8. 2004 Honda Accord catalytic converter replacement cost, If you need a catalytic converter replacement for your 2004 Honda Accord, you should expect to spend between, Catalytic converters are expensive, and there's no way around that fact. In most cases, this issue manifests as a decrease in low-end torque. This pickup truck is still going strong almost three decades later, and keeps with the environmentally-conscious times with the introduction of an all-electric version. Level: LEV2 . If you look through automotive history, you'll find plenty of awesome vehicles that have been in production for decades without too many people noticing. Sources: Kelley Blue Book, Edmunds, RepairPal, J.D Power. If you're the owner of a Honda Accord and you see the P0420 code on your dash, don't panic just quite yet. Some law enforcement authorities will offer you free assistance with this etching. In either scenario, the code indicates that your car's onboard computer perceives a decline in the efficiency of the catalytic converter(s). The Toyota Camry doesn't offer much driving excitement, but its practicality, affordability, and reliability have kept it on top of sales charts. 84560 (Direct-fit) D-182-74. You can finalize the deal and sell the converter or you can try to get some more money if you feel that the middleman tries to trick you with the price. In addition to the noise, you'll likely also notice a rougher-than-normal ride and strong exhaust smells. The best way to avoid blockage on your catalytic converter is to drive your vehicle for 15 minutes each day so that the exhaust heats up enough to scorch away the deposits that have accumulated on the catalytic converter. Here you can read about the catalytic converter cost, labor, and parts prices when to replace it, etc. I Hit Curb and the Wheel Is Bent Inward Now. The Jeep Patriot saw almost 2 million units sold in just 10 years. How to Replace Your Cat-back Large pickup trucks, like the, , are all easy and attractive targets for thieves. For this reason, the Referee program has acceptable alternative CATs that can be used. This is my first ever video, so please understand I tried my best to be clear and. The condition of the converter also affects its value.A new or like-new converter will obviously be worth more than one that is old or damaged. SKU: CS-HON-ACC-G7-24 Protect your Honda Accord 2.4L (4 cylinder) with our latest Cat Shield, available for both OEM and aftermarket converters. 4. Upstream - The upstream (before the exhaust gas hits the catalytic converter) oxygen sensor measures the exhaust gasses as they exit the engine. Honda S-MX (RH1 / RH2) Honda Stepwagon (RF1 / RF2) (1996-2001) Honda Stepwagon (RF3 - RF8) (2001-2005) Honda Stepwagon (RG) (2006-2009) Honda Stepwagon (RK) (2009-2015) What is a Catalytic Converter Anyway? This is very helpful. The catalytic converter reduces harmful emissions via chemical reactions. There are a lot of different types of cars on the road, and each one has its own unique set of features. When it stops cleaning the exhaust efficiently, your check engine light may come on, and your Honda can fail an emissions tests. Catalytic Converters & Parts for Honda Accord, Catalytic Converters & Parts for Honda Pilot, Catalytic Converters & Parts for Mazda 3, Driving without a catalytic converter adds to the pollution in the air we breathe, and you are then exposed to significantly more hazardous exhaust gases. In ideal conditions, the exhaust gases should be invisible. New exhaust seals have a tendency to smoke a little when first heated up. Some of the most popular devices for catalytic converter theft prevention are the CatStrap and the Over time, soot and other deposits can clog the catalytic converter, which will prevent it from operating effectively. It means, they could have already lost some parts of the honeycomb with the precious metals. Well, that's because this car has been selling like hotcakes for decades. . The catalytic converter itself is a two-stage process: reduction and oxidation. Catalytic Converter Overall Length:, Catalytic Converter Center, 46-State Legal (Cannot ship to CA, CO, NY or ME), Includes 1 Center Catalytic Converter, 1 After Catalytic Converter Oxygen Sensor Part Number: KIT1-082316-02 . That's why old converters can be sold. How hard is it to change a catalytic converter? If you own a vehicle built after 1975, it likely has a catalytic converter. P0420 Honda Accord The Cat Converter Failure Code. The Honda CR-V was among the pioneers of the compact crossover SUV segment when it debuted in the late '90s. Owners are losing hard-earned money and valuable time due to the outbreak. The environmental pollution concerns of the '70s forced the American government to introduce a rule that all cars would have catalytic converters installed in the exhaust systems to turn toxic exhaust fumes into water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. We've found ways to sell your converter and we recommend choosing between them. Identifying Honda Catalytic Converters. Toyota's attention to detail and commitment to clean car manufacturing made the Toyota Prius end up with a legacy of being the first mass-produced hybrid car. Since the Ford F-Series is a popular truck, statistically it makes sense that it is a commonly targeted vehicle for catalytic converter theft. Be with us and know about how many catalytic converters are there in the 1998-2022 Honda Accord. Jan 2, 2020 (Edited) 1 on the I4 or do you have a V6 - 3 cats. Catalytic converters can cost up to $1,000, and since they're fairly easy to steal, they've become prime targets for thieves looking to make a quick buck. In some of the models from these generations, there are two or three catalytic converters. The popularity of Chevy's Equinox is still going strong today, as this vehicle is currently in its third generation after selling more than 3 million units. Security cameras and motion-activated lights can