Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. It's a patronymic name that means "son of Rodrigo" and is derived from a Germanic word that means "renown" and "power." Moyo In The United States the number of people bearing the Barcelona surname expanded 51,500 percent between 1880 and 2014. If youve been to any Italian restaurant, you know that Pesci means fish. Yet having such an endangered surname in your pedigree doesn't necessarily mean narrow results when you search records created when such names were more common. A total of 29,486 people have the surname Romero in Catalonia. List of the most common Surnames in Spain. The root of this name is in the Latin faber, meaning craftsman., An occupational name for a miller, this name means flour.. A total of 8,847 people have the surname Pons in Catalonia. Somebody living near Messana, a harbor city in Sicily, would have this last name. L. Elizabeth Forry is an Early Childhood Educator with 15 years of classroom experience and is the mom of two creative and crazy boys. Lots of unique surnames or unique variations of more common names. Every countrys people have a unique tradition or a naming system for their surnames. Traditional Spanish names are intriguing and have been used in various parts of the world for generations. It means a stream, channel, or creek in Spanish. Find out where North Carolina falls and why below. Abarca is an occupational last name. Acetta, Accietto, and Accettullo are other variations. Meaning steer or beef, this nickname was given to someone tame or gentile like an ox or was an occupational name for someone who raised the animals. United States #22,481 (out of 162,253) Surname Popularity Comments. The part of Italy where a person lived also had much to do with how their surname was spelled. 29.20%, or 334 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander Only". The fields in the file are as follows: 'yr' - the year (e.g. Top British Surnames. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Either way, they can give a person a glimpse into the life of their ancestors. The name statistics are still in development, sign up for information on more maps and data. This name originated from the Basque word 'abas' meaning 'priest's meadow.'. The name of the place likely comes from Arabic in which it means the cherry., Alegria has Spanish and Portuguese origins and refers to joy or happiness., Alejo is derived from the ancient Greek name Alexis referring to helper, defender or protector.. Meaning someone from Milan, as is Milanesi, Milani, and Milanzoli. The surname Barcelona originally derived from the Spanish word Barrera which referred to a barrier and denoted . A total of 15,579 people have the surname Mart in Catalonia. It is a variant of Joachim. This surname in Hebrew refers to lifted by God or lifted by Yahweh., It is an occupational last name derived from the Latin word Suerius referring to an army., La Torre is a Spanish surname that means a tower., Lago is a toponymic surname referring to a lake or someone who lived by a lake., Lanzo is derived from an Old Germanic word landa referring to land., Leo originated from a Latin word that refers to a lion., This patronymic surname refers to son of Lope. The name Lope comes from the Latin word Lupus meaning a wolf.. Derived from the vita, the Latin word for life, other variations of this name are Vale, Vital, Vidales, and Vitali. The table below contains all of the statistics for both years in a side-by-side comparison. A total of 7,814 people have the surname Calvo in Catalonia. Spanish surnames, too, have significance and history behind their meanings. Fernndez - 851,000 (2.15%) Son of Fernando; Germanic; From zecca, the Italian word for squash, people with this name were likely farmers who sold the gourd vegetable. Spanish director, artist, and animator Alberto Mielgo, football players Alberto Moreno and Alberto Noguera are some popular namesakes. This Spanish surname is derived from the Basque word azeri referring to a fox.. Ibrahim. Costa is the Spanish word for coast and can also refer to a riverbank or a slope., It is a plural of the Spanish word Costal, which means a sack or bag.. Taue / Meaning: rice planting. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. A total of 8,719 people have the surname Len in Catalonia. A variation on the occupational surname Cattaneo, which means captain and was probably given to the leader of a large group or a ship. And it is that each country, although there is (luckily) a mixture of cultures and despite the fact that we can always come across some more peculiar than others, it has a series of surnames that, due to their cultural and historical identity, present a high frequency. We also have some data on the ancestry of people with the surname Barcelona. This Spanish last name means of the cross or of the crossroads likely referring to someone who lived at crossroads. Meaning one from Rome, this popular surname was also used as a given name. Since we have data from the previous census in 2000, we can also compare the values to see how the popularity of Barcelona has changed in the 10 years between the two census surveys. The toponymic surname comes from the name of several places called Escobedo in Spain. So be it planning a trip there or just quenching your thirst for knowledge, here is a list of Spanish surnames that you might want to have a look at. Meaning serf or slave, variations include Scovo, Scovi, Scovolo, and Scavedo. Therefore, in today's article we are going to discover, in the form of a ranking, which are the most frequent Catalan surnames. Mario, Marina, or Marini are some variations. People who were left-handedor even ambidextrouswere given this surname. Somewhere between 30 and 40 percent . This is a toponymic last name and refers to people who belonged to the town of Anguiano in Spain. Barcel is a Catalan surname. By signing up to the mailing list you will only receive emails specifically about name reference on Forebears and your information will not be distributed to 3rd parties. 