Dhakshike has more than 15 years of experience in addressing homelessness in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. She earned her Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Riverside and wrote her thesis on increasing housing capacity in the Inland Empire using Senate Bill 10 (2021). 25 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<72655F9080E5564DBA890BD1FF9DA9B7>]/Index[25 284]/Info 24 0 R/Length 154/Prev 149597/Root 26 0 R/Size 309/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Barstow SNF Administrator. Most licensees will see an $18 CURES Fee due to the biennial renewal cycle. It consists of Applications Services, Enterprise Technology Services, Infrastructure Services, Client Services, Enterprise Project Services, and the Information Security Office. BreEZe only accepts credit card payments for American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. PDE supports DCA's licensees by producing and publishing online newsletters for many of its boards and bureaus, and supports DCA staff by producing Did You Know?, the monthly online newsletter for employees. The California Interagency Council on Homelessness oversees the implementation of Housing First guidelines and regulations, and identify resources, benefits, and services to prevent and end homelessness in California. Legal Office lawyers provide legal analysis and opinions on laws, issues, proposed legislation, government contracts, employer-employee matters, the Open Meetings Act, the Public Records Act, and the Information Practices Act. The State of California is proposing to invest $140 million of cap and trade money next year in three communities likely $70 million in Fresno, $35 million in Los Angeles, and $35 million in a third location. The Division's market research team will . Dorais also served in multiple positions at the California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair from 1995 to 2004, including bureau chief and deputy chief. By the late 1920s, the Department of Vocational and Professional Standards was responsible for licensing or certifying accountants, barbers, cosmetologists, dentists, embalmers, optometrists, pharmacists, physicians, and veterinarians. The mission of the CRD is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, businesses, and state-funded programs, and from bias-motivated violence and human trafficking. Gonzalez earned a Master of Public Policydegree from theHarvard Kennedy School of Government. Click here for more information: https://thedcapage.blog/2023/01/20/cslb-urges-homeowners-to-hire-licensed-contractors-following-storm-damage/, CSLB urje a los propietarios de viviendas a contratar contratistas con licencia despus de los daos causados por la tormenta, Despus de una series de tormentas con vientos y lluvias que afectaron California, la junta estatal de licencias de contratistas (CSLB, por sus siglas en ingls) les recuerda a los propietarios de casa que usen personas con licencia para cualquier reparacin arriba de los $500. hb``he``f```d@@, Business Services ensures that DCA entities promote sound business decisions and practices in contracting and purchasing goods and services. The Governors budget for 2023-24 proposes $1.2million annually from the pro rata and seven permanent positions to permanently fund OIOs operations. Solid Training Solutions supports the development of all DCA employees through the design, delivery, evaluation, and administration of training and education programs. She had previously been Deputy Commissioner of DBOs Legal Division, and prior to that served as Deputy Commissioner of Business Regulations at the Department of Corporations. for California lawyers. In June 2013, OPES implemented a new master contract with PSI Services LLC, resulting in cost savings of 10 percent for its clients that use the contract. BreEZe enables consumers to verify a professional license and file a consumer complaint. In 2015, DCA established OIOs predecessor, the Organizational Change Management unit, in response to findings from the California State Auditor that future IT projects should include a process for planning and implementing effective organizational change management. For example, OIO should be able to translate reducing licensee application processing time lines into personnel hours that result in cost savings, or OIO should be able to report on the extent to which savings have been redirected to the boards and bureaus other priorities. Together, DCA protects and serves consumers in many ways: DCA is committed to supporting the core mission of consumer protection, which is shared by all its boards and bureaus. hb``d``u01GX'30Sy(80Q_p! As chief of BAR, he oversees all operational matters, including licensing and enforcement activities and the administration of the Smog Check Program. The Office of Administrative Services provides accounting, business, personnel, and budget services. Telephone: (800) 952-5210 https://thedcapage.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/News-Release-103-NP-Application-Release.pdf, https://thedcapage.blog/2023/01/20/cslb-urges-homeowners-to-hire-licensed-contractors-following-storm-damage/, https://thedcapage.blog/2023/01/20/cslb-urje-a-los-propietarios-de-viviendas-a-contratar-contratistas-con-licencia-despues-de-los-danos-causados-por-la-tormenta/, https://www.dca.ca.gov/about_us/ab2113.shtml. Ms. Erickson has a degree in Civil Engineering. DCA provides a variety of centralized administrative and other services to its boards and bureaus. Tiffany graduated with a bachelors degree in Sociology from California State University, Sacramento. Licenses Smog Check stations, repair technicians, and inspectors. Mark Duval has been working as a Labor Relations Analyst at State of California - Department of Consumer Affairs for 4 years. California Department of Consumer Affairs Website: California Department of Consumer Affairs ; Email: dca@dca.ca.gov Phone Number: 916-445-1254. Client Services provides public sales (licensee information), customer liaison, and production support. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The Office of Publications, Design & Editing designs, edits, updates, and distributes more than 200 consumer publications, newsletters, and reports produced by DCA's various entities and by its Executive Office. Prior to his appointment, Piccione served as DCAs chief technology officer. Click here for more resources. Consumer Resources. OIO does not directly charge the entities for the services it provides them. DCA licensed professionals are being targeted by a new scam. Lamp Station a registered ARD that is licensed to test, inspect, adjust, and repair all lamps and related electrical systems on vehicles. She served as Acting Deputy Secretary for External Affairs since December 2021 and as Senior Advisor at the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency since 2020. She began her public service career at CalSTRS, initially serving as Ethics and Compliance Counsel and providing direct legal support to the Board Governance Committee of the Teachers Retirement Board. The Legal Office serves as in-house counsel for the director as well as the boards, bureaus, programs, and other entities of DCA. hbbd```b``"WH>S"ALB R| XD2 I EG,K"D.38]5j^f!$%GIjsG"?w "= As deputy chief, Thomas oversees BARs Northern California Field Operations and Enforcement Branch, Southern California Field Operations and Enforcement Branch, Enforcement Operations Branch, and Forensic Documentation Program. Boards, committees, and commissions operate independently but rely on DCA for administrative support. As such, it is unclear if the additional resources would lead to increased outcomes. We also help U.S. citizens connect with the world . She held several positions in the Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. from 2011 to 2013 and in the Office of First Lady Maria Shriver from 2007 to 2011. Teresa Starks. California State Department of Consumer Affairs Homepage is designed to help Californians become informed consumers by learning their rights and protection., portal. Through its Call Center and Correspondence Unit, CIC provides consumers and licensees with user-friendly information and identifies for them the government agency or community organization that can best address their needs. OPES follows the highest technical and professional standards in the industry to ensure that licensing examinations are valid, job-related, and legally defensible. DCA oversees 36 entities, including various boards and bureaus. Brian Skewis is the Budget Manager at the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH). Sasha (Wisotsky) Kergan was appointed Deputy Secretary of Housing and Consumer Relations at the Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency by Governor Gavin Newsom in October 2021. BreEZe is DCA's licensing and enforcement system and a one-stop shop for consumers, licensees and applicants! She earned a Master of Arts degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco. The Governor's budget for 2023-24 proposes $1.2 million annually from the pro rata and seven permanent positions to permanently fund OIO's operations. DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Kimberly Kirchmeyer Director VICTIM COMPENSATION BOARD Lynda Gledhill Executive Officer TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM Jack Ehnes CALIFORNIA Secretary DEPARTMENT OF Director Reginald Javier Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR Leslie Gallagher, STATE WATER William Lightbourne . 2069 0 obj <>stream Senior policy analyst and resource to elected legislators on pending and potential policy issues. OIO has provided information on multiple workload outcomes, such as the number of business processes it has documented and the recommendations it has made for DCA centralized services, boards, and bureaus. It also manages DCA's many facilities, vehicle fleet, emergency response, and its mailroom, copying, and imaging services. Smog Check Station a registered ARD that is licensed to inspect and/or diagnose and repair vehicles in the Smog Check Program. Prior to joining BCSH, she worked for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) formerly the Board of Equalization. Before working at the Department of Finance she served as a budget analyst at the Department of Health Care Services, and as staff for the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Task Force in the Office of the Governor. It consists of Business Services, Human Resources, and Fiscal Operations. CalHFA supports the needs of renters and homebuyers by providing financing and programs so more low and moderate-income Californians have a place to call home. Yountville Deputy Administrator. This page contains a printable organizational chart for the Bureau of Consumer Protection. A thriving and equitable California where people have access to safe and affordable housing, consumers are protected, and civil rights are safeguarded. Currently, 11 boards and bureaus are projected to have special funds become insolvent in 2024-25. Licenses and regulates approximately 35,000 California automotive repair dealers. Oversees BARs Smog Check Engineering and Information Services Division and Audits and Inspections Branch. The 2017-18 budget provided ten positions and $1.3million for three years for the Organizational Change Management unit to support the boards and bureaus through business process reviews, as well as the department as a whole with planned special projects. General Information: 800-952-5210. OPA alerts media to unlicensed activity sweeps. Jill Lukins is the Deputy General Counsel for the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency. Accordingly, the Legislature will want to apply a higher bar to spending from these funds. P&6:\3i,TN(3TT *+E endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Outlines 8 0 