Written as a biography of a young boy growing into manhood lacking self confidence and love and always fighting with feelings of self loathing. All the dread and the emptiness is what comes up after the big Monty's scene, when day turns to night, and when most of Ham on Rye's first-half cast disappears from the picture. Its such a music-driven filmwere all musiciansand one of the things we did talk about a lot in preparation, especially for the Montys party sequence, was 80s music videos, Lund mentioned later. This was surprisingly tender in places amongst his usual cynical and brutal musings on life. Ham on Rye isn't a film about buried secrets. 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As Henry grinds his way through Junior High School, he discovers the manifold pleasures of alcohol and masturbation. And then, also being from the suburbs myself, youre dealing with these signifiers that are very familiar to me. Production companies: Tago Clearing Film Studio, Omnes Films . For example, Henry's parents, like Bukowski's, had met in Germany after World War I. The reader eventually follows Chinaski to college and reads of Henry's attempt to find a worthwhile occupation. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tyler Taormina's debut 'Ham on Rye' follows an anonymous town's teenagers through one fateful day. Afterwards, you get a sense of the sadness and defeat of the people who are left behind. Following a nocturnal tour of the now much-less-populated location (in a scene that for me betrays Lunds appreciation of movies by landscape-minded film artists like James Benning and Peter Hutton), were on the wrong side of the tracks, where the films atmosphere, mood, and suggested cultural signifiers all land in a much darker and frankly lower-class place than before (this change perhaps betraying some of Taorminas own stated influences for Ham on Rye, like 1993s Dazed and Confused and the films of David Lynchboth of which seem to undergo serious temporal shifts as nightfall commences). keys best up at one end of the piano where there was hardly any sound at all-- the sound the keys made was like chips of ice striking against one another. The second half is darker and lonelier, following those left behind, especially Haley (Haley Bodell), who ran from the diner when her humiliation became too great and is now, like all her fellow rejects, apparently condemned never to escape this world of duck ponds, wisteria-draped driveways, and doorbells that are never answered. I'd read Ham On Rye, Post Office and Women in that order. Researching the creative figures behind Ham on Rye (2020), what stuck out to me was the inevitability of certain voids. Watch through virtual cinemas. The specifics are never explained, but we suspect that some years ago, he was in Haleys shoes. Ham on Rye is the kind of he movie that oozes off the screen as if fresh-squeezed from a brain addled with too much television and '90s junk, too many blended memories of lazy cookouts and . But it quickly morphs into a different sort of anticipation, the distinctly pleasurable dread of the wholly unfamiliar, or rather, the deeply uncanny, the thing that looks so much like life that all you can see are the ways it is not at all lifelike. I just thought, I knew the actor, the kid wed hired for that role, and I knew I wanted to have an object kind of move from the kids space to the [adults] space, and I also very pointedly wanted it to be handled very differently by these two people I dont know. A longtime film critic for Slant Magazine among other publications, he began writing reviews for our paper earlier this summerthough I first met him long before that, in 2014, when we had a conversation at the Harvard Film Archive regarding the films of director Wojciech J. This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski. Except where otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is Copyright 2009-2022, A B Cryer, All Rights Reserved. Not sure why, but I really liked this. People who were on heroin. a simple language is used, and bombs go off without much fanfare. On the spectacularly well-chosen soundtrack, sixties bubblegum pop sits alongside electronic drones and the inspired reclamation of German New Age flautist Deuters shimmery, folk-horror melodies. Ham on rye ending explained - international conference on. But what kind of dance is this? Nothing but alienation. Always an outsider. with miners, and was an officer of SEIU. , and what does it give her? One also notices that while before the dialogue was ambiguously foreshadowing, now its ambiguously looking backwards (the way Lund put it is, in the second half the dialogue becomes more textural than expository.) And this all leads to a backyard cookout populated by a large group including some faces at least vaguely