21. Thus, Lorenzo is a toponymic surname. Barcelona Not common, but neither unheard of. Hidalgo is a Spanish surname and refers to a nobleman or gentleman., It is the Spanish word for an orchard or a garden.. Someone from Argentina would most likely have two last names. Abrams A reference to the biblical patriarch, Abraham. This toponymic name is derived from the name of a place in Spain. A total of 8,486 people have the surname Mora in Catalonia. Not only one of Italys most popular surnames but also the last name of one of the countrys most influential and notorious crime families. Guerra means war in Spanish. Sanchez. Thus, my "two last names" were one of the most common things in the world, until I got to graduate school. It is derived from the Basque word aitz that means rock or stone.. Another suggestion is the name comes from the word alba meaning sunrise or white., This patronymic name means son of Alvaro. The word Alvaro is derived from Alpher which refers to army or warrior., Amador is a variant of the Latin word Amator referring to lover of God., Amaya is a toponymic surname referring to a village located in the Burgos province of Spain. In The Philippines it is mostly concentrated in: Calabarzon, where 19 percent live, National Capital Region, where 14 percent live and Western Visayas, where 13 percent live. The surname is toponymic and refers to a dweller in the meadow., It comes from the Spanish word Vela, which means sail or it may even refer to its other meaning that is being watchful.. A total of 9,814 people have the surname Casas in Catalonia. Such is the . The word means a beautiful mountain., It is a variation of the word Bengoetxea, which in the Basque language means the house furthest down., It is derived from the word Benedict, which comes from the Latin word Benedictus meaning blessed., It is related to the surname Benito. The patronymic last name of Benitez refers to the son of Benito., A patronymic surname which means son of Bermudo. The name Bermudo is derived from Latinized German word Waramunt meaning vigilant or protection., Bernat is a variant of Bernard, which comes from the German word Bern. Bern means strong or brave as a bear.. What is the Ancestry Chromosome Painter/Browser? Meaning Saturday, a nickname given to someone born on that day of the week. The 10 Most Common German surnames (with English translations) Becker - baker; Fischer . Variations include Del Greco, La Greca, Logrecco, and more. Falso, someone from Argentina would most likely have . As of January 2022, Nielsen and Jensen were the most common Danish surnames. Martini, Martinetti, Martinelli, De Martini, and Martino are among the variations of this popular surname. In Vietnam, the most popular last name is Nguyen. #1 - Smith. Mohammed. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Falso, most Spanish-speaking people have TWO last names. American singer, actress and film producer Selena Marie Gomez is a famous bearer of this last name. Barcelona is the 23,837th most frequent last name worldwide, borne by approximately 1 in 320,924 people. A total of 15,019 people have the surname Gimnez in Catalonia. Pronounced bee-aang-kee, this name is the plural of biancowhich means white in Italian. Pavlovic, common amongst Slavic last names, originating from the Slavic patronyms of Pavel, Pavle, and Pavao. With a total of 98,836 people surnamed Fernndez, it is the sixth most common surname in Catalonia. This is a toponymic last name referring to the name of a town in Spain. Pellegrini, Pellerini, Pellerino, and Pellegrinotti are some variations. Archambeau. They are largely reproduced from 3rd party sources; diligence is advised on accepting their validity -, Heatmap: Dark red means there is a higher occurrence of the name, transitioning to light yellow signifies a progressively lower occurrence. Spanish started using last names in the tenth century and increased in number post the 13th and 15th centuries (3). There were 11 last names reported by more than one million individuals: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Miller, Davis, Rodriguez, Martinez, and Hernandez. . 22. A popular surname for people who lived in coastal regions, as this name means coast or slope.. Like DellLuca, DiLuca, Lucci, Lucca, or Lucarelli, this family name means son of Lucas.. Abba, Abato, Abbati, and DellAbbate are all variations. References to trees are common in Japanese names. Noble surnames, such as Barcelona, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. As in Spain, the king of surnames. The Addendum to this post is an excerpt from an online article about the history of Scottish and Irish people who were . 