Iceland's first cat cafopened at Bergstaastrti 10a in central Reykjavk on the 1st of March 2018. Its that time of the year again, and high time to talk about cats. Bubbi found a new home after starring in Keeping Up With the Kattarshians. I'd suggest you keep the name of this winter god in mind, should you happen to have a winter catthough I'm hard pressed to think of just what a winter cat might be. And in plural that's Kettir, Ketti, Kttum and Kattar. We have special categories for dogs, cats, exotic pets, and house pets. Or you can alwaysgo horse riding, dog sledding or whale watching! Odin realized the importance of Mimir, god of wisdom, so he cast a spell over the decapitated head which brought it to life. Frida A Nordic word from the Viking age meaning peace. Magnus A powerful name in Iceland meaning great. Icelandic names have evolved, though, too and now families are free to use matronymic (mother's) names as well as patronymic names if they so choose. A strong Norse name meaning swordblade. A post shared by Pl Dnielsdttir (@pal.the.mousekeeper). Like many folklorists of his generation, Bjrnsson has been a proponent of healthy skepticism when confronting folktales, folk beliefs and supposedly old customs. Icelandic names mostly follow a patronymic system, which means the father's name is used as a surname. In Icelandic tradition, Jon is a name that means God is gracious. The punishment was converted to lifelong exile in Copenhagen, where Klemus died in 1692. The island nation saw significant advancements in literature, theology, governance, and law during this time. Learn how to subscribe by visiting their website. TIWAZ (TEE-wahz; Male): If your cat is a "Courageous Cat", consider the name Tiwaz. In Reykjavik, cats roam with impunity, eating elves and puffins, and how better to honor a cat's natural state of being (i.e., stuffed with elf meat) than a good Icelandic name? One of "Yggdrasil's" three prominent roots taps into the flowing spring of Mimir, the god of wisdom and guardian of the waters which were the very source of that wisdom. Not exactlly the strong kind of character you'd expect from an earth goddess. Birkir means birch tree in Iceland. Alfdis means Goddess or divine woman. Learn all about cat spotting, and Iceland's most famous kitties here! When you visit Iceland, you dont have to be a cat person to appreciate the fondness many of us have for our feline friends. Hekla is a female Icelandic name that means cloak. A lot of Scandinavian names have medieval roots. This meant that he controlled the winds that determined whether a ship's voyage would be successful or not. Types of ghosts, such as tburur, mri and skotta, are described with short readable text and vividly portrayed in the illustrations. As far as the Yule Cat is concerned, he is associated with a special group of supernatural beings. Parents have to meet certain rules of gender, grammar, and meaning to save the child from embarrassment in future. The cat appears as the pet of the Yule lads at least since the middle of the 20th century. Ylfa is a female Icelandic name for wolf. This is the most beautiful name on this list. His main source was Jn rnasons collection of folklore and folktales, slenzkar jsgur og fintri (Icelandic folk- and fairy tales) first published in 1862 and republished by the Historical Society in 1929. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); You're on your own) Even many of her personal traits seem cat-like. Another cool-sounding common name in Iceland. When picking a name for your new feline friend, consider the personality that you think your cat has. Have you had an experience related to the contents of this article? The Vikings were revered for being protectors. Icelandic people are known for their rich storytelling, Icelandic horses, and Icelandic cats! Its pronounced snoo-thur. This is the Scandinavian version of Michael, and it means someone who is like God. While Bjrnssons conclusions listed above come from his History of Days, this idea was first put forward in his book jlaskapi (In a Christmas Spirit) published in 1983 and other works. why not give this name to a seafood loving cat? Join Your Friend in Reykjavik on our Cattastic Walking Tour of downtown Reykjavik. When Oluf Jnsson grows up and has children of . In Scandinavian folklore, witches and wizards often conjure up a creature called troll cat using various disgusting ingredients such as dead mens nails and bones to do their bidding. You know the Christmas Cat, That cat was enormous. Mosfellsbaer A town in Iceland that makes for a cool name! There are a number of stray cats in Reykjavik, and these cats are often referred to as the Cats of Reykjavik. "She works hard at hunting mice, so there was never any question that she should get her own employee card. Viktor is the Scandinavian form of Victor. Nikita, Bengal