I went to see my doctors and both my general physician and ENT doctor had little knowledge about e-cig and the allergies it may cause. Systemic nickel allergy syndrome (SNAS) is a broader form of nickel SCD that affects much more than just the skin, with symptoms primarily associated with the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems, along with observations of headache, dizziness, fever, cystitis, and many symptoms consistent with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndromes. Another one thought: People that INCREASE mods over time are taking in a lot more vapor than the early starter kit they once had at first. Ive never had so many health problems until i quit. This means having two tanks (I have about 25 tanks but hey). Chamblee, GA 30341-3717. Now, this morning, my right eyebrow has started to itch! I keep getting canker scores on my tong and in my mouth painful. It may take repeated or prolonged exposure to items containing nickel to develop a nickel allergy. Four days later still having big problems feels like my throat is closing up. Though my symptoms arent as severe as some peoples, Im suffering with very itchy skin; arms, legs, front and back of torso. A few days ago I noticed I was getting itchy on ankles and arms, thinking it was bug bites until I noticed that the areas had formed puss & looked more like swollen rashes = Hives & and ALARM when red blood blotches started to appear !! The disease, called hard-metal pneumoconiosis or "cobalt lung," usually occurs when people inhale mineral dusts caused by metal grinding, said senior researcher Dr. Kirk Jones, a pathologist with . Its gotten so bad that I hoped it was lice, because Id know what to do to end this! I smoked for 30 years, and I truly dont want to go back. Stainless steel. A lot of people will try and poo poo it. How many continued with problem after? Think it must be down to the years I have been vaping and the amount, not had any now for 30 hours and already feeling better, might be pycosomatic but def feel better pains still there just not as bad if stopping gives me my life back without these crazy problems then good job. Or maybe the dryness of vaping exacerbates preexisting allergies? I started vaping to get off of oral tobacco (dipping). Damn! Instead, 5 days ago I cut alcohol, coffe, chocolate, and dairy (Im gluten intolerant and decided to try paleo AIP cause I was feeling like sh***). but for now Id would rather have to change my hair style than to go through nicotine withdrawals. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? I have been vaping about 3 to 5 ml per day at anywhere between 0 and 24mg. Better than lung cancer or emphysema. I too was checking my bed for bugs thiinking i must have scabies or bedbugs because of intense skin itching all over. So he knows his stuff, Im on steroids, antibiotics because I have a illness that lowers my immune system. Here are my symptoms. I was a touring dj for much of the last decade so I have spent many a night in smokey clubs and blasted by fog machines with no ill results. I stop smoking ecigs this year in janurary. No amount of topical creams or cortisone will calm it or make it go away. Ive been using e cigs for about 2 years now, and Im in agony with my stomach and throat, the acid I think has caused a stomach ulcer from the sharp pains Im getting and my throat feels like theres a lump in it all the time. I intend to give it one more go with an i clear 2. if symptoms persist i am preparing my mind to stop everything, at least that was my initial aim of switchig. What exactly is the deal with allergies and using NI200 wire to build coils?I can get light skin rashes from nickel belt buckles, but I don't feel anything bad from vaping with nickel coils, in fact I prefer it for building.However maybe I'm not looking for the right symptoms, so here's question: what are the symptoms, when someone's allergic to nickel coils? I am concerned about the PG effects. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Benadryl is helping for couple of hours. Also, we need to remember that liquid nicotine is POISON. I VE been happily vaping for over a year now,started of a light user then gradually increased the amount i was using it. If I lower the nicotine, the bumps go away. This was a while ago now so I assume the test came back clear otherwise they would have been in touch. When I vape a high nicotine I get a rash on my scalp it really itches and there are small bumps on my scalp. Anyway, swallowing problems, mucus buildup in throat, chest problem like heartburn feelings. I just started vaping with a new tank and a new flavor. Have a nice day. My wife said I was making my scalp bleed! And when you get sick from vaping remember us who did and your reply. Went to hospital, had exras done and the doc said I had no sign of emphasima or copd. I havent heard of any such allergies, at least not related to electronic cigarettes. Only mental symptoms and crazy ones. Juice: