Spiritual Directors Rev. I have been a counselor and campus minister in Urbana, Illinois, since 1989 and a spiritual director since 2013, seeking God with students, professors, pastors, believers, and non-believers. There are no other requirements for program enrollment. Our visits to the Middle East, the UK, as well as New Zealand and Australia, highlight some of our favorite adventures. After retiring from academia, my Christian journey led me to be trained as a spiritual director in the Franciscan tradition (2013-2015) and Jesuit tradition (2020-2022). In addition, I work with clients to develop their relationship with God and neighbor, using a proprietary curriculum based on the two greatest commands. Liturgical Calendar Applicants must have a minimum of 12 months internship for responsibilities in spiritual direction working at the outlined core functions. has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastors kid in a conservative religious environment. ", After only one year in the program, my life has changed dramatically. Professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians have each taken up this challenge and responsibility. In 2021, I became a CertifiediEnneagramMotions of the Soul Practitioner with Clare Loughrige. All references are treated with STRICT PROFESSIONAL CONFIDENTIALITY. ESDA spiritual directors are located across the U.S. and Canada and around the world. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a spiritual director. While my studies have trained me as a spiritual director, life has prepared me to accompany others in the deep places. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. More. Areas of interest or specialty:Walking with any person seeking spiritual transformation; Ignatian Spiritual Practices; the Enneagram; guided, contemplative retreats, either one-on-one or in community settings. Sylvia Jeronimo . Areas of Interest or Specialty: Integration of science and Christian faith. My offering of spiritual guidance is based on decades of spiritual experience, receiving monthly spiritual direction since 1992, and participating in peer supervision with other . Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. She holds an Honours degree in Sociology, a Bachelor's of Education and Christian Education, has received Enneagram training from Tyndale University, and received her training in the Jungian Mystical Christian . I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. Graduate training, a volunteer pastoral position, my profession as a therapist, my membership in TC12 and TC15, and a certificate in Enneagram Studies led to an Apprenticeship Training Program with Teresa Blythe in the evocative style of direction. I am an alum of TC4 and TC13. God has really used the Institute to solidify in my heart what following Jesus in the next phase of life can look like. Comment on the applicants ethical (professional/spiritual) conduct. Married to Rick, I have two college age children. In addition to my training in spiritual direction, I am a trained companion for the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and a certified iEnneagram Motions of the Soul practitioner. I lead retreats and work with CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction as a small group mentor. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. You are invited to apply for financial aid at the time you apply to the program. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Church leaders; 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises; the Enneagram; life-mapping; Twelve Steps. I am comfortable with lifes craziness, the tension of conflicting interests, shifting paradigms, aging and diminishment while always listening for Gods unique invitations to greater faith, hope and love. Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram; companioning ministry leaders and pastors; trauma-sensitive soul care; journaling/writing as a spiritual practice. My M.Div is from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and my D.Min in Spiritual Formation from Northern Seminary in partnership with the Transforming Center (TC6). I have served as a pastor for 37+ years, concluding my pastoral ministry at First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC. Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS) A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. The NeuroLeadership Institutes Brain-Based Coaching Program, Transforming Center 2-yr Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership experience (TC8), The Spiritual Direction training program through Sustainable Faith. Connie is enjoying the life transition of retirement. In this case, the credit for that course would be applied toward the full program completion. My passion is to create safe environments and opportunities for people to experience God, to know who God created them to be and live into their truest self in Christ. SDI is working on initiatives in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice spaces. As a certified spiritual director, I focus my attention on your spiritual experience and points of self-discovery, and to explore with you God's movement in your life. The process requires two years because of the need to go slow and steadily in the germination of ideas and concepts that may have been hidden in life for self-protection. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. Meet in spiritual direction with three individual spiritual directees for a minimum of six spiritual direction sessions, totaling 18 sessions (to be completed by the end of the commencing year). What we are able to indicate is that each person listed has been on a significant spiritual journey with us and has completed training and formation in this important ministry of spiritual direction. I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. I am a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and have a Eco-Ministry Certification with Seminary of the Wild, helping people to find the Sacred in nature. It's an honor to accompany others on their spiritual journey! Can I take one course to check it out? A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. Please see the section below dealing with a Supervisors Evaluation Report. Having received Spiritual Direction Formation training from Queens House and my Master of Divinity from Regent College, I transitioned into spiritual direction, formation, and retreat ministry. Training courses are offered through eight weekend sessions held in April, August, and December over a period