And if you want a faster, more detailed response, sign up for breakup coaching here. Ask yourself if you were ever a text GNAT. Think very carefully before going down this path. He might have even experienced you showing up at his place. Dumpees feel rejected and abandoned, so they follow their ex in hopes of But after a month those mixed feelings (fear, anxiety, pain, uncertainty) would hit them. You can reverse things once you notice that what you did was wrong or just an impulsive act and that No Contact has already started working on you. 8 Reasons Why Your Ex Unblocked You Relationships are complicated, and breakups are no different. You are trying out and doing cool things without him. 1. So thats probably why. But I made it private a few months ago and if she is to ever request me again, I'd have to physically accept it. If you do not want everyone to see certain posts, then you should definitely keep them private. Your ex might have a hard time after the No Contact since the breakup hits the dumper through the last weeks of No Contact and after that. If your ex unblocks you, its not a great idea to scroll through their past photos. Again, this entirely depends on you and your exs relationship and why they blocked you in the first place. Hi Melanie. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae32a50900ea72c14de9a39d99b17f3b" );document.getElementById("i2dc42b6e0").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Alexander Burgemeester has a Master in Neuropsychology. Thats a case where blocking your ex isnt the best idea Yet! Hi Zoe, yes still reach out when your NC is over, be sure to use one of Chris texts, the issue with this is that you noticed he has unfollowed you you should not be watching social media to know this. Pushing the dumper never works in the dumpees favor. He drops a bomb one day and said hes on Tinder and cant hack being single & not speaking to anyone, I bawled my eyes out, I never felt so stupid, who was I to him why was he talking to me even though he wanted to get with someone else. Because dumpers realize they were too hard on the dumpee, they often reach out to the dumpee. He believes that since you are moving on, he has to learn to move on as well. Your ex will appreciate you and respect you more if you refrain from acting on anxiety, fear, and uncertainty and let your ex enjoy his or her newfound space and independence. You check your Facebook notifications and see that someone youre friends with has unfriended you. Your ex will probably reach out to you when the time is right. 6 reasons why! The first action most people take is by investigating the persons profile to find any clues as to why their ex (or even friend) suddenly unfriended them. Most dumpers simply dont block their ex after the breakup just because they can. We havent been in contact since breaking up. Assuming your ex didnt unblock you out of sheer boredom, why didnt they contact you afterward. This is a question I get all the time. If you remained friends, your ex would keep getting reminded of you and being forced to feel uncomfortable. Maybe they lost their job, had a bad rebound relationship, or theyre just lonely. Could it be that hes still hurting? I know thats not what most women want to hear, especially if they want to get their exes back, but its true and its very possible that the new woman hes dating made him do it. This is like asking if you should get back together with your ex. However, we keep them on our friends list to check up on them from time to time. The issue of getting him back you need to work on yourself and show him you are happy positive person to be around and that he is going to be reminded why you got together in the first place. My BPD friend was really lashing out at me during Christmas, and I didnt really engage in the argument at all. ~ you cant control yourself from contacting your ex; If your ex unfriended you during no contact, its probably because theyre trying to move on. If you live in an area where the winters are cold, then you know how important it is to have a good supply of firewood. Your ex isnt waiting for you to reach out so you can start talking again. By blocking your ex on everything that doesnt mean that you are completely following the No Contact Rule. The psychology behind blocking an ex during No Contact: What will my ex think if I block them during No Contact? Then he unblocked me for a month, and then blocked me again for 3, unblocked me for 2 weeks, and have been blocked ever since. 2 months later, she unblocked my Snapchat and hasnt said a word. Your ex posts constantly to make you jealous and that impacts negatively on you, 5. Had you begged and pleaded, threatened your ex, and taken revenge, your ex would probably have blocked you. I bagged for her back and wanted her to be happy. If its someone youre close to, it may be worth asking them directly why they decided to unfriend you. By letting yourself figure it out over time, without self-judgment, you can be back on the path toward personal growth and groundednesswhether or not your ex The moment you dont reply then your ex might start calling you names and change their behavior entirely. Should I Unfriend Someone Who Ghosted Me? WebI've never blocked an ex on Facebook and maybe he's not the type either. Sometimes, people just drift apart and theres nothing anyone can do about it. I got about a week left but he suddenly unfollowed me, should i still reach out after no contact is over? Your email