help prevent theft. Theft of catalytic converters is no laughing matter. Some of the best ways to protect your 2004 Honda Accord from catalytic converter theft include parking in a secure location, installing an anti-theft device, and tagging your cat with your car's VIN. Unless you plan to get the upcoming electric version of the Equinox, make sure you take good care of its catalytic converter. Why do you want to replace any oxygen sensors? Below well cover the location, price, and symptoms of a bad torque converter in your Accord. SUVs, like the, But don't let your Accord's low ride height give you a false sense of security. If your Honda Accord is due for a new catalytic converter, you might be wondering if there are any alternatives to replacement. Walker. Where is the OBD port on a 1992 Toyota 4Runner? To sell your old cat converter to them, you will need to follow these steps: All you have to do is to organize the shipping of your converter. Since catalytic converter theft almost always results in a costly repair job, it's critical that you take steps to protect yourself from this crime. The Ford Econoline is a range of full-size vans that have been in production in some form or another since the '60s. Will the insurance premium increase if you have a Honda car? If the internal plates start to break apart and shift, they can create restrictions in your exhaust pipe that will choke out your engine. The simple answer is yes as this car has the arrangement for a 55- inch TV to fit in. What Is the Biggest Airport in the World? There are a few reasons for this. It has not been previewed, commissioned or otherwise endorsed by any of our network partners. Next, unscrew the bolts at the back of the converter, followed by the ones at the front, and remove it from the car. It can run into problems over the normal life of the vehicle, and is often accompanied by OBDII code P0420. The front and rear mounting surfaces will be covered with rust and debris. These precious metals make them quite valuable often worth more than $1,000!But the actual value depends on the specific metals used in the converter and the current market prices for those metals. Should I replace the catalytic converter? But anyway, these catalytic converters are not the best and the most expensive on the market. Honda Accord Catalytic Converter Replacement Cost The average cost for a Honda Accord Catalytic Converter Replacement is between $2,320 and $2,479. Being that many Ford Econoline vans end up sitting in unprotected or dimly lit parking lots after everyone goes home for the night, these vans are often targeted for their catalytic converters. This prepares the surface for new seals and helps to ensure a tight fit. We recommend adding locks to your converter for added security. Honda Accord Euro R CL7; Honda S2000; Seller Feedback (1,848) r***s (193) . In one case, this will be a quick sale to your mechanic for $20, in some other cases, you will manage to sell the cat directly to some recycling company. The cats made by Honda are not extremely big and heavy. Yes, with the desire of fitting a TV in Honda CRV, many CRV users often ask will a 55inch TV fin in this car or not. The catalytic converter for your Accords cost will vary by model year and engine size. What was the process like? And since your 2004 Honda Accord is one of, the vehicles most targeted by catalytic converter thieves, , you have all the more reason to take preventative measures against the crime., Luckily, we put together this complete guide for 2004 Honda Accord owners. Over time, soot and other deposits can clog the catalytic converter, which will prevent it from operating effectively. The police have issued a warning to drivers about the increase in thefts. Yes, a 2004 Honda Accord has either one or three catalytic converters, depending on its engine type. The most straightforward (and cheapest) approach is to consider your parking options thoroughly. The purpose of a hood spacer is to create more clearance between the engine and the hood, which can improve airflow and cooling. We recommend using recycling companies' services to sell your old converter. There are two main factors that contribute to catalytic converter failure: age and mileage. The NICB says a recycler will pay $50-$250 for a used catalytic converterand more for those used in hybrid carsmostly for the precious metals used to make it work. For the tenth generation( 2018-2022), You can check this link for online purchases. These recycling companies will pay you more than any middleman. The Honda CR-V is one of the pioneers of the compact crossover SUV segment when it debuted in the late '90s. Sometimes, this will be a good decision. How to replace and install catalytic converter easily? In the late '90s, Chevrolet needed a new pickup truck to replace the popular C/K and set it up for a successful 21st century. . Diesel scrap Catalytic Converters . 126K views 10 years ago I show how to replace a catalytic converter at rear of motor with code p0420 and oxygen sensors on a 2003-2007 Honda Accord V-6 3.0 VTEC only !!. Are They Really British? Example: John has a 2004 Honda Accord with EFN 4HNXV02.4KCV. Martin is a seasoned content creator who has been writing about cars for over a decade, and has been in love with them for even longer. Catalytic converter replacement for the Ford F-Series costs almost $1,600, so investing in a shield you can install yourself may be a good thief deterrent. Such failure can occur when the converter becomes clogged or damaged, preventing it from doing its job properly. Another reason for the catalytic converter theft of Jeep Patriots is the popularity of this 4WD SUV. Wait for responses. With millions of Honda Accords on American roads today, it's no surprise that it's a prime target for catalytic converter thieves. A very old converter will likely contain less precious metals. Catalytic Converter Price: Honda Accord. These are businesses that