3. Barreira Portuguese, Galician The first is the paternal surname ( apellido paterno ), the father's first surname, and the second is the maternal surname ( apellido materno ), the mother's first surname. It is derived from Emmanuel, which means God is with us in Hebrew. This Spanish surname likely refers to a person who lived inside or near a tower.. Iowa. This is a toponymic last name derived from the name of a place called Etxeberria situated in the Basque country of Spain. In Africa, the most common last name is Mohamed, with 7.5 million people carrying this name. Jiminez is a patronymic Spanish surname referring to son of Jimeno. The name Jimeno is believed to have derived from the name Simon, which means he has heard in Hebrew. It is mesmerizingly beautiful and one of the popular travel destinations. Name. The toponymic surname refers to people who originally belonged to the city of Seville in Spain. A habitational name for people who were from this seaport on the Bay of Naples, as was Sorrentino and Sorrenti. A total of 7,434 people have the surname Gallardo in Catalonia. Cruz means cross and denotes a person who lives near the crossroads.. The Italian word for lion, this name, and its variationsLeonello, Leonotti, Leoniwas given to someone with a fierce personality. In this article we'll look at the origin and meaning of the surname Barcelona and how popular it is in the United States. According to the data, Barcelona is ranked #22,481 in terms of the most common surnames in America. If someone had a cocky attitude, they were likely given this last name, which comes from the Latin word gallus, meaning cock or rooster. Gallelli, Gallucci, and Gallarini are all variations of this name. Some include Peluso, Pillosi, Pellati, Pelosini, and Pilati. It is borrowed from the Galician word for oak tree. It is likely a toponymic Spanish surname for someone who lived by an oak tree or an oak forest. This last name is the shortened form of Giuseppe, which is Italian for Joseph. A total of 9,834 people have the surname Reyes in Catalonia. The maker of these shoes was referred to as Abarca. We appreciate your support! See the top 1000 further down. With a total of 119,078 people surnamed Martnez, it is the second most common surname in Catalonia. A total of 17,362 people have the surname Vila in Catalonia. A total of 16,676 people have the surname Marn in Catalonia. This is a toponymic last name that refers to a new settlement. The surname likely has Latin origins. Urbano is a variant of the Latin name Urbanus and refers to city-dweller., This is derived from the Hebrew name Uriyah referring to Yahweh is my light., It means son of Baldo. The name Baldo is derived from Old German word bald meaning bold or brave.. Jaramillo is a Spanish toponymic last name referring to the name of a place located in the Burgos province of Spain. Calderon is related to the word Caldera. The Spanish surname Calderon is an occupational one and likely used to refer to a tinker someone who makes and repairs metal vessels (pots, kettles, pans, cauldrons). A total of 7,897 people have the surname Surez in Catalonia. It's the masculine form of Barcelona, the Catalan capital. A total of 8,995 people have the surname Rovira in Catalonia. Derived from the word anull that is the Catalan language dominantly used in southern France, Anouilh means 'slow worm'. Caro means beloved or dear in Spanish. This medieval Italian given name comes from bono, meaning good, and accorso, meaning haste, rush, help. Accorsi, Accorso, Bonaccorsi are all related names. This surname refers to a spacious fort.. The top 10 are: Borg, Camilleri, Vella, Farrugia, Zammit, Galea, Micallef, Grech, Attard, Spiteri and Azzopardi. Muslims constitute around 30% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, which likely explains the Islamic root of many African surnames. A total of 11,781 people have the surname Guerrero in Catalonia. This name is derived from the Latin name Vitalis, which comes from the Latin word Vita meaning life.. All of the data on this page is sourced from the Decennial Census survey, from the United States Census Bureau. De Rossi, Larussa, Rosetti, Rossini, Della Rossa, and Rosello are all variations of what ranks as the most common last name in Italy. A total of 7,914 people have the surname Moya in Catalonia. Probably the most extensive survey comes from a manorial roll collected in 1511-15, known as the "Liber Assedationis", which appears to be the sort of survey of . Basurto means middle of the forest. It is also a toponymic surname which refers to the name of a place in the Basque country. A toolmaker would have been given this name, which translates to sledgehammer or mallet., Meaning scribe or clerk, this popular surname stems from the Latin word notariuswhich itself translates to mark or sign., A proud or arrogant person would have been given this nickname, which means peacock.. Of Seville in Spain the world for generations Jimeno is believed to have derived from the common surnames in barcelona! Vila in Catalonia maker of these shoes was referred to a fox.. Ibrahim Scottish... 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