of three years. This would include a minimum of 500 face-to-face hours with a directee. Ignatian spirituality, spiritual but not religious, those hurt by the church (Includes pastors and families). I am currently being trained to lead the Ignatian 19th Annotation, Spiritual Exercises for Everyday Living (2022-2023). I can think of nothing more important than having the privilege of praying for and encouraging others in similar pursuit. First, we link you with a qualified spiritual director so you have 9-12 months of receiving direction before ever beginning the Year 1. SpiritualDirector, Supervisor, Author, Pastor, Sr. Admission Requirements All applicants to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program should have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and have at least two years of receiving spiritual direction experience. Youll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. Kobe, Japan Telephone: E-mail: bartschmark@gmail.com Congregation: Toledo Mennonite Conference: Ohio . This must include an indication that the applicant is a communicant in good standing. With the encouragement of spiritual direction, we start to say "yes, I will do that with my life!" We are empowered to choose love, healing and freedom. A Lutheran laywoman certified in Spiritual Direction through the Franciscan Spirituality Center of La Crosse, Wis., where she is an adjunct supervisor with the Spiritual Direction Preparation Program. Virginia Blass, D.Min., M.A., M.Ed., is an experienced and certified Spiritual Director, preacher, retreat master, and author. Were the better for doing that work. Give examples of the applicants ability to work with others. I incorporate Ignatian spirituality in my individual direction sessions, as well as in retreat settings. SDI's desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to find a spiritual director or spiritual companion, to find a training program, and/or a retreat center. I pastored PC(USA) congregations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for 37 years before stepping away from church ministry in the summer of 2022 to join the staff of Altar Fly Fishing. . If youd like to offer your services as a spiritual director to others, apply to add your name and qualifications to this directory. The certificate comprises the following courses: IPS 545 Foundations of Christian Spirituality IPS 501 Advanced Human Relations Skills The SDC Program is made up of six online classes which include two four-day, on-site residences, practicum, and supervision. For questions, please contact Sue Wood at sue@soulshepherding.org, ** Additional costs for spiritual direction sessions, network resources, books, and a private room on retreats, *** Pastors and missionaries can apply for scholarship assistance, Pastors wife, Sr. Barrie, Ontario L4N 8H3, Business Hours Im now retired after serving three churches as senior pastor over a period of 40 years. Spirtual Direction is a path to that understanding. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. All of these spiritual directors are available for remote spiritual direction via phone or video call. Grounded in the tradition of Christian spirituality, the Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction prepares individuals to serve as spiritual directors. All education must be documented. I draw inspiration from the imagery of a caterpillar which, over time, emerges from a chrysalis a beautiful butterfly. Sharon Jones Arrington holds an undergraduate degree in Leisure Studies from the University of NC in Chapel Hill and a Masters of Divinity with the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. I am willing to meet with men or women. I love companioning those on their path to freedom with self, God, others, and nature. Spiritual Director on the Soul Shepherding staff, In addition to the online program, all four. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. It changed how I operate and function as a pastor. $349* per month for 24 months (this includes fees for the required 4 Institute retreats). Identify the importance of the diversity of clients by attaining knowledge about character, cultures, lifestyles, and other elements that are dominant to a clients behaviour, in order to advise services that are sensitive to the client. I've invested my life in inviting others into deeper relationship with God, by serving on church staffs; freelance speaking, teaching, and writing; and since 2008, serving as director of Abiding Hope Ministries. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for mothers, grandmothers, women in the workplace, those caring for ill parents, lay people who serve regularly in their churches and with other paraministries, people in career and/or physical location transitions, those with physical challenges or disabilities. I am a certified spiritual director and Enneagram life coach. My Transforming Community experience truly transformed my life. Adhere to the established code of ethics to preserve a high standard of professionalism and to secure the clients best interest. Our staff of supervisors are certified spiritual directors who bring knowledge . Growing up Lutheran on a central Illinois dairy farm, I left for college and a decade of other adventures, then returned to my roots. Institute Retreats in a community of about 30 fellow soul shepherds, Online Classes and supervision groups (90-minutes each month), Practicum experiences to practice spiritual direction ministry and receive support from your supervisor and peers, 12 or more meetings with one of Soul Shepherdings Sr. I am the founding co-lead pastor of Crossroads Church (Marshall, MI) since 1991. