width: 100%; To change this setting: 978-318-1340, Most Recent Massachusetts School Report Card. margin: 0; align-content: space-around; } } " /> $("nav").css("height", "auto"); }).blur(function(){ SetCookie('SWScreenWidth', screen.width); #gb-footer-outer { "imageNum960" : 4, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 960 // If the user tabs out of the navigation hide all menus bottom: 0; letter-spacing: 1.5px; transform: rotate(135deg); display: none; youTubeVideoDimsSM(); .region.clearleft { // show my account dropdown margin: 30px; } -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; }); margin: 0; $(this).focus(); $(v).append('
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  • Sign In
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    Brooke Preston Autopsy Report, Griffith Park Deaths 2021, Articles W