have all the needed equipment to take the precious metals out of the converters. Genuine Honda OEM part that fits your specific vehicle perfectly Made to factory specifications to ensure an original look and function $8.81 - $2,412.19 Honda OE Exhaust System - Exhaust Components (Coupe 2.4L) 0 # 2749095742 Honda Accord Coupe 2.4L 2004, Exhaust System - Exhaust Components by Honda OE. Stolen converters contribute to increased air pollution and cost us all money in other ways. With replacement costs hovering around $2,200 on average, and the value of the 1997 Honda CR-V being about the same price, you may be better off buying a new car. Unfortunately, this price will be lower than the fair market price. To check if your catalytic converter is clogged, keep your hand close to the exhaust pipe end and ask someone to push the accelerator pedal to increase your car's RPM to 2000. With proper maintenance, the catalytic converter can last for many years. Step 5 - Install new bolts and springs. Does a 1998 Honda Accord have a catalytic converter? A skilled crew of cat thieves can, jack up your car and make off with the cat in just a few minutes. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. O2 Slant vs. O2 Straight Cats. Catalytic converters are made up of several different metals, including platinum and palladium. back Mazda. These precious metals make them quite valuable - often worth more than $1,000! 10 Biggest Airports Listed. If your car suddenly has reduced power and acceleration, it may be due to a catalytic converter failure. Anticipate spending over $2,500 to replace the catalytic converter on a Chrysler 200. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Find a person who buys used catalytic converters in your city or town. What is an example of a stolen catalytic converter? C $166.34 Free shipping for many products Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fits For 98-02 Honda Accord Catalytic Converter Car Rear Exhaust System 2 3L at the best online prices at . Even though we haven't seen a new model of the Chrysler 200 for a few years now, this sedan still remains popular among thieves of catalytic converters. When this component isn't functioning properly, it can cause all sorts of problems. Japanese car brands see slightly more catalytic converter theft than their American counterparts because the catalytic converters on Japanese cars have higher amounts of precious metals. In addition, the converter can also be damaged by corrosion or physical damage. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'autohond_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-autohond_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'autohond_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',134,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-autohond_com-leader-3-0_1'); .leader-3-multi-134{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}-Yes. Honda Accord, Honda Odyssey, and Honda Civic, due to their popularity, availability and parts . While catalytic converters have drastically reduced pollution, they've created a new problem for car owners since they are targeted by thieves. Garages are the safest option, but if that isnt an option, look for driveways, well-lit areas, and sites with video surveillance instead. Hybrid models of the Toyota Camry are appealing targets for catalytic converter thefts, much like their cousin, the Toyota Prius. It helps to reduce harmful pollutants in exhaust gases from an internal combustion engine before they are released into the atmosphere. Required fields are marked *. . But the actual value depends on the specific metals used in the converter and the current market prices for those metals. Theft of catalytic converters is no laughing matter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is a Honda Element safe from catalytic converter theft? The initial reduction catalyst acts to decrease nitrogen oxide emissions, while the second-stage oxidation catalyst acts to decrease hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. After that, you will have an old original converter in your hands and you may have heard that people sell these things at good prices. I want to try it out on my car, but I cant seem to find the plug. Fit the catalytic converter flange to the tailpipe flangeInstall the 15mm nuts onto the exhaust studsReplace the studs with bolts if necessaryInstall the exhaust clamp around the slip jointFasten the two 14mm nuts onto the exhaust clampThread the O2 sensor wires away from moving partsConnect the O2 sensor wiring connectors. Some people chuckle about it, but it is no laughing matter when it happens to you. Luckily, there are a few things you can try before resorting to shelling out for a new converter. Find out why with this helpful article. Walker. Find out how to swap one of these out of your exhaust system when it becomes a problem. How to prevent catalytic converter theft in a Honda Accord? Here, in this article, we will talk about the cars from the sixth generation to the tenth generation from the year 1998-2022. Engine Running Right You may need to fix other engine problems in order to solve your catalytic converter problem. If it has bad reviews, they may cause troubles for catalytic converter sellers. We know cases when people sold their old cats on eBay and they only asked half of the price these cats actually cost. The middleman may also ask you to take pictures of the car and send them in order to make some calculations. Camry are appealing targets for catalytic converter are targeted by thieves many years, these catalytic converters make quite... Manifests as a decrease in low-end torque very old converter will likely contain less precious out! It may be due to their popularity, availability and parts and make with. Seem to find the plug unique set of features not been previewed, commissioned or otherwise by... 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