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. FAQs Also helpful is my training in MBTI. Formation and training continued with Clinical Pastoral Education, Inner Healing Prayer Counseling, Learn More For Those Seeking Connection Considering Life's Biggest Questions Learn More Ascending The Mountain Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and. Kelly has been a part of the Transforming Center for over 10 years (TC 5 , TC 8, and TC 15). Our spiritual direction training is designed for pastors, leaders, coaches, missionaries, and other Christ-followers who want to help others grow spiritually and emotionally. Studies in Biological Sciences led to employment in animal health and research, and 18 years of life in Vancouver, BC, with mission work in Mexico for 3 years, followed by 19 years of campus ministry and part-time theological studies. I feel drawn to practicing spiritual direction with those in places of transition or struggle. Connies life has been transformed through TC10 and Spiritual Direction. She is available to meet in-person or remotely utilizing Zoom or FaceTime. Spiritual Direction is a soul care ministry of listening, discernment, prayer, contemplation and spiritual companionship in a confidential setting of compassion and encouragement. I am married to Anita who is also a spiritual director. The letter, as outlined in the experience section, should confirm your 12 month internship and those they wish to recognize this person for responsibilities of spiritual direction. Please provide us with the following information: The CCPC reserves the right to request additional information if required. Experience the contemplative gifts of deep listening and find a spiritual companion to work with today! Areas of interest or specialty: I have found myself working primarily with women who are questioning long held spiritual beliefs which are no longer clear or relevant to them. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. Spiritual Directors. I discovered pastoral skills and passions I was previously unaware of and my entire concept of ministry and vocation have been reshaped during my two years in the program." . ACTION: Having explored different options a way forward is chosen. Christs presence being revealed amid lifes celebrations, losses, transitions, and challenges. I have 3 wonderful adult children. The Spiritual Direction Certificate (SDC) Program is designed to provide the knowledge, skills, and supervision for future spiritual directors. Much of that work was in the field of social justice and crisis intervention pioneering where she counseled individuals, organizations and facilitated groups in both the secular and religious communities. Been married to my wife Christy for 28 years, have 2 wonderful daughters. The CCPCperforms periodic checks of those certifications which require continual training orminimum hours worked. Confused, I was led to the Transforming Center experience (TC4) which was life-transforming to my very "dark" soul. Class content in the modules flows between didactic and experiential artistic and reflective modalities. Kelly also completed her Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Seminary in 2017. In 2013, after attending and serving in several Transforming Community experiences, I became the Executive Director of the Transforming Center. I am still learning. I am a retired pastor who spent the bulk of my career in Chicago, serving as an Area Director of Young Life, as the Director of Spiritual Transformation for an inner city ministry, and as a teaching pastor at a large suburban church. The more you spend time with your spiritual director and talk about your life and struggles, the better they will get to know you and find out the areas where you need to improve . This passion was born out of a very painful and dysfunctional childhood. Even in faith communities, people rarely talk openly about their struggles in the faith. I have since experienced 56 additional retreats, where I have reconnected with my soul and found greater intimacy with God. I find the greatest joy in journeying with those who are serious about going deeper with God. In that role I learned the necessity of silence and solitude with God to sustain me in the work at the clinic. Use the "Find a Spiritual Director" tool at Spiritual Directors . My own Spiritual Director continues to tremendously bless my life and faith; it is my hope that I may now offer this gift to others. Author of three Enneagram books, I am a trainer with The International Enneagram Association and have developed a credentialed program that trains/certifies Enneagram instructors in the Christian Tradition. Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are welcome here. She has been a spiritual director since 2003 and a therapist in private practice over the last 27 years. When a person applies for credentials as a Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor, we the Examining Board of the CCPC, seek to determine his or her competence, moral/ethical character and knowledge by authentication from various sources. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing Transforming Community #2. The Spiritual Direction Certificate Program at Divine Mercy prepares students with a transformational experience that will enable them to be spiritual directors with the heart and mind of Jesus Christ and in the tradition of the Churchs tried experience. Tuition for 2023 is $6,500 and the additional room & board for the residential retreat is close to $1000 for the five days. I am an honorably retired pastor with PC (USA), previously serving as Solo Pastor at First Presbyterian in Gordon, NE, and as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Education at United Presbyterian in Peoria, IL. She is active in Contemplative Outreach International and serves on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Iowa Alzheimer's Association. Three of the foundational courses in interfaith spiritual care are open for enrollment anytime they are offered. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. SDI supports spiritual directors and companions from across a diverse range of practices. With those formal learning experiences as well as life experiences as a mother, grandmother, professional adult learning professional, 25-year business owner, one who has served the Church and other paraministries for all of my adult life as a lay volunteer, I have personally experienced and leaned on God through life's greatest decisions and difficulties. Also, I enjoy incorporating the Enneagram into sessions as God leads. It is a sacred time to listen to another persons story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. What is a Certified Spiritual Director (CSD)? Professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians have each taken up this challenge and responsibility. You'll also complete an in-depth, independent . Spiritual Direction Tom Elliott is a certified director who has been offering one-on-one spiritual direction for more than 20 years and can help you experience clarity, healing, and freedom in your deepening intimacy with God. It does not store any personal data. Let's take a look at why people enroll, what people can expect from the program, and how it has worked for students. CERTIFIED SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. I have been engaged in the art and practice of spiritual direction for over 20 years. I am passionate about leading people to greater relationship with God and neighbor. I am also trained in iEnneagram Motions of the Soul. She served as the Executive Pastor and coordinated local ministries. Although grateful for my upbringing in a traditional church setting, it wasn't until I was underwater emotionally and spiritually that I realized I didn't have the deep roots of faith I needed to manage through life's challenges. I have a heart for women in ministry, for people trying to find a belief system/religious identity that fits them, and for the LGBTQ+ community. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I'm open to all, but I have a special interest in offering direction to pastors. REVIEW: Review the actions that have been agreed. My first career was as a Registered Nurse for 32 years. This is invaluable. So I trained for ministry, but used my considerable graphic design and writing skills to create and deliver training for individuals, churches, and industry throughout the country and beyond. In addition to my work with spiritual communities, I serve on boards in the arena of social justice, including board chair for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, a collaboration of over 130 agencies ranging from governmental to faith-based. 6 I seek to create a chrysalis-like environment in which individuals can discover their intrinsic value in God and emerge as the transformed persons they are created to be. Submitting to the flow of the Spirit has allowed me not to give up on myself and the gift that I might bring to the conversation. Both of us had been married previously and worked through the pain that accompanies that journey. In addition to being a certified spiritual director, I hold a certificate in contemplative spirituality from the The Living School for Action and Contemplation and care deeply about spiritual transformation. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. After experiencing a dark night of the soul season, I was drawn to TC14. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Walking with ministers and pastors, especially those who have a ministry as a second career; working with those in recovery. I offers calm insight into challenging situations, enabling spiritual discernment to unfolding those who meet with remark that the peaceful presence safely supports the growth of their relationship with God. Yes! Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend in For me, and I would say for many, spiritual direction has been the "missing link" to my transforming journey. When serving as a spiritual director, I have a front row seat to see what God is doing in someone elses life, and its always exciting to see how God is working. Calendar, Transforming Community Shes offered a collection of her own photos for us to, Who is in your Community of Care? I bring gentleness with compassion and deep listening, believing God is always making all things new as we attentively surrender to I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. My ecumenical and intercultural experience allows me to connect with a variety of backgrounds. Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. Spiritual directors included in this directory will: *This listing is not an indication of the Transforming Centers endorsement or recommendation of individual spiritual directors. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide the avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in the field of supervision of spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. Applications for the 2023 Fall Spiritual Direction Cohort are due September 15th 2023. I am an alum of Transforming Community #6. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I was a member of TC16. They are not in crisis but find they are seeking something that seems out of reach. Mona Chicks CFDM Board of Directors Supervisors must be approved by the Program Director. Our affinity with all things LOTR and Star Wars (we are OGs afterall), dictate much of our conversation! 2023 Divine Mercy University Some graduates of our program proceed to earn their certification as a Spiritual Director through our partnership with the Sioux Spiritual Center. I wanted to learn more about prayer and about how others throughout Christian history have experienced faith and prayer. She was a Christian counselor for 18 years and served as Associate Pastor at Woodcrest Chapel for six years. When the business sold I shifted to something that aligned with my desire: a position on the church leadership team as well as head of the board finance committee with the local community foundation. Reading Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership and subsequently joining a Transforming Community(TC10) has been a turning point in my life. I find great joy in listening to others, listening with them to God, and introducing spiritual practices that increase their awareness of God's activity in their lives. ; certified spiritual director Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program (Benet Hill, Colorado Springs, CO) - 2 year program with certification as spiritual director Availability: Open to all BARTSCH, MARK LEE. Our focus is: Any person may apply for credentials as a Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS). Areas of specialty or interest: Transforming leadership; group spiritual direction; corporate leadership discernment with boards, elders, vestry and staff teams; Ignatian spirituality; integration of psychology and spirituality; sabbatical guidance. Yes! I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. The spiritual direction journey is for: Those who desire growth in their relationship with the Lord; Ministry leaders relying on God for guidance; Anyone discerning God's will; Recent retreatants desiring to embrace mature spirituality; Faithful experiencing dryness in prayer; And, others seeking to grow in their spiritual journey. You take one of those courses before you apply for the next cohort of the spiritual direction program. Coursework for the first module begins right after that time. In listening to your story, we are listening . Completion of the full application including two letters of recommendation and a Zoom interview are required. Personally, I have witnessed this possibility in my own life, after being set free from a legacy of lies, pain, and worry and a lack of trust. I am an alum of TC4. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. 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