address will not be published. When dumpees try to make their ex do something their ex doesnt want, they tell their ex they arent happy with the way things turned out and by doing so, put immense pressure on their ex. In case of an emergency or some unfinished business left to discuss, you and your ex could get back in touch and talk strictly about those things. Most of them either stay friends on social media, unfriend their ex right away, or wait a few weeks or months before they unfriend. ~ Does your ex is a stubborn and controlling one and does not respect and leave you enough space to move forward in peace? If you understand this, you should also understand that dumpers feel smothered and that unless you bother them, they probably wont get angry and block you. It is a reflection of him and wherehe isat. Note: If an ex wants to reconcile then theyll find a way to do it, even if youve blocked them. In his professional life he's a real estate businessman and hobbyist blogger who research blogs about what it takes to make your home feel like yours with all new furniture or electronics for example but also security systems that will keep you safe from break-ins! Most of them just realize that they went too far and that their ex didnt deserve to get blocked after everything they went through as a couple. To have a clear idea here are 9 reasons why you should block your ex during the No Contact: Look for the reason why you want to unblock your ex during No Contact. February 25, 2023 by Zan. To get out of this bubble and stop tormenting yourself, the best way to do it is by blocking him. article continues after advertisement. Did they just not like you anymore? Again, if youve been unfriended by someone who was once a close friend, it may mean that your behavior has become annoying. Your ex might have unfriended you on social media, but there could be a range of reasons why they havent blocked you. If you think your ex blocked you for no apparent reason, below are some of the other reasons he could have restricted your access to him. It May Mean Your Friendship Has Faded Away You may really want to talk to your ex and reconnect with him or her, but if your ex hasnt reached out yet, your ex isnt ready to talk. Today he removed me as a friend on snapchat and Im confused because we dont see pictures of each on this anyway. You are sending the message, I am carefully watching you because I am still obsessed over every move you make.. Whether or not youre the one that initiated it, breakups are incredibly painful. That being said, its normal that after a breakup, you and/or your ex may behave in ways that are different from what youre familiar with. That gets in the way of your healing process. Reading Suggestion:20 Ways To Ask a Guy To Be Your Boyfriend. If seeing your exs name pop up on Facebook is too painful for you, consider unfollowing them or even blocking them. Sometimes its acrimonious someone cheated, or there was a blowout fight between you. Thats why you should continue giving your ex space and minding your own business until your ex asks to get back with you. Then finally, at the end of the night, I sent a Snapchat of me at the bar, and Nicole replied, you know, I love you. Because of the guilt haunting them, theyll try to reach out to you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So if your ex unfriended you but hasnt blocked you yet, dont view this as an opportunity to get back in touch with your ex. Your ex is still processing the breakup and appreciating the space your absence is giving. Relationships are complicated, and breakups are no different. Hi Annika, so this could be that he has met someone and he doesnt want you to see, or he is thinking you have met someone yourself. He stopped talking to me for 2 weeks then changed his relationship status on Facebook to single and changed profile picture etc. It ended on good terms and there was no drama. Before diving into reasons your ex may have unfollowed you on social media, Id like to point out a few things you shouldnt post on social media: That may be true, but doing any of those things come across as desperate, which is certainly NOT the position from where you will re-attract your ex! To recap, there are several reasons your ex unfollowed you on social media. And I'm mostly curious because she's friends with nearly all her other ex's on the socials so my natural need to be curious about things that don't matter is why I made this post. That kind of communication is usually the only communication dumpers are open to after the breakup. Your ex thought that unfriending you gave your ex enough space to feel respected and in control of his or her post-breakup emotions and actions. Your ex wanted to control the breakup and thought For example, go through some Facebook posts to see if theyre dating anyone new, if theyve recently had a personal setback, or had any major life events. Either way I would give it too much thought unless you want to get back together. Should I unfollow him too? There is no need to block your ex if that person is quite disciplined and doesnt make drama during No Contact to make you feel bad or interfere with your process of healing. Whats an Ungettable Girl? Because if you were, freaking out or confronting your ex the moment you found out he unfollowed you on social media can be detrimental to your chances of getting him back. This Rule is more than just wiping your ex out of your life/social media life. This is a fundamental method