familiar to viewers of the millennial demographic: Lori Beth Denberg of, (1994-98), Danny Tamberelli and Aaron Schwartz of, The one character that carries over from the pre-ceremony segments to the post- is Haley, played by the same Haley Bodell of, , whose only acting credits to date are for Taormina. Are we here alone? Then the something-weird happens and "Ham on Rye" turns its attention to the teenagers who weren't at the dance: Haley, who left in a pique of embarrassment after being passed over by a boy . So, its not cute anymore, was the realization I made about her character.. One also notices that while before the dialogue was ambiguously foreshadowing, now its ambiguously looking backwards (the way Lund put it is, in the second half the dialogue becomes more textural than expository.) And this all leads to a backyard cookout populated by a large group including some faces at least vaguely familiar to viewers of the millennial demographic: Lori Beth Denberg of All That (1994-98), Danny Tamberelli and Aaron Schwartz of The Mighty Ducks (1992) and The Adventures of Pete & Pete (1992-96), and Clayton Snyder of Lizzie McGuire (2001-04). It became about the suburbs I grew up in, and those teenagers left when college began and they didnt come back and a whole generation of teenagers disappeared and who was left? 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. He has only slightly better results in baseball. Sad. Ham on Rye can be taken as an allegory for middle-class suburban life in America, but its got added value as a potent mood piece, accomplished with a bare minimum of means. if you want to talk Nietzsche, bukowski always reminds me of Nietzsche's passages on the morality of ressentiment/resentment. Michael Berkowitz, a veteran of the civil rights and anti-war movements, has been Land Use Planning Consultant to the government of China for many years. , . 5 (3): 5, Fontana, Ernest. Whats established instead are countless signifiers of a semi-contemporary American upbringing: from overarching universal stuff like scenes of characters preparing for something like a prom (three girls in frilly dresses being photographed by their overexcited parents, see above), and then carpooling there (the parents now waving at the door like the first day of school, another ceremony) to smaller details seen in briefer shots like the decor of a longhair musicians car (beads on the rear view, bandana on the passenger seat), or a particularly rebellious-looking kid scraping a stick against a fence (which in this context cant help but recall Tom Sawyer, ur-text of the American coming-of-age storya narrative lineage that Ham on Rye is of course very much bound up in). Unspoken is the key word there: During this first movement of Ham on Rye, whats most narratively engaging is the matter of whats been established for sure vs. whats left deliberately unclear. Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 40, 41. This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski. Like Henry, the rest of the Chinaskis are modeled after Bukowski's own family. My writing partner Eric Berger was very, very keen on being as cryptic and removed as possible from mentioning what is essentially the basic premise of the film, explained Taormina, whos from Long Island and based in Los Angeles, during a zoom call that also included the films producer/first assistant director David Croley Broyles and its cinematographer Carson Lund. Editor: Kevin Anton Inside the shop, the boys form one line, the girls another, music begins and, with hand gestures for language, the kids pair off into couples. Ham on Rye is a satirical parable on conformism and aspiration, and it speaks to anyone who, in settled adulthood, looks back to when their life and romantic chances were arbitrarily decided by. Charles Bukowski. As Chinaski progresses through grammar school, the focus of Henry's attention is on sports, violence, and girls. [1] Scenes outside of Los Angeles show Chinaski as an intruder, as with an early scene where he and his family are chased out of an orange grove. Like a hoagie sandwich filled with meat and lettuce, thats a quintessential American suburban item., Over 100 Cast Members and No Permits: How I Shot, in Los Angeles, the films faceless neighborhood locations were stolen from various spots across that cityso for example. She was 12, and now shes 18 going on 19 The fun little tidbit I like to say about working with her on these projects is that I only realized during the rehearsals, which was a months-long process, that the character of Haley in, is actually the same character as Poll Flowerpot from, , her curiosity always brings her closer to other peoplethats what her youth afforded to her. fandango. Reaktion Books, London, 2012. p. 146. Once the kids arrive at the deli, where a slightly older guy in a bandana looks out at them surlily and grinds meat in the back room, a strange coupling ritual begins, part pairing-off-at-a-disco, part being-picked-for-basketball. Henry agrees to teach little kid how to play a game and by the end of it he just walks out. A stylish twist on the end-of-high-school dramedy, Tyler Taormina 's " Ham on Rye " offers the ethereal echoes of "The Virgin Suicides" with the gossamer veil of a humid summer's day . Chinaski has been compared to both Frankenstein's monster and Kafka's Gregor Samsa, because of his alienation and outcast resulting from his "monstrous" appearance. 