R/Pages 23 0 R/StructTreeRoot 14 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 162 0 R>> endobj 27 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 3600 2340]/Parent 23 0 R/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>stream Oversees and is responsible for the operation and functions of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's investigative program. Before that, she was deputy director of legislation and policy review at the California Department of Consumer Affairs from 2014 to 2016 and an advocate at Platinum Advisors from 2006 to 2014. Melinda Grant was appointed Undersecretary at the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency in January 2019. Responsible for managing agency policies, workflows, processes, and records related to long term and intermittent leave of absence, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Workers' Compensation BCSH Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramrez addresses Sacramento County Point in Time Count volunteers working to take a count and better understand the needs of our unhoused neighbors. In addition to servicing 3040 interagency contracts with DCA boards, bureaus, and committees, OPES also oversees the master contract for examination administration at computer-based testing centers throughout the State. Learn how to select a licensed, qualified contractor; check the status of a contractor license; negotiate a clear contract; prevent disputes and mechanics liens; and resolve contractor disputes. Executive Branch Organizational Chart 9.20.22 The mission of the CRD is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, businesses, and state-funded programs, and from bias-motivated violence and human trafficking. Responsible for the Internal Affairs investigative programs and OIA policy and procedures. Director Cristian Ahumada, LA City Council member Mitch OFarrell, California HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez, BCSH Deputy Secretary Dhakshike Wickrema. Division staff also advise the director on public policy affecting consumers, as well as on any proposed regulations that impact the health, safety, and welfare of Californians. 1775 0 obj <> endobj R 020 DAQL@Z!KJ8T@ N1 The 2020-21 budget subsequently provided five positions and $894,000 to support the unit, now referred to as OIO, for another three yearsmeaning through the end of the current year. A repair-only station is licensed to diagnose and repair vehicles. He has also worked as a Legislative Aide for the Law Offices of Tim Yaryan, as well as a Legislative and External Affairs intern in the Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Myles graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. rJxjA?gy~Z ExPgR1< S1;u `N{ -1@R5zy`Y>Pj i4` *YFU\@U$M:] F*N2bIC@UP New Nurse Practitioner Application is Now Available, The California Board of Registered Nursing (Board) is proud to announce the new 103 Nurse Practitioner (NP) application is now available to NPs in its online system, BreEZe. The Department of Consumer Affairs' Division of Investigation (DOI) is a police department that provides law enforcement investigation services to DCA licensing boards. DFPI Executive Office Clothilde V. Hewlett Commissioner Christopher S. Shultz Chief Deputy Commissioner Vacant Senior Deputy Commissioner Division of Corporations and Financial Institutions Unclear if OIO Efforts Have Led to Measurable Benefits and Savings. Toggle navigation OPENDATA GOV US. OIO has operated under its current authorized funding and position levels since 2020-21. He was general counsel at the California Department of Housing and Community Development from 2015 to 2017, assistant commissioner of legal affairs at the California Bureau of Real Estate from 2013 to 2015, deputy attorney general at the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General from 2009 to 2013 and a shareholder at McDonough, Holland and Allen PC in 2009, where he was of counsel in 2007 and 2008. See Full Org Chart. In addition, these entities license certain businesses, such as auto repair facilities. In this role he developed and implemented a series of budget reporting tools designed to achieve user serviceable reporting from the Fi$Cal system by DCAs various boards and bureaus. We enforce federal competition and consumer protection laws that prevent anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices. Lila earned a law degree from the University of California Hastings College of Law, and a bachelors degree in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. Department of Housing and Community Development. The fee is assessed at the time of license renewal on licensees that prescribe, order, administer, or furnish Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substances. Additionally, the Department licenses and regulates a variety of financial businesses, including securities brokers and dealers, investment advisers, deferred deposit (commonly known as payday loans) and certain fiduciaries and lenders. She has over 20 years of state service and has held various managerial positions within the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development and the Department of Toxic Substances Control. Business. The company is headquartered in Sacramento, . The Consumer information Center is DCA's information resource center for consumers and licensees. Division staff attend all board and bureau meetings to identify, analyze, and monitor policy issues, as well as other matters of interest. Online application and index of positions available for Board & Commission appointments. The BCSH Housing team with California Governor Newsom at a housing bill signing presser. %%EOF His work at BCSH focuses on matters related to the Interagency Council on Homelessness. Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, Address: 500 Capitol Mall, Suite 1850, Sacramento, CA 95814. 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