope a group finds the guy who made this. Wanna explain that? Can't believe you don't have more subscribers, your content is amazing! I googled "Zenjin", Zenjin music", "Zenjin Pseudoscorpion" and "Pseudoscorpion Album" and all I got was some Jazz musician (who definitely didn't make this) and this actual thread. I am the reason the Mediafire link is down. @Ichijou Miyamoto it's been well documented by scores of people. They spin disk-like webs of silk from silk glands located on their mouthparts. please help get that sickening trash off of youtube.Edit: It was taken down 7 hours after upload. this stupid language is much more disgusting . The world doesn't need this. I have used it to download most of the big mondo shockumentaries (except Traces of Gore. I can't find that anywhere) and the entire Guinea Pig series twice. Do you honestly think the more people know about this, the more they will get to finding him? Play. If they were trying to do a Buyer's Market rip-off, they would've used audio from adult victims giving interviews and testimony, and police reports. Yeah, lol. but with others he was like : not mine so idc what happens, this album is truly disgusting but you have to admit that it has a cool name. Damn, I went to the trouble and now the guy asking for it doesn't even want it. It actually is CP audio simulated or true one, i've no idea and I wont dig any further. But I just don't see the [purpose of making something like this. is running on IP address, host name (Osaka Japan) ping response time 14ms Good ping.. Last updated on 2023/02/26 wtf is wrong with these guys thats disgusting, some people have no empathy for others. The cover for the supposedly lost album "Pseudoscorpion" by the artist Zenjin. DeadCrystalChamber (resting cell remix) 11 years ago. I found another one called Buyers Market under the recs of this please teport it too. Book Scorpion Under Microscope 7-45x Pseudoscorpion . @Christian Olson Kinda weird that youre judging someone for not wanting to listen to human depravity chief. Did you ever think that maybe he's full of shit? Zenjin - Pseudoscorpion. This page represents several bands/musicians with the same name. He's dead wrong. Bear with me please)Extreme music fans? Read the rules and the wikis He's been wrong about alot of things like Dig Your Roots existing. It's a minor meme on /mu/. @ray H No, because its an irrevocable punishment. About a year ago, there was a line on it. Actually, it definitely wouldn't be. The worst thing of this shit is that is real, What the fuck does this album even sound like is it electronic, rap, experimental, noise, vaporwave, speedcore, I'm confused. weird seeing u here and yeah the album was around even on bandcamp a few years back. 2:25:55 1.8M The Zenjin album is just vile. tnx. It's practically conducive to it. However, I'm not really sure if someone could get in trouble for having it. I've been following this dark topic since 2018, and am happy it's getting finally getting some attention. Hey. ***CONTENIDO GRAFICO*** (Se recomienda discrecin). Abdomen is segmented, cigar- to tear-drop shaped, flattened and appears hard. @brotherbear30 not sure about illegal, but it definitely shouldn't be listened to. zenjin pseudodragon, allegedly an album some dude made with cp sounds. That's why I'm not going to download it of course although I don't think it's actually CP audioWhere did you find this? This album has always been accessible since it's creation, I don't get these comments saying "it should be lost", it's scarily easy to even find audio, some dude uploaded it to mediafire. Not just Pseudoscorpion. Its Pseudoscorpion by Zenjin. En Consecuences se escucha la conversacin de un hombre y una nia mientras sta escupe y vomita, posiblemente por causa del semen del hombre o un acto de coprofagia. it's basically CP audio. Someone post this to YouTube. I have just now stumbled across this mystery, morbid curiosity has a really strong hold on me with this one, everyone saying its the worst they have ever seen just adds to the fire, @Yoshimi I know I'm not the person who originally commented, but if it helps you, I have two possible links that I got in 4Chan, we can contact us if you want (sorry if my english is bad, i am not a native speaker). I did click on it but didnt watch it fully because stuff like that brings my anxiety up and overall its gross in general. I stopped investigating pseudoscorpion because I found everything and even listened it. something makes something illegal and goes to prison, someone else compiles audio to make an album (supposedly, idk never heard it or even knew about it until moth made this video) and now here we are. What artistic statement does it make? did kramer wear a wig on seinfeld. @ I disagree, I dont see it as any different from the reaction channels that take videos and add nothing to it and just sit there and watch videos that other people made lol, like i said if someone takes something and adds to it, then I'd agree its art however if they take something and just use it while adding 0 to it, that to me (in my own opinion of course) isnt art. This album would probably be the best argument for the death penalty if you support that. I think it would be art, and damn good art at that. The 400 km (249 mi Movies 1932 315 in) long Zenjin - pseudoscorpion zenjin - pseudoscorpion zenjin - pseudoscorpion zenjin I got banned for a whole month for asking about this album and whether or not it's legit Has 5627 been re-released!?! @Prince Aligorna funnily enough, soulseek was the exact place that I ran into the album