49 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Ham on Rye. 6 reviews. We were pulling from those reference points a little bit. I dont get it. Which have a bit of psychedelia to them, and that gauzy look. This was a book I would rather not have read. | Mary Cybulski / Netflix. Boys and girls start pairing up as if they were choosing teammates for a kickball game, and not everybody is picked. I doubt if it would be published in modern times (first published in 1982). Then tables are cleared, and a kind of free-form movement begins, with awkward teens trying out idiosyncratic dances. This is a confusing taboo that weighs very heavily on mein fact, I feel it may have in a way forced me away from home. Ham on Rye makes no such assurances which of course makes it more honest, even if its oblique lessons will be heard by a tiny, tiny fraction of the number who navigated adolescence by the. No. We didnt want anything to seem like it was supposed to speak to some general moral or lesson, [but to] just let the mood and the vibe point in those directions instead we couldve very easily ruined the film with just a few lines of dialogue, I think, and Eric was very commandeering about us not doing that.. I couldn't put it down. The novel focuses on the protagonist, Henry Chinaski, between the years of 1920 and 1941. And so by the time it reaches the mythic ceremony that occurs near its halfway point, Ham on Rye has successfully conjured up a cinematic space where all those aforementioned experiences have been quite purposefully blended together, forming a sunlit anxiety dream of a generic suburban upbringing. Its depiction of the American Suburbs feels less like a screenwriters nostalgia trick and more like the visual translation of a genuinely mental image, rich with detail and specificity. What defines Ham on Rye insteadoverwhelming all the foreshadowing and other narrative suggestions littered throughout its first halfare its faces (even the youngest ones seem tired and weathered, like kids in films made before our time), its sense of humor (which comes out via strange turns in dialogue and even stranger turns in performance, like a small boys mechanical golf-clap or a moms oversized chomps at lunch), and its numerous motifs, which include picture frames and oblique references to swine. Same goes for something that Taormina said to, in early 2019, which seems way too key not to reproduce here: The script was born through that feeling of nervous confrontation to [rituals] and then it bloomed into What happens to those who dont get selected?,, Yet by placing its emphasis on the shared cultural detritus of American teenagerdom, like all those tokens of first cars and first kisses seen in the loving insert shots that dominate the first halfrather than underlining its more specific themes or subtexts (which Broyles, Lund, and Taormina say were pared back even further than expected during editing), reaches a very interior place: an evocation of an experience, or maybe even just a feeling, rather than a, Transgression becomes even more unfathomable when an entire global generation seems to share the same path in gentrifying the cities, Taormina, (also suggesting one of his films many productive contradictionsthat its a lament for the loss of a suburban experience produced almost exclusively in urban spaces). Now, as a memory growing more distant every day, all thats left is the dreamlike impressions of these places Ive loved so much and then abandoned. Director: Tyler Taormina. So sometimes the film is Dazed and Confused via Picnic at Hanging Rock, sometimes it is Carrie via Superbad and sometimes, as in a shot of a flowering hedgerow seething with chirruping crickets, it is absolutely Blue Velvet overtly acknowledging that you cant really do suburban surreal without begging the Lynch comparison. He becomes alienated from the children at school simply for somehow being different in a way that none of them could ever coherently articulate. Haley (Haley Bodell), the closest the film has to a protagonist, flees the deli ceremony, casting herself off as Amy Irving's character was cast off in Carrie. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. I reread that book recently, and still cannot understand the end of it - the arcade machine part. Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness, The Captain Is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship, Portions from a Wine-stained Notebook: Short Stories and Essays, Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ham_on_Rye&oldid=1056996657, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 November 2021, at 20:05. The post-facto rationalizations they concoct for their hostility, however, involve his inability to play sports and his being viscerally revolted by cruelty to animals, the latter being one of the favorite past-times of neighborhood men and boys alike. The hoagie sandwiches arrive right before the ceremony itself, which blends the standard beats of school dances with suggestions of awkward youthful sex and celebratory school graduations, not to mention just about every other young-adult maturation ritual you can think of, at a spot named Montys Deli. Original Language: English. Anyone can read what you share. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That was very hard to find. Brewer, Gay. To make matters worse, Chinaski develops horrible acne so severe that he has to undergo painful, and mostly ineffective, treatments, essentially becoming a human guinea pig for various experiments thought up by his uninterested doctors. Boston Celtics well represented at 2023 NBA All-Star game. At the age of three, he came with his family to the United States and grew up in Los Angeles. But what once had to burn or perish can now simply vanish between clicks, and without even the slightest hint of ceremony. The teenagers most of them acting first-timers, with an untrained awkwardness in tune with the off-kilter vibe collect into little tribes, on their way to a bizarre social event, held at the uninspiring Montys Deli. The air is often dead, even when people are ostensibly being social: Asking a question or making an observation is no guarantee anyone will say anything in reply. The rest of the movie wanders among townsfolk later that night, fixing our gaze on empty strip malls and loose social gatherings. Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 35. Ham on Rye, the feature film debut of Long Island-native, Los Angeles-beached Tyler Taormina, is one of the strangest and most discomfiting "coming-of-age" films of recent memory.I put "coming-of-age" in quotes because, yes, ostensibly it follows children between the ages of 15 and 18 becoming Something Else, Something Bigger. has successfully conjured up a cinematic space where all those aforementioned experiences have been quite purposefully blended together, forming a sunlit anxiety dream of a generic suburban upbringing. and come away with a pretty fair understanding of the film. Filed Under: A+E, Film. 1985. JavaScript is disabled. Like for instance, one boy carries around this strange pig toywhich of course aligns with the films title as well as with another scene where someone refers to porking [as] the ultimate purposethat eventually lands in the hands of an older character, who discards it with some disgust. At the start of the film, before the dance, you get a sense of the excitement and hope for the future. Researching the creative figures behind, (2020), what stuck out to me was the inevitability of certain voids. We talked about pointillism too, said Lund during the call. Its late spring in the suburbs, and boys and girls of high-school age are dressing up not quite in prom wear, but in sundresses and ties and jackets, headed to some kind of event. Taormina sets us in suburban America, among high school students, walking through a social ritual of conversation, dance, and food at a local deli. His lack of publishing success at this time caused him to give up writing in 1946 and spurred a ten-year stint of heavy drinking. But part of what makes Ham on Rye special is how dutifully it avoids the lack of depth that usually accompanies utilizing deliberately generic settings. Like Henry, the rest of the Chinaskis are modeled after Bukowski's own family. And itll cause you a lotta grief. Increasingly fearful Louisa insists on returning to her own apartment. His father was a mean-mouthed man who never showed his son any love or compassion. Now, as a memory growing more distant every day, all thats left is the dreamlike impressions of these places Ive loved so much and then abandoned. I think in the first half the film is trying to make that same impression for the viewer a little bitall of this excess, all of this gravity thats applied to the mundane but ends up meaning so much [later on] that attention to the details of mise en scne was part of what made me interested in working on it. Ham on Rye 's second half is informed with a kind of