Documentary offering a view on Maison Martin Margiela during Martin Margiela's helm. Share reading will also help students hear, see, and read aloud the major sentiments and the point of view presented in the document prior to their close-reading exercise. endobj Quote%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xZWT"3"1ZP"9ClHKoj4e=]UWu}Ly`r5nirOyz]/?Z:VVG.-dA3J4^w&Wi2wdGl^d4NsN_EzZ/V=m'ym~o7NK+>NIgZP`gZ,hMECJ? I%think%Canassatego%meant%% If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us. the confidence of the English and of his own people, he managed to retain his position of importance. strength"and"power;"therefore,"whatever"befalls"you,"do"not"fall"out"with"one" 1 2. /Length 7 0 R stream % Another said that he had been poisoned by agents of New France. . (3I _2B/`Z]PwO_w_OP??c=4gxc01R{uw{__ZWKn=fX"Ews3xn xmN*|~h7T{B/>a:8pd&N^Wl]hrl:3 In 1740, Benjamin Franklin, printed excerpts from Canassategos speeches. Penn, for his part, urged Canassatego to remove the Delaware Indians from what was known as the Walking Purchase of 1737, which was quite controversial. Explain. The student pairings can be assigned by the teacher based on the needs of the students and their levels. Short Hints towards a Scheme for a General Union of the British Colonies on the Continent,, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [5], In the 1730s, a faction of Iroquois leaders opened a diplomatic relationship with the British Province of Pennsylvania, facilitated by Conrad Weiser, Pennsylvania's interpreter and agent. He is also subject to federal, Jack, an employee of Desert Sky, Inc., has gross salary for May of $16,000. The issue price of the bonds was $177,110. Some of the major motivations behind the French and Indian War included, but were not limited to, protection of ancestral lands, acquisition of new territory and imperial power, and self-preservation. Cite specific evidence from the text that helps support your answer. [7] The Iroquois denigration of the Delaware as "women" has been the subject of much scholarly writing. What might be his reason? The teacher should discuss with the students the importance of critically analyzing the specific words and sentiments expressed directly in the document. Students and teacher should present their answers on the Smartboard, ELMO, or overhead projector. ->!jKthAsulxum2>;d g4Y~ rLNxL4Q A story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. Why? >> He shows that he is civil and not what they presume the Native Americans to be, stereotypically. In 1740, Benjamin Franikdin printed excerpts from Canasatego's speeches. 4 0 obj Students will be using a statement made by Chippewa (AnishinaabegorOjibwe) chief Minavavana (MihnehwehnaorMinweweh), an ally of the French. OgRXl:O>My:KCCet/-O?>w?R)>FEL%c=Y"F+\qp\wC8j7X:81n$*9-cW'@;p0"ac?&^>vka UC[%u1E%xW{Rs-5Q Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Make certain that students understand that the original text has been excerpted for this lesson. What does Aristotle mean by "character"? Be sure to keep track of Canassatego's point of view and describe your own thoughts as you fill in the chart below.. . View Besides, we are not well used with respect to the lands still unsold by us. % I%think%that"Canassategos%statements%on%the%relationship%between%the%Iroquois% If classroom time is an issue, various aspects of this unit can be used independently. The student pairings can be assigned by the teacher based on the needs of the students and their levels. This activity can be used in most US history classrooms. How is he critical? We know our lands are now become more . These two documents have the common theme of colonial unity embedded within them. . treaties. How does Canassatego feel about the alliance between the tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy? According to Canassatego, what skills do the Iroquois men need? << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> desire"youll"not"consider"the"quantity,"but,"few"as"they"are,"accept"them"in" Significant Quotes and Interpretations Quote I think Canassatego meant Quote I think Canassatego meant Quote I think Canassatego meant I think that Canassategos statements on the relationship between the Iroquois and the colonists was __________________________ (convincing /questionable), because 2013 The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History The responses European settlers had to Native American tribes reflected their own cultural and economic viewpoints. "This"has"given"us"great"weight"and"authority"with" Documentary Biography A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. << Physiology; Anatomy; Atom; pH; What do you think the most interesting lines in the diary are? @paP#P~1K$Y@g{J4@,4As8>Y) For the future we will sell no lands but when Brother Onas [the proprietor of Pennsylvania] is in the country; and we will know beforehand the quantity of the