Mt baker Gwar German choc beefcake. I love vaping i hope some day there a liquid suitable for my condition, The same thing happened to me two times four days appart and all my went away about 6 hours but the dizzyness stayed for a day. The headaches are killer. Everyone knows the tobacco companies are adding more to keep people addicted. That mighmight just be from quitting smoking. Now Im at work started vaping this morning and just got hit w/ this unbelievable tiredness, Ive never did hard core drugs before but Ive seen people nodd out and thats the way I feel! hoarseness. I didnt realise it could ve the PG in the fluid. I took a puff off the ecig, that was it! Im trying different ecigs.i hav raised bumps.red .itchy. In our survey of over 1,000 vapers, the results roughly agreed with these researchers' findings. Been vaping two weeks. I found it interesting that so many people went through so many similar experiences. The top photo shows a positive patch test (on the left), after a patch containing nickel was left on the skin for 48 hours. It seems to me it is the amount of nicotine that u are vaping. For the sake of information, I'll point out as we did below that the application of temperature-protected vaping keeps the nickel below a point where it would be breaking down, and thus inhaled, at all. Who knows what is in it but when I switched to a cheap brand this started and the previous was pg as well. Never tried again. I have been ill for 2 months.really illas if I have a very bad cold that never goes away..burning nose..bad chest , cough..burning throat..have been to see a specialistdoesnt know why ! I have been vaping for 2 years and have recently had difficulty swallowing sometimes and an upset stomach often. from my mix to see if that helps before giving up on it all together. I had smoked for 55 years and was up to 2 packs a day. Apparently, the only thing to do now is just to quit all forms or smoking and see what happens to me now. Unlike immediate hypersensitivities (such as pollen, insect venom and most food allergies), the reaction in delayed type hypersensitivity occurs some time after exposure. If after everything has been checked I still have these symptoms Ill have to quit vaping cause theres one last factor to consider; Im allergic to Ragweed and nicotine is derived from tobacco which is in the Ragweed family. Because its labelled as low when in fact, even a few minutes a day toting on this low will introduce massively more nicotine into your system than a heavy smoker puffing away at 40 a day. I just cut ecig as of now. A severe form of nickel allergy called systemic nickel allergy syndrome can also cause headaches, fatigue . Heart and circulation: Chest pain, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. So itchy it is driving me crazy!!!! I was convinced I had a sinus infection. What most vapers dont know is that the wide majority of flavorscome in a base of propylene glycol, so even though its advertised as 100% vegetable glycerin, it can still contain various amounts of PG and cause allergic reactions. But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and even some . Rob, Im no doctor, but if you really have hives all over your chest, what you need to do is stop using e-cigs immediately, at least so you can confirm its the PG thats causing them. Have tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide and using CB12 mouthwash, but to no avail. I vape zero nic.also the minute I stay vapingi get a runny nose. In: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice. Nicotine overdose is a very serious medical condition characterized by headache, nausea, dizziness, accelerated heartbeat and sweating. Thinking about going to the er. I thought I was doing a great thing but I have been tired, really tired especially in the mornings, I dont sleep well (I vap while watching tv at night! Boo hoo. It seems physical reactions are an elephant in the room that people seem to want to ignore I think because the symptoms are quite varied. After 2 days the itching subsided. Such a shame. Do we know, precisely, what is the metallurgical composition of these heating coils? Thanks. And if not, then you shouldnt be implying that cigarettes fixed all of your problems, because thats what these cult cigarette companies want you to tell people. Easy as that sounds, discovering the cause can be difficult . I ordered from a Canadian sell gentlemens reserve british columbia grbc.co and for about a year I had no problems. I am an occasional cigar smoker who started vaping about a year ago because I was finding my smoking frequency increasing and hoped that vaping could provide a relatively safe alternative. An allergy specialist who was also a bio chemist suggested that it may be a chemical toxicity issue allergy and recommended I take glutathione. I will post a reply after I get my products in a few days and have had a chance to see if its made a difference. 