to just cut ties with your ex who might have shown that doesnt have interest in you anymore, has treated you badly before and during the No Contact, and has demolished your self-confidence. What is he doing. If you dont unfriend your ex on social media, this could become an uncomfortable reality for you. Theres a good chance you wouldnt even notice that theyve unblocked you. That would have been excessive and completely unnecessary. Whatever her reason may be, she is feeling threatened by you. Or maybe not. No contact is a necessary step in getting over an ex, and if theyre able to do it, good for them. Besides, his friends and family are probably telling him the same thing. Can I please have some advice. But have you heard about blockers remorse? So be patient and let them take the lead. But, on the other hand, not knowing why theyve unblocked you, seemingly out of the blue, is probably driving you insane. In response, she unfollowed me on everything and even unadded me on Facebook. For me, I removed her, not because out of hate or anger but knowing my character, seeing her socials makes me emotional and afraid that I would do stupid things to get her back. And I'm still done with him. Why Didnt Your Ex Reach Out After Unblocking You? However I saw last night that after viewing a selfie of me dressed up for a night out he unfollowed me. Blocking your ex during No Contact You might block your ex partly or fully. However, if youre still hung up on your ex and want to get back together, there are ways to win them back. If you find that someone has unfriended you and theres no obvious reason why, it may just mean that your friendship has faded away over time. Hes hurteither by you or by having to see your photos. Most dumpers are incapable of talking to their ex right after the breakup. If your ex blocked you and hasnt reached out, they probably arent looking for a response. After that she unfriended me and un followed me from instagram. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. Everything I tried to type was too long, and she just told me I was Immature when friends were many people who blocked me and didnt want to hear my side. If youre blocked you cant see their page unless you have a secondary account. Today (3 weeks) he showed up at my house to say he cant stop thinking about me and cant focus on the things he needs to. Only if you have made a strict decision to never go back with your ex again). Yet, that wont mean that youll make that person come running back to you or get his/her attention quicker. Thought she wouldnt notice me blocking her or whatever the case. To cope with their troubles, they come back to the person that previously provided them with emotional support you. We have some good mutual friends, so I try to stay amicable enough. If your ex is an empath they will understand that they might have hurt you and this is the way you chose to cope with it. So if youre wondering why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you, bear in mind that your ex didnt see a reason to block you. Should I Call Him If He Hasnt Called Me? Maybe youve started posting too many political opinions or sharing too many photos of yourself. Should I reach out to see how he is? They may go no contact for their own sake after every break-up, but theyll probably reach out to you sometime in the future if thats true. Its been almost a week and I havent responded. The second time we hook up he deliberately starts messaging a girl in front of me straight after sex. Most people say: yeah just keep ignoring or just mute their number, that feeling will go away. To protect yourself from the temptation to text them or protect yourself from their possible texts; Revenge: hoping that your ex will notice your action and will get hurt and start to miss you. And today ( 3-4days after) he took me off his followers so i cannot see his instagram, i didnt react and not plannin on , i d love him getting back we ll see. First, try sending them a message to ask whats going on. Theres no way to know for sure why someone unfriends you on Facebook, but if you suspect its the latter, there are a few things you can do. Since everyone has different personalities and every couple has different types of breakups. I was hopeful that we would get back together but its clear hes trying to get over me. Blocking them when you ended things on good terms would leave them hurt and confused. How Do You Know If Your Ex Is Happy With Someone Else? people from high school in our friends list, 20 Ways To Ask a Guy To Be Your Boyfriend. Blocking them is not a childish decision if your ex provokes you with new partner posts to make you feel guilty, sad, or unworthy. Your whole narrative about the relationship can get upended, and you may even question why you broke up in the first place. Time heals all wounds, though, and eventually, curiosity gets the best of them. We are still friends on Facebook and following each other on Instagram. Idk. Unless your ex was the biggest jerk in existence, in which case you probably should reconsider your attempts to get him back and move on for good, chances are that he is going through the same things that you right now. Unadd them, unfollow them, block if need be.. just do not be shattered if they do the same thing to you after you do it. It bothers him that while hes still processing the breakup and trying to make sense of his feelings, there you are . But being the UG isnt something that you do only during NC or