goods we are to receive. . I think the colonist might have found this comment to be a little offensive because they believe that their form of education is not useless, but they might of understood that what their being taught does not apply to the ways of the Iroquois society. because%% "2013"The"Gilder"Lehrman"Institute"of"American"History" % As you read Canassategos speech, underline the main ideas from the text and try to understand his position on the relationship between the Iroquois people and the local colonists. S[owo0$b>-2.SmWXC@up1:K`,Us%\JZ@~7Q8%sr+J After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share, communicating the information from their own half of the document. Students will "close read" and fill in the graphic organizers with relevant ideas, vocabulary, quotations, and meanings from their specificallyassigned halfof the document on their own. If its an angry letter or a respectful letter, in this case a respectful one that is polite on his part. /Width 625 Students will demonstrate their understanding by "graffiting"/annotating the text; completing primary document analysis templates; participating in in-depth analysis of rhetoric and discourse, cooperative learning, and document-based questioning; and creating and responding to higher-order questions based on the text. What are some of the major symbols in Benjamin Franklins "Join or Die" cartoon and what do you think they mean? " Key%Ideas% Those words would later influence the drafting of the United States Constitution forty years later. Pepsi 1989 first made in North Carolina by Caleb Bradham sold it from his drug. The teacher will pair students based on ability level for a Think, Pair, Share based on Minavavana In His Own Words. Our"wise"forefathers"established"union"and"amity"between"the"Five"Nations." For each faction, there were multiple motivations at play during these conflicts. Each student in the pairing will focus on half of the document, which can be assigned by the teacher or selected by the students. After a set amount of time, each student will present at least one piece of information their partner shared with them during the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share. communicating the information from the two sections of the text. . "Besides,"we"are"not"well"used"with"respect"to"the"lands"still"unsold"by" /SM 0.02 Students will create a thesis statement for a DBQ essay and will use all of the documents from this unit to prove their thesis in a detailed DBQ essay. Headquarters: 49 W. 45th Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036, Our Collection: 170 Central Park West New York, NY 10024 Located on the lower level of the New-York Historical Society, 20092023 Cite specific evidence from the document that helps support your answer. The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 1142 1, is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth 2. .".". Calling all K12 teachers: Join us July 1619 for the second annual Gilder Lehrman Teacher Symposium. He had a manly countenance, mixed with a good-natured smile. /Filter /DCTDecode Canassatego wants the men from Virginia to understand that their definition of education and men are divergent. Teacher will "share read" the Robert Moses document with the class. %PDF-1.3 As you read Canassategos speech, underline the main ideas from the text and, try to understand his position on the relationship between the Iroquois people and the local colonists. He is polite by civilly respecting their different ways of teaching and respectively declining their offer to educate the Native American youth. all rights reserved, History U: Courses for High School Students. We know our lands are now become more valuable: the white people think, we do not know their value; but we are sensible that the land is everlasting, and, the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone. /Type /ExtGState This unit will use primary documents to help students understand the complicated nature of defeating adversaries and building coalitions on the frontier during the French and Indian War. According to Chief Minavavana, what are the two ways the "spirits of the slain" can be satisfied? They changed to fit into the new society they were sent into. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. . $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? XcIri2>xvEB9#ORV !ne@l7p ,8qaRN: U 9]s|"`wq /3} Edit your canassatego in his own words answers online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. '$RA What counteroffer does Canassatego make to the representatives from Virginia? } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br At this meeting, Canassatego managed to convince Governor Thomas Penn to pay more than the original purchase price. 25. Canassatego In His Own Words. The French and Indian War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. 2. 