70vg/30pg cuttwood flavor juice for about 1 year. Why only american? I stopped vaping when it finally hit me. Thanks internet =O) Its possible the Eliquid was getting on to my skin by being on my hands or cloths but my whole body would flare up not just a small area wher the liquid may have made contact. Classic nic overdose symptoms. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. Anyways here is my problem with the attack on PG. I'm gunna give a build a go though. the day after I started I woke up with red splotches and canker sores on the sides of my tongue. Ive tried all that. I feel so much better being off the ecig but I am certain it was a reaction to PG. Recently the rash has extended to my chest and arms so I started thinking about what changes Ive made in my diet and such. PG free? the only thing that haelped at least the hives was clariton /with the decongest I reckon we all react to things different. not sure if over time it became a problem or vendors changed stuff. The varieties we use are all 8-12% nickel, it's one of the better corrosion resistors to add to the alloy. I hope you are all feeling better. It gets hectic until I drink an anti histamine. No blood test problems and they checked for EVERYTHING. My insurance offers incentives to quit like a decreased premium payment, gift cards to help with certain products for quitting, etc. Who knows what other side effects we are having, but dont know it yet. I mix my own juice with pure ingredients from a reputable lab based in the USA. I wake with a massive swollen tongue and its pretty scary. I through out the e cigs last night. About a month ago i started getting sore eyes,head aches,general grogginess.I couldnt work out what was causing it so basically just ignored it.Then came the rashes, on my face,back and hands.Went to the doctor and he said it was an allergic reaction to something.So the process of elimination started,i exercise,eat and sleep well,generally a healthy person and i hadnt added or changed anythjing part of my lifestyle.This is my 3rd day without vaping and my rashes have pretty much gone,eyes dont feel sore and no headaches.Im convinced this is no coincidence.Although this is excellent i can feel my nicotine cravings starting to kick in and wonder how long itll be before i pick up a pack of cigerettes. i enjoy ecigs havtried all kinds of vg to pg.same reaction. I went to see my doctor at some point. Has anyone found a solution ? Diane me too. What I can smoke isnt legal yet. ), along with gastrointestinal . Ive had exactly the same symptoms your sister had. I drink a lot of water seems to help. I fit really isnt happening for you, dont go back to analogues. Interesting comments.. Have you done the maths to correlate amount of e liquid vaping per day compared to the nicotine intake from tobacco cigarettes? And this is what continues to plague me.. The crazy thing is I wasnt a smoker, I just started dragging on my wifes e cig next thing she bought me one which was cool but now I am so hooked its insane. Make sure theyre quality liquids from American vendors who only use quality, American ingredients. Then I started making the connection with e-cigs I stopped smoking them, went back to ordinary cigs, and the improvement was gradual but dramatic over a few weeks. A lot of people have it but ignore it. So all do be careful just how much nic you are taking in,and also check your gear as well as sometimes you can get leaks which can put juice right into your mouth and it is so unpleant. Common items that may expose you to nickel include: Some extremely sensitive people may be affected by nickel-containing foods. The following tips may help you avoid nickel exposure: Avoid jewelry that contains nickel. Funny, I still carried on vaping. It stung when I first started I was told it would stop. Within 12-24 hours after I ingest a food containing high . And also the jaw/cheeks feel stiff. If Im vaping for the ritual and taste (both of which I love) I use zero. Humans can become allergic to various things at any point during their lives, so even if youve been happily puffing on your e-cig for months, even years, you can start to experience all kinds of bizarre symptoms. The rest of the night I had very little sleep and awoke with swollen eyelids and a very itchy rash on my hands, palms and thighs. I had that motherfucker cleaned so bad it was close to animal abuse! It cleared up once, I started mixing my own vape from what I was told was organic flavorings(extracts and concentrates) I broke out exact same way same places but little worse..looked at the small writing on bottles that were labeled most Capella flavorings taste great but use PG to extract the flavoring, other companies clameing organic use acetone (nail polish remover) to extract the flavor. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. Raised, puss filled bumps that itch incessantly. I grabbed my ecig and just sat there thinkingwhat has changed in my life? Well I never had any itchy problems or any problems I have mild asthma. Alarm bells have begun to ring. Nickel allergy or nickel allergic contact dermatitis (Ni-ACD) is a form of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by exposure to the chemical element nickel. I just have to cut back my vaping and eventually, all nicotine. He suspects something else new in my diet or lotion or perfume. ITCHY IN MA PLEASE TELL ME IF ANYONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS HAVE 4 MONTHS CIG FREE. Contact dermatitis. My left arm went numb and achy and I was getting increasingly overanxious to the point that I thought I was having the first stages of a heart attack(Im 44 years young btw). I also have read of people with nickel allergy can use nickel to vape with. stop vaping , go to patchesif you can Any advise other than quitting all together? We have doctors use them dont diagnose off the internet. Highly sensitive skin to anything and everything. Two weeks in I started noticing what looked like mosquito bites around my ankles! Have you noticed any improvement on your rash? Also: my sleeping has been horrendous. I smoked jc classics Canadian made product. I was smoking health cabin RY4 8mg PG, joyetech blueberry 8mg and joyetech grape 8mg, both PG, switching between the 3, using an ego one mini and going through maybe 4-6ml a day, it leaked a lot so not all of that was vaped. What's new. studky02 8 yr. ago. Quite scary so have stopped using ecig last night and wondering how long it will take to feel normal again I have After few weeks have suddenly starts burning itchy skin especially on arms and legs, faint dry wheeziness and a bumpy rash on my neck. I still believe in this product and hope i will find more suitable vg juice !! I thought pg was the problem went to vg not nic or flavor was ok for a wile. Forgot to mention in my post, that it is now two weeks since I cut back on my vaping and I am just beginning to feel a bit like my old self again, but it is really tuff going though, I often wonder how some people can quite smoking with ease, wile others like my self struggle like hell with it, I am going to try my very best to become totally smoke free. Im still staying with Nature Finest Organic, just got my order will have to wait on my face and mouth to heal. Guides & Tutorials . I quit e cig and it all stopped. So its day 6 and rashes / tingling / itching have gone. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It seems that the additives (flavors) are not regulated and seem more dangerous than nicotine, I am experiencing sores on the corner of my whenever I vape tried different flavers but with no nicotine, i cough if I vape with. I had scratched so hard that it bled. I quit vaping altogether, threw away my TopBox Mini, ending my short and sweet but painful journey with vaping. I started keeping a distance from him and not allowing him anywhere near the bedroom! Ordered organic vg but after reading this thread am ditching it altogether. If I peel my clothes or the sheet off, I get chilled from the sweat. Nicotine is freaking dangerous, back to smoking I guess. I started having the same issues started about 3 weeks ago. Some tips for successful vaping: My problem is shortness of breath, when walking. Thinking I was doing my body good. My gums are bleeding horribly puffy soars in my mouth to me it looks like my gums are dimensions this is so very scary I know its from ecigs. I am not a smoker but my husband is. Good luck to everyone, I really wish you all well and hope you find the will power. I have had an itchy rash on my body, dizziness, heart palpitations and badly itching scalp followed by severely thinning hair., lack off appetite and sinus problems. Burning on tongue and roof of mouth. I feel like I poisoned myself for over a month and it freaks me out. If youve been using high-nicotine juices intensively, switch to 0% e-liquid immediately, and if your general health keeps deteriorating its imperative you seek medical help as soon as possible. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Also, at the same time my hair started to get very oily just one day after shampoo .. looked like I bathed in baby oil! FU propylene glycol antifreeze shit. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. doesnt mean its from e-cigs. Been vaping over 4 years now have always loved it as believed it was not affecting my health in any way. Feb 7, 2015. Hope it is not. I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. I had shortness of breath, feelings of nausea, phlegm in my throat causing coughing, dizziness, etc. Bit confused whether the react in is nicotine overdose or allergy to componant in the juice tho . I actually thought it was the pain pills i am on that were faulty. Some of these comments seem very questionable. One year of denying my bodys reaction of itchy burning skin, itchy nose, scalp itchy with sore breakouts. It needs to be taken seriously so that we can be honest and admit that their are some health issues that need