The scientists say it is like having a time machine to look ahead. Question: Which sentence is an example of the word penalty? The government uses these methods to blacken out certain truths and information the public of China should not know about. What is significant about Galveston, Texas? Ans: The Declaration of Independence was written to convince people that it was right to break Independence from England, Q. How does the information in the section Juneteenth Now An Official Texas Holiday support the main idea of the article? obj Ans: Fighting soon broke out between a number of factions, including Houthi rebels and fighters linked to the terrorist group Al Qaeda., Q. Headlines from recent weeks include: Slow, sleepy sloths lead a relaxed life, McDonald's to change what it's made of, removes unhealthy ingredients, Popular Pokemon Go game has been banned in Iran, Newly discovered planet may support life, scientists say. For example, media and news outside China is censored; meaning information and details the government do not wish to be exposed is simply removed. Question: In the winter how many breaths do groundhogs take per minute. What is the main negative effect of this changing time period? First, there is a powerpoint with a coordinating interactive note sheet for students. Which sentence is an example of the word shift? Ans: Confession, Q. Get in touch with sales today. Ans: Lent is a time for thinking about how to be a better person and to be sorry for any bad things you may have done & sometimes people stop eating their favorite food for 40 days, Q. How does a Newsela version of an article compare with the original? Propaganda Techniques Pennant/Banner8. Answer: They made fun of her name and lied about her political record. Question: Is Easter on the same day every year? This tradition came from Germany. Question: According to the article, how did slaves escape from the South to the North? /Filter How did Patrick and his followers escape the soldiers sent by the king to put out the bonfire and arrest the people involved? << Students read the advertisements in speech bubbles and determine the dominant propaganda technique used.This is done as a PowerPoint presentation so the teacher can print the first slide for a quiz and review using the second slide on the SmartBoard.Answer key included. Ans: By explaining why Juneteenth is an important day, Q. In class, the students had to come up for a use for their object and then create a magazine ad, poster, and commercial for their item. This type of poster focused on encouraging as many men as possible to participate. Gross is also a professional fundraiser who raised over $9 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and other heavy hitterswhose dollars enabled the Common Core to steamroll its way into states. Most of the Amazon rainforest lies in what country? Propaganda, which has been around for many centuries, is a term commonly used to describe deceptive persuasive techniques to change people's beliefs and attitudes. According to the article, how did slaves escape from the South to the North? Ans: Hypothesize, Q. R ", "The ease of finding articles based on a specific science subject or standard was amazing. Answer: Because it helped slaves escape to freedom. Ans: Primarily, Q. Ans: An event and its ideas, Q. These are essences of propaganda and cenorship, working together with the Chinese government that control and influence information that should not reach the minds of the public. Do Newsela articles consistently reinforce a leftist point of view? Question: How does the information in the section Juneteenth Now An Official Texas Holiday support the main idea of the article? /Contents ***************************************************************************** Question: Which word goes with not the same? NewsELA Declaration of Independence Quiz Answers, IXL Answers Key: How to Get 100% Correct Answers [2022], Carbon Cycle Gizmo Answer Key 2022 [FREE Unlocks Inside]. Propaganda Techniques Brochure7. Question: The Arab Spring protests first started in: Question: After protests began in Tunisia, the leader responded by: Answer: Giving the protesters some of the things they wanted & using violence to stop the protests. Ans: The Middle East & North Africa, Q. Answer: Biden and Harris were declared the winners of the presidential election, Question: Kamala Harris was a senator from which state. Propaganda works in various forms to either promote an idea or influence attitudes and beliefs that will serve to the propagandist, wanting to achieve a certain outcome or response to the message . Propaganda publications such as newspapers, leaflets and pamphlets were used as well as posters (the government printing 50million one year) with the extensive range to target audiences wherever and whenever possible. Ans: Biden and Harris were declared the winners of the presidential election, Q. Kamala Harris was a senator from which state Answer: By traveling along a secret trail of houses where they would be safe. Ans: False, Q. Question: Kamala describes her rise to the Vice Presidency as part of a legacy of black women in Government which includes Shirley Chisholm, who was Shirley Chisholm? Question: What are some popular Easter sweets? 1 A scan of its daily offerings would suggest this, but the articles were originally published by professional media, so the political slant reflects the original sources as well as Newselas own bias: Many of Newselas articles are PBS-type material about animals, sports, science, and popular culture. Ans: He was captured by Irish pirates and sold as a slave, Q. To access Newselas Quick Start guide, visit This presentation defines and provides examples for the eight main types of propaganda. NOTE: All key answers to NewsELA are checked twice before publishing them to you. just about all?goes with more possibilities? The slides are colorful and engaging; complete with unique backgrounds, graphics, text, and clip art. The zip file includes:-PowerPoint AND Google Slides link (newly added! 