2 Pages. These skills might have been particularly important to the Iroquois men because this his how they lived and these are the morals they follow. This beginning might affect the colonist in a surprised way because they believe the Native American's were uncivilized and savages, so they wouldn't expect them to respond in such a respectful way. [19], The US Navy named the USS Canassatego (YN-38/YNT-6/YTM-732), a harbor tug, for Canasatego.[20]. in the text in bold, what rhetorical strategy does chief canassatego use. He made similar recommendations about colonial unity at another conference in 1745. testimony"of"our"regard."."."." The entire amount is under the OASDI limit of$118,500 and thus subject to FICA. Which of the steps toward democratic government are similar to U.S. practices? These units were developed to enable students to understand, summarize, and analyze original texts of historical significance. There are several other major reasons to use Robert Mosess diary: it describes the chaos and brutal nature of the French and Indian War as well as the role that Native American allies played for both the English and the French during the war. . How do Chief Canassatego and his people feel about the land? You can also download it, export it or print it out. In his own words. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Full Document. 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How might this beginning affect the colonists? I%think%Canassatego%meant% % Edit your canassatego in his own words answers online. . The teacher will have to be sure the students are appropriately prepared for this unit/lesson. "We"are"a"powerful"Confederacy,"and"by"your"observing" Discuss with the students the importance of critically analyzing the specific words and sentiments expressed directly in the document. 1 0 obj This work, begun by Canassatego and continued by Hendrick Theyanoguin progressed towards Benjamin Franklin's introducing Short Hints towards a Scheme for a General Union of the British Colonies on the Continent, which became the prototype for the US Federal system declared in 1776. This activity should take between three and five class periods depending on the time allotted by the teacher for pre-activity curriculum-based learning, document analysis, and possible follow-up activities. Unformatted text preview: Name -______________________ Date-__________ Class-___________ Canassatego In His Own Words Canassatego was a chief of the Onondaga Nation and a diplomat for the Iroquois Confederacy. with prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in Canaatego's Anwer to the Governor's Speech delivered in the Morning. "Be"sure"to"keep"track"of" Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. % taken"it"from"our"enemies"in"fair"war."."."." Bearden High School, Knoxville. B3 vlnabO0muHz@%@m~aM{/enh7wLo? 6 0 obj If"you"have"not"done"anything,"we"now"renew"our"request,"and"desire"you"will" We have had some experience of it. We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. . Canassatego reason for this offer might have been to make the representatives from Virginia understand why they wouldn't want to take the offer and to feel how attacked the Native's felt when asked the same thing. s-eQc8]pTS P( 1%[Z#uX^O^Ho|?. @b7LTv7 WM1YJ$q1o_pSzk~6~xO8q&yze;{~9#@ay\m.J The speech to the assembled Indians recalled the need for unity and a strong defense. . This has made us formidable. % The teacher should stress the importance of critically analyzing the specific words and sentiments expressed directly in the document. printed"excerpts"from"Canassategos"speeches. % % % % % %%%%% Quote%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2. They will show the historical circumstances that helped shape or destroy native and European alliances as well as the brutal and confusing nature of wilderness warfare during this period. In a paragraph of 4-5 sentences, explain who Canassatego was and his significance in early American history. %PDF-1.3 Following a literary convention by which Native American characters were used to satirize Europeans, Canassatego was portrayed as wise and honest, in stark contrast to the scheming Englishmen he encounters. Bearden High School, Knoxville. At this stage a review of the new systems performance may also be performed with. How is he polite? accepting" Questions%I%still%have%.%.%." View the"same"methods"our"wise"forefathers"have"taken"you"will"acquire"fresh" Be, stereotypically the drafting of the major symbols in Benjamin Franklins `` Join or Die cartoon... `` Join or Die '' cartoon and what do you think the most popular questions from our customers ``... U: Courses for High School students respect to the lands still unsold by us Atom ; pH what! Students to understand that their definition of education and men are divergent to understand, summarize, analyze! 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