Why are you crazy people attacking each other and fighting back and forth. 1. Her death was ruled a suicide in 74. Oh and the minor cuts on one or two fingers, when she was supposedly fighting with the killer. Really? Its suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but REALLY its MORE like YOUR guilty UNTIL proven otherwise. I saw him! Had been following with books and trial transcripts. Those jurors and the prosecutors should be ASHAMED of themselves because they took one look at her and her lifestyle, threw away the key, and loaded up the needle. If you can then your simply lying about seeing the trial or there is the IQ issue! Please do try to keep up, love. I think its an outrage that the justice system can put someone on death row for 20 years just because the police and detectives were too lazy to do their jobs! end of story. She slit her throat after it was not impossible too plant the sock explain her injuries bruising too the arms was definitely her doing the intruder grabbed her arms violently too leave all the bruises but had a knife on hand the entire time.darlie said her critically wounded son walked in the kitchen with her as she moved towards a intruder so the stabbing was done later right? Do not post your idiotic opinions as if they are facts. The sad part is the majoity of Texans buy into it while is costs you hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Im of the mind that we not only should, but MUST make absolutely sure of guilt before killing someone for a crime. I have never thought she did it. If so, that is a stock photo and NOT a picture of the Routiers actual sink. You should have gotten Darlie the help she needed before it came to this. You cant get that unless you did the killing. During the 911 phone call that was about 6 minutes she would have had to stab her boys get the sock ran 75 yards come back cut yourself and inflict her wounds all in a matter of 3 minutes before the police arrived. He was the only person who left the house to summon the woman across the street because she was a nurse, hence the bloody sock that was found yards away from the crime scene. For Cruz its always the fault of los hombres. Actually to correct you again, its actually said by cockneys this way wivff 1 or 2 fs is optional of course !! the kids were stabbed with her kitchen knife,,the fbi agent testified that rapists and murderers bring a weapon dont hope for one..makes sensewhats the motive for this crime..not robberyher jewelry money on kitchen counter.the states theory is bs moneythe kids life insurance was only enough to bury themif the kids were the issue then why not kill baby drakemakes no senseher saying if only i didnt touch the knife to preserve the fingerprints on the 911 call didnt help her..only conclusion from me if she did it was depression..i dont see money or lifestyle improving in any way by the murder of the boys.. It is like you people thirst for the death penalty and negative media coverage just to be able to point the finger at anyone. you dont have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that! I hope the family called the police and filed a complaint against you. And a neighbor of the Rutiers said she saw a vehicle parked outside the Routiers home 7 or 8 days before the murders, didnt recognize it, & a man left when he saw the neighbor approaching the car. So I guess she just slit her own throat too. She refused. Why hasnt anyone thought maybe he hired someone to kill his wife and kids for the insurance? It would have taken a while and notes would have been found somewhere. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. Had the kids blood on it with drops running down. State expert Pat Wertheim maintains Darlies right ring finger has not been ruled out. On January 19, 2014, both the prosecution and defence teams were permitted to perform further DNA tests on a smudged fingerprint found in the house, a bloody sock found outside, and her nightshirt . Seemingly, Texans have yet to believe or understand that women are indeed supposed to be judged on the facts and not some antiquated idea that if you dislike her lifestyle then she may be a murderer. Lol. Darlie will be proven innocent when unicorns pee blue. I hope when she gets out they launch a full investigation into her husband. I have always thought if she did have something to do with it the husband had to have been right there with her. Why, you ask? Think about it, your an intruder who is assuming that no one is home as there are no lights on and the cars are nowhere to be seen. And she would be getting out soon. One of the kids, most likely Devon, woke up and saw one of their faces, and dude panicked and stabbed him with the hunting knife he brought with him. I think she maintains her innocence so convincingly because she has convinced herself she didnt do it as an emotional survival strategy. Where is Darlie Routier case > the Darlie Routier free /a > Darlie Routier 2021 update - Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from the national of. Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. In your response to Pearl, you revealed yourself to be an utterly vicious excuse for a human being. She has skin under her fingernails for fucks sakes look at her arms and her whole body these people are so ignorant. It doesnt say Thou shall not kill unless the person killed someone else first. Again, I wasnt there, neither were any of you, I dont know her what happened. If you ever get indicted for a crime and have to go to court, pray you dont get an idiot like the juror they interviewed. Are you stupid or something? The TV presentation on channel 7 sucked. There are no photos of the Routiers sink after the luminol was applied. Who is protecting and lying for Darin? In River Oaks where I live, if you breathe wrong, people get nervous. In the early morning of June 6, 1996, in Dalla, Texas, 911 operators received a phone call from Darlie Routier, a young mother who had been attacked by an intruderwho stabbed 2 of her 3 young. Thats another thing, my brother was murdered and if they ever catch his killer, no, I wont be watching another human being get murdered by the state. It goes along with her type of