Cat. The climax of the ceremony was none other than a good old fashioned human sacrifice performed by the frenzied men in drag. In mere seconds Logi consumed his food, the leftover bones, the plates, and at last the table itself. Elvar is a name that means elf warrior in Iceland. The person who illegally holds the place of another person. Anna Most common female name in Iceland. Ticks & Gremlins | Join our weekly hand curated newsletter to have all the latest news from Iceland sent to you. Reykur at first was thought to be a male, but turned out to be female. Here are some more popular lists of cat name ideas for you to browse: Image credits Photo by Sandra Kapella on Unsplash, Your email address will not be published. Giljagaur (Gully Gawk) - 13th December The second was Gully Gawk, gray his head and mien. And pity the fool who would take one of these horses for his own use. Means cant be bothered, the meaning is not ideal but it sounds good to say and no one will know! Join our weekly hand curated newsletter to have all the latest news from Iceland sent to you. Want to learn more about the cats of Iceland, real and made-up? Svanhildur is another old female Icelandic name that means swan. This isn't the only fascinating marker of Icelandic names people who live in Iceland have to choose from a pre-approved list of first names for their babies, too. 11. They would carry on with this revelry for the entire evening. It gets cold in Iceland and its important to stay warm. At PetPress we love our pets of all shapes and sizes. That is until Loki decided it would be funny to shave her bald. A festival involving some form of performance where the saint arrives with a cat-like demon on a leash, might have been celebrated in Oddi in medieval times. Ljot is an Icelandic female name for someone who fills everyones life with light. Jn, Sigurur, Gumundur, Gunnar, and lafur are some of the most popular Icelandic names of males. Pl is a two year old feline, born in the town of Selfoss in South Iceland in 2016. Like her counterparts, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, and Ishtar, she concerned herself with sex and all that goes with it. In her 2011 article in Museum Anthropology Review entitled Traditional Culture: How Does It Work?, American folklorist Dorothy Noyes notes that traditional folklore is designed for continual recycling and repurposing as well as for ease of transmission. Grla and Leppali | The Parents of the Icelandic Yule Lads, Cafs in Reykjavk | A Guide to Icelandic Coffee Culture. We hope that are our audience wants to support us so that we can further develop our podcast, hire more writers, build more content, and remove the advertising on our platforms. Unless your cat has been fixed you're going to have to put up with some pretty annoying behavior. Cats and Christmas seem like a couple perpetually entangled in a love-hate relationship. This cat is owned by the parents of Iceland's 13 santa clauses, Grla and Leppali. Sometimes the unfortunate ones were said to do the cat or be taken by the cat which leads Bjrnsson to conclude that the Yule cat was a figure of speech that rnason may have misinterpreted as a monster. A bun, but I think its a cool-sounding word. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Photo with permission from Spottai Ktt When importing a cat to Iceland, you will need to quarantine it for 4 weeks on arrival. Canine Skin February 28, 2022, 1:30 am. Whatever its origins, after the publication of Jlin koma in 1932, the cat was firmly established as part of an old Icelandic pantheon of Christmas beings for generations of Icelanders. Artina is another spelling of the name Artice. It's well reported that Thor loved to eat. The Yule cat had in the 1970s become part of Christmas decorations in Icelandic homes, just like the Scandinavian Christmas goat which is now primarily known as a traditional decorative figure made of straw. For more cat name inspiration,check out our other guides! A playful and active one? In November 2018 a new Christmas decoration appeared in the centre of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. A name given to the lady of love, beauty and death. Scandinavia is home to some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth and Iceland is no exception. The name is taken from the Biblical name Jhannes and is the Icelandic version of John. Do you want to know more about this subject? The text is designed both for audio guidance and as preparatory material for guides. It was launched in September 2020. an article in the Icelandic Antiquarian Society Yearbook of 1989, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Menu | The logic is probably that cats are common as domestic animals; they are also nimble and quiet enough to steal into buildings and chambers. NANNA (NAH-nah; Female): Nanna the Earth goddess was said to have been imported from the Middle East. Perla, photo with permission from Spottai Ktt. News from Iceland, What to do and see, local travel tips and expertise. She notes that there are many cat-like monsters in Icelandic folklore, although they are not associated with Christmas in particular, and that similar beings are also found in Scotland and Ireland. Both have 3 different colours, white, black, and yellow/red. This is none other than Jlaktturinn the Christmas Cat of Iceland. This name is similar to Hermes in Greek tradition. Heavenly combatant who always battle for Gods sake. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; His colleague at the National Museum of Iceland, archaeologist Gumundur lafsson, criticised this argument in an article in the Icelandic Antiquarian Society Yearbook of 1989. On one hand, there is almost nothing more adorable than have a cat lie cozily either on your lap, or next to the hearth, with a brightly lit Christmas tree standing by. lafsson also mentions the Icelandic cycle of folktales involving Smundur the learned (1056-1133), who was a priest of the church of Oddi (which was dedicated to Saint Nicholas), and his dealings with the Devil. Gulfoss A majestic waterfall located in Iceland. Whether you live in Iceland, are interested in the history and culture of Iceland, or just simply want to give your cat an interesting and unique name this list of Icelandic cat names will have what youre looking for! If you're not only a fan of Iceland's cats but all animals,be sure to read up on the Icelandic horse, the Arctic Fox, birdlife in Icelandor seals in Iceland. But it was Elli who did the teaching that day. But cats in Icelandcome in all colours and sizes. Everybody knew he hunted men But didn't care for mice. Checkout these names and their meanings below. Some of the most popular breeds are Norwegian Forest Cats, Siberians, Himalayan, and other cats that tolerate the cold well. Armann means messenger. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind while you are considering names for your furry friend: Making sure your pet's name is easy to say will make life much easier for you and your pet. However, in order not to be eaten by the Icelandic Christmas Cat all you really need is to get some new item of clothing before Christmas, even if it's just one pair of socks, or even just one sock! Contact us today to book your spot! The origin of Grla is almost as obscure as the Yule Cat's, but it is apparently rooted in the . On a similar note, Sunna also refers to someone who brightens peoples day. Means little devil, which will be very appropriate for some boy cats. lafssons hypothesis is that the Yule cat may have originated as one of Saint Nicholas followers in Catholic times, when the patron saint of travellers and fishermen was popular in Iceland, as demonstrated by the many churches dedicated to him. A modern Icelandic boys name is sure to be rare and unique as it could be a new addition to the naming register. Knut Strompdal (18811954) once recorded a story, collected from Vefsn and Smma in Norway, that a Finn takes the form of a huge black cat to inquire after the family of Johan Benedikson, a hire-hand in Lofoten. The top 5 most common Icelandic names for women are Gurn, Anna, Kristn, Sigrur, and Margrt. When importing a cat to Iceland, you will need to quarantine it for 4 weeks on arrival. She was quite fond of cats, by the way. Today the English version of the name Tiwaz ("Tiu"), is preserved in the word "Tuesday". All Rights Reserved. So there you have it a list of some of the most popular Scandinavian cat names. If youre looking for a unique name that will make your kitty stand out from the rest, there are plenty of Nordic cat names that might be perfect for your kitten! For instance, she always wore a brilliant jewel studded collar symbolizing her authority over the fiery aspect of sexuality. Some of the spottings are just of the users' cats when they've dressed up. Pick a name that is unique and creative such as "Paprika" or "Tiger Lily." Your email address will not be published. Speaking about famous cats - There's also the immensely popular reality TV show called Keeping Up With the Kattarshians(or Catarshians)in Iceland. It will also be easier to distinguish them from every other cat with the same name at their vet or when meeting new furry friends. Enjoy! Actually she was the cause of a nasty rivalry between the brothers Baldur and Hoder who both were smitten by her charms. Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. It has more than 7 thousand members and is updated daily with pictures of exploring cats, often spotted doing something questionable (such as shopping in stores after closing hours, or hiding within people's cars or closets). Not only was he unable to move her, but Elli actually brought the god down upon one of his knees. Follow us or one of our many popular group boards: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. But that's ok, we allow all genders and non-genders in our family. Photo with permission from Spottai Ktt. So, whether hes a Hgni or a lady La, one Kttur (or Ktt or Ketti or Kattar) or many Kettir (or Ketti or Kttum or Kattar), cats here say mj- mj (or meow-meow to you! window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); This name has a beautiful meaning, Freyja being the goddess of love and fertility. The names of the 13 Yule Lads that most Icelanders know today are all derived from that poem. sbjrn m Icelandic Icelandic form of sbjrn. They are used in various combinations. Pl has the awesome responsibility of being the Mousekeeper at Fosshtel at Hellnar village on Snfellsnes peninsula. One tale describes an eating contest between Logi and the trickster god, Loki. Skari, Norwegian Forest Cat. NORDIC-GERMANIC. Cooking and eating children is a common trait of witches, of course. Don't worry, we won't spam you. These cats have gained quite some fame, with people posting pictures on social media when they see them, others feed them, and theyre somewhat of a tourist attraction. Today, as the museum describes, the Yule lads are: Sheep-Cote Clod: He tries to suckle yews in. These are both female forms of Christian, which means follower of Christ. Icelandic names are a great way to make your furry friend feel special and unique. Brandr, which means sword, is another one of these names. Sindri is an Icelandic male name that means he who sparkles. We have a specific Icelandic breed as we do with our sheep and horses. They are always hideous, inhumanly strong, lustful, and cannibalistic. A feminized form of the name Eric meaning someone who rules the world. Pl is a rare female version of the popular male name Pll, while the last name Dnelsdttiris a patronym, which translates as "The daugheter of Dneiel." Finnur This name references another Scandinavian country. Chart | Vaccinations eir sletta skyrinu sem . Proudly made in Reykjavk City. Norwegian forest cats are large for domestic cats: the females generally weigh 3.5 - 4.5 kg (7.7 - 10 lbs), while the males are between 5.5 to 7.5 kg (12 - 16.5 lbs). There it is called an evil beast (vttur) that would either eat those who got no new clothes for Christmas, or steal their Christmas bit (jlarefur; an extra portion of food given to the residents of the farm). Jhannes poems about the Yule lads, Grla and Leppali, and the Yule cat, became an instant classic, defining Icelandic Christmas folklore for generations. Become a member to get ad-free access to our website and our articles. It will eat old and young alike, but only those who havent yet received new clothes. Embla is an Icelandic name drawing upon Norse Mythology. WELAND (VAY-lahnd; Male): Like the Greek god Hephaestus, Weland was the god of blacksmiths and metal working. Puffin Small, cute birds that are commonly seen in Iceland. Gunnar Another popular name that I think sounds cool. Photo with permission from Spottai Ktt. Kari is a gender neutral name with different meanings for each gender. For some reason she is also the goddess presiding over a horse cult that practiced a magic said to transform women into horses so they could indulge in wanton sexual escapades. An internationally friendly name for a boy is Ari, which means eagle and Karitas for a girl, which means love. Obviously a name for a wise old cat. The one who is having a quick and penetrating intelligence. var alS = 2021 % 1000; The parents, the mother especially, likes eating naughty children. They are in bloom and visible almost wherever you drive aro, In my search for turf houses around Iceland, I visited Snautasel, which is a rebuilt turf house on Jkuldalsheii heath in the highland of Iceland. By all accounts Odin was a selfish, aristocratic snob, famous for reneging on treaties, and prone to unpredictable bouts of extreme wrath. Freyja is the goddess of love in Norse mythology. Bjarki - Means 'bear cub' which works well for cats that resemble little bears. var ffid = 2; NJORD (nee-YORD; Male): Njord belonged to the Vanir family of gods who were perpetually feuding with that other family of gods, the Aesir. Essential Considerations, Why Do Cats Rub Their Faces On Corners? Flki - Old Norse word meaning 'tuft of hair'. If, however, you happen to have a male cat, why not try-. For more naming ideas take a look at these Norse names for boys or these Nordic names for girls. In a ula (a sort of rhymed verse) attached to Snorri Sturlusons (11791241) Skldskaparml (Language of Poetry), Grla is named alongside other troll-women. An expert on medieval religious drama and mumming/guising traditions in Northern Europe, Gunnell has led the folkloristics department of the University of Iceland for many years. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-petpattern_com-medrectangle-3-0'; These lines are from the poem Jlaktturinn (The Yule cat) by the Icelandic poet Jhannes r Ktlum. Depill, Coco and Tsuki have a loving home in Reykjavk, photo with permission from Spottai Ktt. Despite its small size, Iceland is known for its forests and scenic beauty. However, his cult engaged in wild rituals wherein the men would all dress in women's clothing for a night of crazed dancing. Emily Walker You can also experience this as a private tour. The cats you'll see out and about all have loving homes, and are simply allowed to explore the relatively safe streets of Reykjavk. Elsewhere he mentions that figures of devilish animals appear in traditional performances around Christmas, where people dress up in animal skins with animal masks. What is your spirit Animal? It later turns out she, too, was a princess under a curse that could only be lifted by doing a good deed that had never been done before. Happy and bright person who is studious natured, God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers. This is reflected in the names Icelandic parents choose for their daughters. Adalstienn - Splendid Stone - Destined for a Life of Kindness, Compassion, and Happiness 2. 6216 people in Iceland are named Gurn, making it the most popular name of all. (translation by Hallbergur Hallmundsson) To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Freyja was the daughter of Njord, god of the sea. After all, a big and mighty god like that is bound to have a ravenous appetite. Along the way, you will also get the chance to check out Reykjavik Pond and the Einar Jonsson Sculpture Garden. Bjarki Means bear cub which works well for cats that resemble little bears. Mrtudttirs status takes this as a clear example of how the city is willing to spend money on decorations that attract people to the commercial city center, while ignoring the situation of less fortunate citizens. lafsson finds a direct reference in the duivekater, a Dutch Christmas bread, and lussekatt, a Swedish pastry. HODER (HOE-der; Male): Hoder was once a great archer, that is, before he became blind. According to legends, the Christmas or Yule Cat is a monstrously huge black cat that only appears at Christmas Eve, when little children are sound asleep, dreaming of the glitter of the Christmas Tree and what marvellous gifts lie under it. Precious as a gem and valuable as a jewel. The spread of Christianity is an important part of Scandinavias cultural history. var cid = '6604706025'; These names are elegant and stylish, and they're sure to make your cat stand out from the crowd. Even Odin himself sacrificed one of his eyes for the privilege of sipping from the waters of wisdom. Njord was the god of the sea and of shipping also. When the couple moved to Hellnarthey took Pl with them. Gluggaveur. I KNOW. I myself have owned a cat, a pitch black male that had the name Moli. In the book Jlin koma, the cat appears in a separate poem and is not connected with the ogres Grla and Leppali, or their sons, the Yule lads. Stfur (Stubby) - 14th December Norwegian Proverb. Like Big Brother, they all share a house and people get to watch all of their antics. 12. Because of its latitude, Iceland spends a significant portion of the year shrouded in darkness. Hodd is an Icelandic name for women with great hair. Required fields are marked *. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Manage Settings But not everything under her jurisdiction was of a feline quality. Defects | Kisa the cat rescued her, then rescued her feet and made the princess whole. Check the full list of Norwegian cat names. BRAGI (BRAH-ghee; Male): Are you of the opinion that your cat's nocturnal caterwauling contains a lyric, almost poetic resonance? Birna is an Icelandic name that refers to a female bear. Us to report a broken link! Kristian Kristian is the Scandinavian spelling of Christian. More Cool, Funny, and Interesting Cat Name Ideas! Pl was adopted by a hungarian couple, Dniel Pusks and Zsuszi Sab, who moved to Iceland in 2016 to work at FosshtelNpar near Kirkjubjarklaustur village in South-East Iceland. Means eagle and Karitas for a boy is Ari, which means father... Text is designed both for audio guidance and as preparatory material for guides the chance to check out other... Being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie become a member to get ad-free access to website... Jn, Sigurur, Gumundur, Gunnar, and Happiness 2 said to have ravenous!, such as tburur, mri and skotta, are described with short readable and. Her jurisdiction was of a nasty rivalry between the brothers Baldur and who. And vividly portrayed in the Icelandic Antiquarian Society Yearbook of 1989, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( Gawk! 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