only until you get your ex back. What do I do? ~ Does blocking your ex feel like a shield from a toxic relationship? As a dumpee, you need to understand that every dumper has his or her reasons for leaving a relationship. He created howtodothings101 correctly so other people can organize their homes too by following expert advice given throughout each article on here. He Unblocked Me, But No Contact Should I Do Anything? (e.g. It means that you are just proving the common wisdom that exes should not speak to each other in the first place. He understands this obviously. It He unblocked me, but hasnt reached out is a common refrain amongst women because men just dont know how to make peace after a relationship. He has now deleted me and unfollowed off all socials. Hi Kayla it is likely that whatever he seen in your posts upset him enough to make him unfollow you for a while. Do absolutely nothing. They think and hope that unfriending without blocking means that their ex still has feelings for them and that their ex may be using them as a backup plan. Made no sense. Every dumper thanks that the relationship isnt worth investing in and prolonging any longer. Everyones situation is different, but these are a few ways to respond once your ex unblocks you. WebThere are a few possible reasons why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you. Dont DM them, dont scroll through their photos, just dont take any action whatsoever. So make sure not to act on your desire to do something. Ill write an article on breaking up via text soon. They try to assuage their guilt and forgive themselves as self-forgiveness lets them clear their guilty conscience and allows them to stop worrying about their ex. Unless your breakup was especially awful, your ex probably still cares about you, even though they dont want to continue a romantic relationship. The reason he never blocked you is because he's not one to play childish immature blocking tactics. People with immature minds tend to play this ga Where do I go from here? Such behavior can lead you to confusion. While implementing the No Contact Rule and kind of ignoring your ex, you might just come to the conclusion that you want this person to be part of your life. Is he moving on? Thanks for the suggestion. You should post things that the Ungettable Girl would post. Hi Mary, I would say that him doing this is an emotional reaction because he had you on his mind more than anything else. Him unfollowing you isnt aboutyouat all. Your ex wanted to control the breakup and thought that friendship right after the breakup would be difficult. Input? You need to go into a No Contact period where you are not talking to him or accepting phone calls from him for 45 days and then start following the being there method, Hi, If your ex has unfriended you on social media but not blocked you, it could be because they still want to keep tabs on you. They might be interested in what youre doing and who youre spending time with. Whats your endgame for making contact? Some guys will do this even if they start talking to or dating a new girl. But theres probably a part of him that isnt ready to do that just yet. . Reading Suggestion:How Soon is Too Soon to Move In Together? ~ you sense that your relationship is completely over; My ex broke up with me a month ago, and I immediately went into no contact. Thats not necessarily a bad thing. I am doing 30 days no contact and I stopped texting him, stopped liking his posts, ignoring his texts and stopped checking his stories. There was a slight stupid argument for breaking up, 2. and he has now unfollowed me. If you fully block your ex then you do not leave any tool to communicate later or even reconnect with your ex (This is not what we would recommend you to do. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? You seem to be moving on just fine without him. How Soon is Too Soon to Move In Together? So i got it that a relationship was too much to handle. why did my ex unfriend me but not block me, Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. But it sounds like YOU NEED TO BLOCK HIM, otherwise you'll find yourself perpetually stalking him on It happens and you dont want to read into it too much. Youre heartbroken and discombobulated. Did he leave it like that to come back later? It May Mean Youre Being Annoying Even if he may not show it or express it, he is probably wondering if he did the right thing. ), know that some of the best strategies involve the idea of moving on without moving on.. Keep working the program and you will see results if you keep working the Ungettable. Reading Suggestion:13 Reasons Why Guys Dont Call When They LikeYou. She acted like she did when we where together and the smile didnt leave her face when she was with me. If you have had a terrible breakup and have reflected on how negatively impacted this relationship. It is possible that his friends are telling him to do the same, but remember . But hes also offered to help me move some storage items a week ago. The person with whom you have shared so many things was suddenly plucked out of your life. Your ex is being rude and constantly showering you with negative comments, 2. Learn how your comment data is processed. If youre still friends with mutual friends, you can ask them if they know why your ex unfriended you. But just randomly unfollowed me. But such dumpers perceive breakups wrongly, take them personally, and try to punish their ex by blocking their ex. Once you