18 /St My history report is about the effects of the American Civil War. Below, we will be covering all quiz answer keys for NewsELA topics: Q. Which word goes with just one? << Ans: 2 breaths, Q. Not just for Disney World anymore is the 1020L level version of the September 6Washington Postarticle Japan is so crazy about mascots that fluffy toilet character is a real job., The 1020L rating is matched to 7thgraders. endobj In this worksheet students use the chart, which defines the six types of propaganda, to identify the main type of propaganda in six real life examples. Question: New York has a big parade. Question: Which paragraph in the section The principle of equality shows that the signers of the declaration disagreed about slavery? Name calling endobj Share among with your friends who might be looking for the same. Question: Punxsutawney Phil has only been right less than half the time. Answer: He was captured by Irish pirates and sold as a slave, Question: What object did Saint Patrick use to teach people about the Trinity? An example of the word individual? Ans: Hibernate, Q. No more hunting for articles related to a standard through key words. Where were Kamalas parents from? 0 Question: Where were Kamalas parents from? We align all content to ELA, social studies, or science state standards, and its flexible enough to support your districts unique curriculum. It can be used as a memory game, a matching game, an "I havewho has" activity, or any other card game you can think of. 720 It's an excellent resource for learning centers as well. Ans: I drink orange juice more than any other type of juice, Q. Answer: The Irish people welcomed Patrick and his ideas, Question: At the time of Patricks return, many Irish followed paganism, a religion that centers on. The persuasion techniques explained in the presentation are bandwagon, card stacking, either/or thinking, emotional appeal, false cause and effect, glittering generalities, name calling, plain folks, repetition, testimonial, and transfer. Newsela is an educational website that acts as a tool that provides instructional guidelines related to teaching and learning. 17 Question: When Patrick returned to Britain, he encouraged the sailors to pray to avoid starvation and. 20+ content types. /Nums Bens parents took away his video games because he didnt do his homework, Ethos provides the credibility to say that those facts should be trusted, Emotional arguments are effective, but they can be tricky, NewsELA Answers Quiz Keys To Units Covered, NewsELA Declaration of Independence Quiz Answers, i Ready Answers Key 2022 Edition [FREE ACCESS]. Answer: Fighting soon broke out between a number of factions, including Houthi rebels and fighters linked to the terrorist group Al Qaeda.. Why is the Second Great Awakening important? What was Saint Patricks real name? When St. Patrick was lonely as a slave, he decided to Question: Which sentence is an example of the word shift? 0 Question: Why did free black people form vigilance groups? Answer: Lent is a time for thinking about how to be a better person and to be sorry for any bad things you may have done & sometimes people stop eating their favorite food for 40 days. Happy Teacher Resources. << Question: Which word goes with subject of a research paper? But when Newsela chooses articles with an ideological flavor, that flavor is distinctly progressive. Answer: Because it helped slaves escape to freedom Question: Why did free black people form vigilance groups? Gross and his company are capitalizing on schools being shackled to the Common Core State Standardsand the companys powerful funders have a vested interest in Common Core continuing to be the dominant educational regime in the nation. Answer: Kamala Harris will be the first woman vice president & the first person who was black and Asian elected as VP. When the students scan the QR code, they are given a choice of four propaganda techniques. Ans: There was an international coalition that helped the protesters overthrow the leader, Q. ln Syria, the protests eventually led to a TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. This post is your one-stop shop for mastering NewsELA and understanding current events. Overall, the article is organized around Young people have always been less apt to read the news than their elders, but the rise of social media has meant thatnewspaper-reading is in sharp declineacross age groups. The Arab Spring took place in: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Based on this sentence, choose the statement that is TRUE. How is the use of ethos in an argument different? stream Ans: 80, Q. just about all?goes with more possibilities? What are the advantages and disdvantages of propaganda. When Patrick returned to Britain, he encouraged the sailors to pray to avoid starvation and /DeviceRGB What idea do many people think of when they see eggs? Ans: They recited a poem, Q. To many people, The Star-Spangled Banner is more than just a song, Future climate change doesnt make Earth greener, whose dollars enabled the Common Core to steamroll its way into states, states are voting to repeal Common Core and withdraw from tests aligned with it. Question: Why is the Second Great Awakening important? Question: Read the section What Is Pathos? Which sentence from the section shows the authors point of view about using pathos in an argument? NewsELA Answers - Quiz Keys To Units Covered Below, we will be covering all quiz answer keys for NewsELA topics: NewsELA Reform Movements Quiz Answers Q. Answer: Cutting down a large area of trees. Cultivating familiarity with written news could help raise up citizens who know and care about the world around them. Answer: We know Mr. Johnson has always told us the truth. Question: Which sentence from the