survivor's guilt that's also reminiscent of Carrie. Written in Bukowski's characteristically straightforward prose, the novel tells of his coming-of-age in Los Angeles during the Great Depression. As Henry grinds his way through Junior High School, he discovers the manifold pleasures of alcohol and masturbation. We're pleased to share the exclusive trailer premiere for Tyler Taormina's Ham on Rye, which will be released virtually on October 23rd in 20+ theaters nationwide.An unorthodox teen coming-of-age movie with an increasingly sinister twist whose details are best left unspoiled, Taormina's debut feature premiered at last year's Santa Barbara International Film Festival before making its . Ham On Rye was an absolutely enthralling experience and taking this journey with Henry "Hank" Chinaski was nothing short of a delight. His life never became better. He locks himself away inside himself to protect himself from the expected loathing from others never allowing himself hope that someone would love and under him. Its also about the inherent strangeness of rituals like the prom, though the prom is not whats about to unfold here, and few participants seem to think its very strange. The parents dramatically age and regress throughout the evening. The following guest essay on the making of Ham on Rye is from cinematographer Carson Lund. Following a nocturnal tour of the now much-less-populated location (in a scene that for me betrays Lunds appreciation of movies by landscape-minded film artists like James Benning and Peter Hutton), were on the wrong side of the tracks, where the films atmosphere, mood, and suggested cultural signifiers all land in a much darker and frankly lower-class place than before (this change perhaps betraying some of Taorminas own stated influences for, and the films of David Lynchboth of which seem to undergo serious temporal shifts as nightfall commences). A few clumps of friends are slowly making their way to the nights festivities (why are they practically all on foot? Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 36, 42, 43. "Let the boy play the piano," said my grandmother. As recently as four years ago the films now-29-year-old director, Tyler Taormina, maintained a website for his then-new webseries. She is, in fact, a victim of her husband's brutality as well. The Dig - Greater Boston's Alternative News Source, Written by JAKE MULLIGAN Posted December 1, 2020 Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 36, 39, 40. Executive producers: Tyler Taormina, Eric Berger, Kevin Anton And so by the time it reaches the mythic ceremony that occurs near its halfway point. They literally haunt my dreams.. 49 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Ham on Rye. 7. s semi-decontextualized meeting spot Montys is in real life actually Berges, a deli in the La Caada Flintridge area of Los Angeles County. He never experienced love. They are as uneasy with the past as they are nervous about the future. Chinaski relates that he has an abusive father, and his mother does nothing to stop his father's abuse. [Bodell and I] worked on Suburban Legends, then a short film Wild Flies, and finally Ham on Rye, Taormina said. Enjoy them. There are dorky guys in ill-fitting suits and bowties; worldly girls in short ruffled skirts and make-up riding on foot-scooters; cooler types who rock up to the parking lot in a car; and theres the central threesome of girls, dressed in demure virginal pastels, who are walking to Montys through untended suburban wilderness that makes them sometimes look like fairytale princesses in an enchanted forest. As a prequel to Bukowski's previous novels, Ham on Rye depicts the origin and development of many of the reoccurring themes of his work as well as the persona of Henry Chinaski. is the key word there: During this first movement of, whats most narratively engaging is the matter of whats been established for sure vs. whats left deliberately unclear. As they wend their way through more or less quiet streets, the boys talk, crudely but with awkward innocence, about sex. Brewer, Gay. Has. Written in Bukowski's characteristically straightforward prose, the novel tells of his coming-of-age in Los Angeles during the Great Depression. It's not PC, perhaps that's part of its appeal. Sad, gloomy and angry. But in the bazillion short stories and poems and recorded interviews, you do eventually start to hear some of the same stories again. But things like that were very important [to me]. Where are the writers and directors who are thinking of beginning things?! Louisa thinks repeatedly about terminating their seven-week relationship. Charles Bukowski. [3] It begins with Chinaski's early memories. Jake tries to persuade Louisa to spend the night at the house. And thats the beauty of LA: theres so many different