know that you blocked your exs number or some of the apps when you are connected, that can prevent you from texting or calling your ex for some time. Thats why you should avoid rationalizing with your ex and trying to make your ex see a different side of you. It doesnt matter how stubborn the dumper is and how badly the dumpee wants to reconnect. Punched you in the gut. In his head, he will also be thinking, Is she also dating someone new?. John Adams is the founder of this site, howtodothings101. With his friends he was a different person. But you have other tools that your ex might get a look of what your life is now and if your ex wants to break the No Contact with you. By doing so, they can keep unwanted thoughts and emotions away from them and enjoy their new life. If youve been unfriended on Facebook, its not the end of the world. However, you keep breaking up you need to use your 45 days no contact to work out, why you keep breaking up, and if you are truly compatible for a long term healthy relationship. It means that youre a threat to her, and she wants to eliminate you. Web2. He isnt on alot of social media just snapchat but neither I nor he ever really put up stories or now that weve split, send each other snapchats. How To Show Your Ex You Dont Care Anymore. This situation creates a place of instability, and thoughts of guilt, or even shame. Based on her past I unfortunately have a feeling she will be back. You cant risk making your ex feel uncomfortable and bringing a bad reaction out of your ex that sets you back emotionally. Press J to jump to the feed. Other splits are the result of growing apart and are relatively civil. Your ex is leaving you unblocked for moral reasons and in case theres some kind of emergency on either side. Consider blocking your ex in these cases: This is why its especially hard when your partner blocks you on social media platforms. Gojira_Kan 3 yr. ago. 12 Signs Your Ex Is Testing You and What It Means, 17 Questions Girls Are Afraid To Ask Guys. After a month of posting I took a month-long break of posting and then on Halloween posted some nice pics of myself for the first time in a while. If you freaked out and started demanding why he unfollowed you, those negative memories can be triggered. Blocking someone on social media is an unmistakable signal that you dont want them in your life. Control your temptation: block your ex only at those apps or his/her number, on those places that you interacted the most. How can someone youve known for so long become such a stranger, how can I get over this? Maybe theyve heard from a mutual friend that youre struggling with the breakup or other personal issues. When it comes to your ex and his rebound, you dont have to do anything! He will be wondering about these questions, and probably a ton of other questions as well. They feel that their ex is making them feel pressured and that they have no choice but to block their ex and avoid feeling unwanted emotions. If they dont respond or if their response is vague, you can always try reaching out in person. Even if you dont share online they might text you saying that people told me this and that about you. Your ex blocked you after the break-up, which means it probably wasnt all that cordial. Rather, they paint the picture of a desperate and heartbroken person who is still hung up over her ex and cant move on with life. Your ex may not have blocked you, but that doesnt mean your ex will tolerate desperation and manipulation tactics. If you block your ex during No Contact there are tons of different opinions that go through your exs head: An ex blocks you during and after No Contact to tell you that your ex is hurt, has moved on, or that this is a sign that your ex is missing you. Since its too painful for him to see photos of you or know what youre doing, he wants to get the image of you out of his head. If you concluded that during NC your ex had a good impact on you then you might start the process of unblocking in one of the apps or numbers. If he can do something, I can do it better. We were still talking and hanging out at times for a month after breaking up. This will give you a chance to step back a little and rethink things and feelings. It could be that the person is no longer interested in staying connected with you or that they found your posts annoying. But never do it if you want them back because you feel mediocre without them, you miss the intimacy, or so on. It is very important that you do not react, because if you do, you are essentially handing power and control back to him. Didnt even call me or text me to break up with me. Different personalities and every couple has different personalities and every couple has types! Youll make that person come running back to the dumpee wants to reconcile then theyll a... Relationship, or even blocking them unfollowed me on everything that doesnt mean your ex unfriended you reconcile! Thats why you should get back together with your ex isnt waiting for you to out. Control your temptation: block your ex asks to get back together, there are Ways to a! Notice that theyve unblocked you Relationships are complicated, and try to punish their after... Narrative about the relationship can get upended, and eventually, curiosity the. Upended, and thoughts of guilt, or so on see a different side of.... People can organize their homes too by following expert advice given throughout each article here. 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