article helps the reader understand that Texas was once a state that made its own rules? Ans: Because it helped slaves escape to freedom Q. Image: No Title byAbhisek Sarda// CC BY. Question: Who created the name for the woodchuck? Ans: Shift, Q. Question: What do groundhogs do to survive the harsh winters? Editors note: This article was originally published by PJMedia on September 14, 2016. Until then, as the Common Cores afterglow fades away, Newsela may need to find a new way to market itself. Question: Which United States President signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves? Newsela's test answers appear after you have answered the last question of the quiz. endstream Next, click on the link How Do I? 0 Propaganda is not always effective, but it can be. Question: Who did Kamala credit as her biggest influence growing up? 0 Students need help with propaganda? In this post, we will be providing quiz keys for a variety of units covered on the NewsELA platform. Ans: Only certain women gained certain rights, Q. The companys article A career as a costumed mouse? large enough to be noticed or have an effect. Ans: True, Q. It has its beneficial aspects as well as its disadvantages, although people who are under propaganda themes, subjected by a government or constitution, become disllusioned and under false impressions. Answer: Instead of lettuce, you could put spinach in your salad. Propaganda is a technique used to communicate a message that influences others. How long was it after the Emancipation Proclamation that ALL slaves knew they were free? Ans: Yes, other cities also have parades. The results, simulating a post-2050 world, aren't pretty. Ans: Kamala Harris will be the first woman vice president & the first person who was black and Asian elected as VP, Q. This mini lesson comes complete with everything you need from a DO NOW, to the Teacher's overview of the lesson details, to three different version of the graphic organizer to be used to complete the assignment. /Transparency Why is Juneteenth important? Answer: To provide information about Groundhogs. Answer: To protect themselves from kidnappers Question: What is the BEST definition of slaveholders? In modern terms you could relate propaganda to advertisements except on a greater and more effective scale, although propaganda does have the ability to hide certain truths and even create lies to promote that cause. % ELA. How would you dene that word? They are growing many different plants. I have struggled with teaching propaganda techniques for so long. Question: Why do we celebrate St. Patricks day on March 17th? Ans: Carbon dioxide (Co2), Q. Join us on February 16! Ans: Cashews, pineapples & cacao, Q. Question: Which sentence is an example of the word goes with more possibilities? Article Links: Link to Request an Answer Key: Me on Twitter: The scale of which propaganda can work on depends upon the amount and scale of what you are promoting. Ans: True, Q. Image by: Newsela staff No two governments, past or present, are exactly the same. Question: What is the name of the National Black Anthem? Which of these things is St PatrickNOTknown for? The Amazons forests help our plant and animal life by taking in what gas? Which sentence is an example of the word credibility? Political examples from a variety of parties and candidates. Which of the following ideas about Patricks return to Ireland is FALSE? Why did free black people form vigilance groups? Ans: Scientific method, Q. Please use the comment box below. Ans: No, its not scientifically proven, Q. Punxsutawney Phil is NOT the most famous groundhog in the United States. 0 Ans: Jamaica and India, Q. Kamala describes her rise to the Vice Presidency as part of a legacy of black women in Government which includes Shirley Chisholm, who was Shirley Chisholm? Ans: Two and half years, Q. 9 example of the word, Question: Which word goes with just one? Article Links: Leslie Wilson, a mother of a seventh-grader said by email that she is concerned that the articles seemto me at leastto consistently reinforce a very leftist political view. She said that for example, an article about returning the Elgin marbles to Greece quoted a variety of supporters of that view, but did not offer any viewpoint from the British Museum or other informed/interested party for keeping the marbles where they are. The mother also said she believed that the material was of a poor quality and that her daughter had found two factual errors in them. Ans: Work, Q. Question: Which of the quotes below would support that protests were NOT successful in Yemen? stream This resource includes:Notes worksheetPowerpointMatching activityPropaganda argumentative writing promptPropaganda commercial activityPropaganda homework log activityCustomer Tips:How to get TPT credit. Is Easter on the same day every year? 0 Clear, informative, and essential PowerPoint Introduction to Propaganda Techniques including a definition and a variety of techniques including "glittering generalities," "euphemisms," "name calling," and others. /Annots We will cover units such as Reform Movements, Grocery Packaging, Amazon & Deforestation, Biden-Harris, Persuasion, Juneteenth, Groundhog, St. Patrick, Arab Spring, Declaration of Independence, Young Scientists, and Easter. What object did Saint Patrick use to teach people about the Trinity? Question: Which sentence is an example of the word goes with more possibilities? Scientists work together to solve problems After the students take notes, there are 16 magazine advertisements, where students identify the technique used. >> Teachers get to pick the content that will take their core instruction to the next level. << Groups chose a item of junk from a box of broken toys (etc.) endobj Which sentence is an example of the word just about all?goes with more possibilities? On the other side of the world at the time Austrialia led a wartime recruitment campaign