being shared. Because I am almost 100% sure it's not legit CP, but fake bs. I first heard of this through the "internet urban legends" iceberg charts on Reddit and while I've never listened to it (and I'm never going to), I hope it stays suppressed. . I saw that there was 4 videos on youtube that had pseudo Scorpio and Im not sure if its the actual thing but i did report the videos and channel. I'm not a lawyer, but it's just audio clips, and I don't think that that's technically against the law. @brotherbear30 not sure about illegal, but it definitely shouldn't be listened to. @Ballorby 777 I'm aLean Brother I saw one of his videos mention it and it's been seven months since I commented this so yeah, I know he knows. Also you won't get banned for saying pseudoscorpion, It's an actual species. did kramer wear a wig on seinfeld. So unless someone links it to me, I view this as the anti-Saki Sanobashi: an interesting but bullshit story that I absolute do not made real. but fun fact, theres no music, no editing (other then the audio all placed together on an hour long album) so I fail to see how anyone (including you) could see this as art when its quite literally just cp audio from various videos all together on one media file and they havent added anything even remotely artistic or new to it, so I don't believe this counts as art, it would be like if you took the audio from a movie, and then just put it together in one big audio file, and gave it an edgy album name, and called it "art" its just bullshit and an excuse to traumatize people and get clout off of child suffering. >not Australian>idiotI'm pretty sure you have it backwards, you bogan. All i wanted to do is search for a scorpion that lacks a stinger but, thanks for this interesting video! Did he get the audio from someone else or the video directly? Period. Cheese Pizza isn't even that hard to find. 9 Strange and Unsettling Albums on the Internet. @vapor dreams Jesus Christ dude, I found it. Unfortunately I found a download link very easily (did not download though) just through looking at a deleted message on the top result when you search it. The Most Vile Album of All Time: The Mystery of Pseudoscorpion by Zenjin Yoshimi DOWNLOAD MP3. Why is there a solid gray van parked directly outside my house? They usually range from 2 to 8 mm (0.08 to 0.31 in) in length. BuongiornoPrincipessa . 305 views. Idk if this is real but it most likely is and Im not gonna fact check that out of fear of legal repercussions and loss of sanity. I can't even imagine what listening to this album would be like, if it truly exists. Can't tell if it's music, will make a "Review" of it with the name Pseudoscorpion in a few hours. Also, take into account that OP has made this thread five times IIRC in only the last day. Youre entirely correct. I'm not a pedo or anything, I'm just curious to the core and I must hear it, - Tinyboard + vichan + infinity + OpenIB -Tinyboard Copyright 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group vichan Copyright 2012-2014 vichan-develinfinity Copyright 2013-2022 N.T. Who is Zenjin pseudoscorpion - The album, which was always shunned, found itself out of control. But I guess your judging ABOUT others judging doesnt qualify. Your email address will not be published. . I found another one called Buyers Market under the recs of this please teport it too. TAHANAN/PARALUMAN ART TREND TUTORIAL (EASY), The lyrics can frequently be found in the. However that example that you gave with the movie audio is something I can defend. This shit isnt music. Tf I was looking for something about a bug called the psudoscorpien. I dont wanna have to shell out the money im gonna have to in order to get ahold of the films but I may have to. . I cant check because I dont have a computer that can use the program. Does anyone even know? Shit, you just get memes and pretentious guys calling you new gay. 0:00 - Teacher2:55 - Healthy7:42 - Tara11:29 - Assortment14:21 - Consequences21:56 - Pseudoscorpion25:56 - Scorpion It makes me sick to think wtf kinda sounds could be on that thing. Im starting a black metal band with the name of Pseudoscorpion, I guess that's one way to get traction to your page, i just wanted to look at pseudoscorpions what the fuck. It's more on the individual that created the album itself more than the listener, @CARrot IzGud any type of possession of cp is illegal, this includes audio, Someone posted it on the mu board, it does exist, I hated it obviously, The album is on youtube with the actually album cover, Lmao now Im getting recommended the actual buyers market, @Tormented tf? There is a video on YouTube that has the girl who is on the album cover in it, I'll come back, its 12:10am, I'll watch it around 3pm, bruh the video of the girl on the cover is up on yt and theres legit the link of the album n etc, Ok everyone says the same freakin thing same screen. Amante de lo macabro y oscuro, de lo absurdo y del humor negro. Zenjin and the people who make that kind of stuff are just sick and vile. good job you fucking faggots, have fun dropping the soap. Commit irrevocable crimes teachers pls own it be like, if it 's,! 2 to 8 mm ( 0.08 to 0.31 in ) in length thing i 've been following this topic. ( Se recomienda discrecin ) enough, soulseek was the exact place that i ran into pseudoscorpion by zenjin was... Quads in thread: candids preferred or in general called the psudoscorpien of me people! Watch a video with the interviews talking about the abuse they went through if it 's legit... 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