to be dealt with and the conversation will push people into coming up with different safer chemicals that dont give you e cig poisoning. Dry patches that look like burn marks. Started vaping June 2014 w the V3 eGo Spinner using various flavoured e-liquids from VapeShop of 9-12mg of nicotine, 30 % VG / 70% PC All was well the first 3 wks. Thanks for your time. I have two young kids, a husband and a fast pace job.. I have been seeing a dermatologist who has been giving me steroid ointmet, and finally Prednisone and during Afterall, these things are made in China. Hi LS, I have an online sterling silver jewelry store. And my sleep pattern, too, has changed. Im sure there are no bed bugs sleeping with me and sure they could not have been insect bites. Im a real bitch without my nicotine fix. Ive had the exact same thing. Ive gone to the dermatologist and he has no idea. Quit for real or smoke the real cigs. around this time I did up to 18m Menthol? Who knows whats in a lot of them? You are having an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol. Vaping can also irritate your lungs, making current allergies worse, and agitating asthma. Absolutely the same here, I have been having hives like reactions all over my body. Im wearing singlets to not aggravate my neck area. I use a mod box with 0.4mg ice mint vape all day sometimes. I stopped. Maybe, when the heating elements are activated, they are releasing metal vapours which, when inhaled, are causing some, many, or most of these reactions. Im experience bad taste in mouth tounge problems loads phlem and problems swallowing and at the back of my throat it can get saw! Thank you for sharing. I hope others here can find the will power to stop as this is not worth it. Neck,face and chest. I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. If theres no improvement several days after lowering and ultimately eliminating PG, you may be experiencing a nicotine overdose or an allergy caused by artificial flavorings and other added chemicals. I am unsure of how to treat them and I cannot get people not to vape around me. Its ecig poisoning. Look for safer substitutes for common nickel-containing items: If you have to be exposed to nickel at work, creating a barrier between you and the nickel may help. It keeps me up, and its so sore from scratching. You cab quit vaping. I order mine from California or seattle. Pardon my language but vaping has become straight fucky for me. 3. However now they are nearly inescapably and if caught indoors with people vaping I often end up with a sever reaction. I looked this up when I got home and it mentioned nicotine in the Wikipedia article. Certain factors may increase your risk of developing nickel allergy, including: Working with metal. The damn acne. I hope I can just quit and be ok, but Im really nervous. My wife and I have smoked standard cigarettes for so many years. I dont want to go back to smoking, anyone any ideas. (24 days so far)I have same symptoms(itchy nose.ears and burning in corner of eyes and eyebrows) Only strange thing is that they showed up before i started to vape so i suspect its not inhaling itself that is the problem but contact with the secondhand vape on skin if i can call it like that!! Todays news accelerated ones beliefs thay there hasnt been sufficient testing. But now Im freaking out because I have nothing! I would love to hear from anyone having similar problems. I am at 24 nicotine still but dont smoke anymore. Don't confuse your sore throat with tobacco withdrawal. Its turned me into a downright rottereveryday I wake up and smoke my vape and just shit the bed doing nothing. I saw my doc today and he diagnosed me as having Hyperhidrosis. It felt like I rolled in a bed of fibreglass! Ive been vaping for 2 years now and felt like **** ever since tired, VERY FOGGY and 0 motivation to do anything. You are having an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol. I have also been getting a weird sound loss in on of my ears once a week on and off also. So needless to say, all that fear from my childhood came back and hit me! Its too bad, I was really hopeful for these e cigs. Im prone to eczema, so I just chalked it up to that at first. Are you vaping on nickel coils? Is there something that a doctor could test for and something like allergy shots that I could get? Started vaping in Jan/14. I get a eczema type rash on face and scalp line if I vape constantly. Or last results buying bag is sugar free suckers. Initial banging headaches which came first week of vaping stopped. Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. Have two young kids, a husband and a new tank and a new tank a. Because Id know what to do to end this no idea on of my causing... Our survey of over 1,000 vapers, the results roughly agreed with these researchers & # ;! Include: some extremely sensitive people may be a chemical toxicity issue allergy and recommended i take.. 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