too, raising 5million volunteers to join the War effort. /Group Ans: No, Easter is not on the same day every year & moves between March 22 & April 25, Q. 419 16 How is the use of ethos in an argument different? R Also, there are other activities which, The Wright Ladies present the Propaganda Techniques Worksheet. Students will work in groups to define each term, present to the class, and use the same GO for a study tool. Question: How old was St. Patrick when he was kidnapped? E.G: "Hate terrorists coz they stick kids hedz on spikes." Which United States President signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves? For this to work properly, you must be in SLIDESHOW MODE in PowerPoint. When did the idea of the Easter bunny come to America? Get in Touch What is an egg a symbol of? Question: Arguments that use logos present facts about a particular topic. This has increased fires in the area, destroying the ecosystem and causing more deforestation. Ans: Brazil (ol), Q. Ans: Alternatives, Q. They are creating the changes that come from global warming. >> Question: What is the MOST important reason why women sought equality? What was the authors purpose for writing this article? Still doubts? R 0 obj Newsela got a kick-start in 2015 with a $15 million infusion from venture capitalists such as Kleiner Perkins and Zuckerberg Education Ventures, the investment fund of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. What idea do many people think of when they see eggs? R Then we can categorize different forms of government. << Humans rely on these trees. Which sentence is an example of the word example of the word benefit? Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Question: Why do the groundhogs stop hibernating? At the time of Patricks return, many Irish followed paganism, a religion that centers on In the course of a 17-year experiment on more than 1 million plants, scientists put future global warming to a real world test growing California flowers and grasslands with extra heat, carbon dioxide and nitrogen to mimic a not-so-distant, hotter future. Answer: To tell the people of Ireland about God. Can groundhogs predict the weather? [ 405 They are using extra heat, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Included in this download are word and PDF versions of the worksheet and answer key. Question: What is the BEST definition of slaveholders? What is the MOST important reason why women sought equality? Ans: Changes in society enlightened women to seek more equality, Q. Create a collage using old magazines and newspapers to show how people use their voice. In the 21st century the internet is commonly used to raise money by propaganda. The learning platform that delivers more. ", "Newsela is also used to provide the students with knowledge of an event so that they are able to contribute to whole group lessons/discussions. The dedication I poured into this presentation is made obvious by the p, This Propaganda Technique activity has many uses. While the AP article already takes global warming as a given, the 5thgrade level version is even more explicitly partisan. We're just an email away from helping you out! Question: Protests in Bahrain were successful. 0 Great for Election Year Propaganda too!Be A Super hero Media SpyLocate and Identify Persuasion Techniques in the MediaPolitical parties know who their target audience is and how to use techniques to sway voters towards their candidate. Whether you are a student, teacher, or parent, this post will give you the answers you need to understand and analyze the news articles provided on NewsELA. example of the word 0 The lectures (34 slides) provide definitions and examples of propaganda techniques and logical fallacies that are used not only in propaganda but also in the everyday world. Challenge Question #2 Brazil has already reduced its deforestation rate by nearly what percent since its peak in 2004. /Filter /MediaBox When was St. Patrick born? This resource requires students to identify examples of different propaganda techniques -- name-calling, bandwagon, red herring, emotional appeal, testimonial, repetition, sweeping generalization (stereotyping), circular argument, and appeal to numbers/facts/stats.A handout is included that defines each type of propaganda technique for the students.An answer key is included. Question: What animal is used in Germany to predict the weather? Question: According to the article, why was slavery important to womens rights? Card stacking Systems cannot be considered truly democratic unless they meet certain criteria: 1. R 0 endobj News is the informational text par excellence. Newsela cherry-picks the news in such a way as to emphasize ideas sympathetic to progressivism. Ans: They look for a mate, Q. Ans: Children decorate eggs & they also eat candy and chocolate Easter bunnies, Q. example of the word primarily? Ans: Other projects are more complicated & so good, Q. Children should learn at a young age to read and understand the news. Answer: Bens parents took away his video games because he didnt do his homework. Question: What are some ways that the GOP attempted to intimidate Kamala Harris? /Parent Answer: People have been coloring eggs for hundreds of years possibly because there is a time they were not allowed to eat them. Not just for Disney World anymore. It influenced people's minds, urging them to become part of the War, using techniques of heavy persuasion and motivation - illustrating the War to be an adventure, heroic and glorious not to mention it would "be over before Christmas." Appear after you have answered the last question of the presidential election, question: the! Challenge question # 2 Brazil has already reduced its deforestation rate by nearly what since! Than any other type of poster focused on encouraging as many men as possible to participate right break! 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