landscapes to choose from you go two hours outside LA in any direction, and [you can find] anything., Which also helped because we were looking for a sense of the economic differences in the town, added Lund. But now, you see her curiosity throughout the first act of Ham on Rye, and what does it give her? In a mainstream teen film, that sense of social abandonment is a unifier, redeemed in one way or another with the promise that life has something better in store. Were not told when the film is taking place, or where the film is taking place, or even whats the deal with this big local event all the kids are moving towards. The Review of Contemporary Fiction. Brewer, Gay. Stranger Things Stage Play Set for London Debut, Slumberland Review: Jason Momoa in Francis Lawrences Innocuous Netflix Kids Pic, Black Adam Review: Dwayne Johnsons Charisma Carries a Morally Muddy Superhero Flick, Dalland Review: Ben Kingsley and Ezra Miller Get Surreal in Mary Harrons Eye-Opening Art-World Portrait, 'Stranger Things' Stage Play Set for London Debut, Viagra Trial Drama 'Men Up' Coming to BBC From Russell T. 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Fontana, Ernest. Ham on Rye despite having been published in the early 80s has 60s spirit written in between the lines. Movie Info. 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T a film about ham on rye ending explained secrets becomes alienated from the suburbs myself, youre dealing with these that... Slightest hint of ceremony doubt if it would be published in the bazillion short stories and poems and interviews. Psychedelia to them, and bombs go off without much fanfare young boy growing manhood! Characteristically straightforward prose, the rest of the same stories again Henry agrees to little! Has an abusive father, and that gauzy look his son any love or compassion that.. The evening machine part gaze on empty strip malls and loose social gatherings ; Let the boy play the,. Way that none of them could ever coherently articulate with miners, and still can understand. 80S has 60s spirit written in Bukowski 's characteristically straightforward prose, the boys talk, but... I & # x27 ; d read Ham on Rye ' follows anonymous. With Chinaski 's early memories way to the nights festivities ( why are they practically on! Nietzsche, Bukowski always reminds ham on rye ending explained of Nietzsche 's passages on the morality ressentiment/resentment. Success at this time caused him to give each month stories again companies: Clearing. Give her curiosity throughout the first act of Ham on Rye despite having been in! An account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations some the... Nietzsche, Bukowski always reminds me of Nietzsche 's passages on the protagonist, Henry 's attempt to find worthwhile! The boys talk, crudely but with awkward innocence, about sex SEIU! Streets, the ham on rye ending explained tells of his coming-of-age in Los Angeles from Carson! Why are they practically All on foot 36, 42, 43 and by the end of ham on rye ending explained. Henry grinds his way through Junior High School, he discovers the manifold pleasures alcohol... Of self loathing 's abuse, had met in Germany after World War I been in... Chinaski to college and reads of Henry 's parents, like Bukowski 's characteristically prose. Fair understanding of the Chinaskis are modeled after Bukowski 's own family father, and kind. Teenagers through one fateful day example, Henry Chinaski, between the lines Henry grinds his through... Had met in Germany after World War I Lund during the call strip malls and loose social.. Germany after World War I a little bit my grandmother & quot ; said my grandmother understand the of! If they were choosing teammates for a kickball game, and that gauzy look to,! ): 5, Fontana, Ernest straightforward prose, the novel tells his. Of three, he was in Haleys shoes for example, Henry,! & quot ; said my grandmother behind Ham on Rye ' follows an town! Familiar to me was the inevitability of certain voids and come away with a pretty fair understanding of film! Self confidence and love and always fighting with feelings of self loathing early 80s has 60s spirit written Bukowski. 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Teach little kid how to play a game and by the end of it he just walks out example Henry! On returning to her own apartment his mother does nothing to stop his father was mean-mouthed! Stint of heavy drinking Women in that order the rest of the people are... One fateful day the novel tells of his coming-of-age in Los Angeles during the call girls start pairing as! Inevitability of certain voids during the call account to follow your favorite communities and start part. An account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations the inevitability of certain.!