personality and how she thinks she should be seen and thought of. The 911 call was also not completely shown and the idea that she was setting herself up is completely false when you listen to the whole transcript not to mention investigators never took prints of the boys when they got there which is illegal procedure. It was laid out for everyone to see, even though there was a garbage and sewer to conceal it right there? Although, I dont necessarily agree with the prosecutions theory of motive, Ive always believed that she was guilty. None of them almost died, like Darlie!!! I was in her court room during the hearing because my custody case was following hers which meant my always got delayed. When it came to the bloody sock Thats going to be proven eventually. I say bring on the dna test and run the fingerprint. One day, some of you will be on the other side of the law and you will think different and I think its exactly what some of you need. Its not proof its opinions. He was never investigated and he sure as hell had no alibi in Darlie. She will never atone for killing those little boys because she doesnt have the imagination for reality. Damon & Devon Routier Routier family CASE DETAILS On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. Blood on bottom of kitchen sink cleaned up Say grace, honey! Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children Blood and Money: The Strange Case of Dr. John Hill and Murder in Texas When Kids Kill Kids: Cristian Fernandez and Juvenile Prosecutions They ignored her when she pointed out everything the intruder touched. How convenient that no license plate # was written down. Things have changed. The only way those boys blood got on Routier was from cast off. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. Hopefully the men in that DAs office will pay for all the wrongly obtained verdicts they achieved. Its very obvious that her ex husband hired someone to do a robbery. Im sitting here wondering why in Gods name did those detectives plead the 5th on the witness stand. Yes its like lightning sticking twice tgat he has to go thru this again. What makes you people think that this couldnt happen to your kid because lets face it, thanks to the reign of terror, just about every Texan family has been touched by the TDCJ system. Damon was attacked twice and her blood was in the splatter on the wall. Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. The fact that the prosecutors had to put Little Miss Goody Two Shoes on the stand just showed how desperate they were to dig up dirt on Darlie. Her neck wound was 2mm from a major artery. Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. This is the conclusion to the Darlie Routier series. Really? Her running around the house while on the phone. They have no training whatsoever in this area. How utterly shocking. According to Darlie Kee she stands by her claims that he is innocent of the crime. Everything in my heart and soul screams INNOCENT. When hell freezes over you better get yourself prepared for her execution because thats where shes going. Susanna Reid investigates whether Death Row inmate Darlie Routier is an innocent woman who tragically lost her two sons, or a twisted killer who stabbed her own boys in cold blood An. Yet the boys wounds were so severe, they didnt stand a chance. I know you follow every aspect of this case, always wondering if this will be the year your secret comes out. Cooper and Smith met two weeks ago with the Dallas County District Attorneys office to discuss Routier, now 49. The jury never got to see any of the evidence against Darin. The State of Texas got it right, and she is long overdue to fulfill her sentence condemning her to death. There are so many things Id like to say about this case, but it would take up too much space here. The Court finds that Applicant has adduced no evidence nor pointed to evidence in the record that demonstrates that the crime was an attempted burglary or robbery rather than a murder. The entire story Davis gave about this case was a complete joke. I myself was also incarrserated whenDarllie, Tucker, Jones, and serveral others was there, Im just saying that, those babies didnt deserve it.but what always puzzled me is the part that the hubby didnt hear nothing if she did fight in defense for her own life,then at the same time turn the volume up, the strength that was used when stabbing one of those babies,went through the child and the carpet and chipped the concrete slab, to me that shows the strength of a man, not a female, but, turn the volume up a little bit louder, either side she knows who it is and showed no remorse for the babies? It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. James Baldwin, They need to clean up the courts and the cops in Texas, Hows that *new* DNA testing working out? I think after this interview, you will have some questions. Reread the story !!! The blood clean up at the sink is what bothers me the most. Thats my opinion I watched the first trial and saw all errors in prosecution ignoring several pieces of evidence ! The boys blood spots on the back of her gown or tee shirt, cast off, that sticks in my head.all these years. You are a liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter. Anyone who can I dont believe they are any better then any other murderer. People who have never experienced the DEVASTATION of losing a child will never understand this. That is the one detail you have refused to expose in this case, why? I believe she is guilty HOWEVER there is absolutely reasonable doubt. I dont believe Darlie slumbered peacefully while her kids were butchered five feet away. Barbara Jovell confirmed the insurance scam that Darin planned in 1996. What forensic evidence?? Darlie was clearly made out to be a sinning, money grubbing, tramp. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. I sincerely pray that you all take a minute to think about this: Judge not lest you be judged. Why cant you people see the insanity in this? That is hugewhy did they NOT say that they tested that flesh for DNA? Darlie Routier cannot be excluded as the contributor of the DNA from 10-2589-502. What..the killer(s) are going to stop to wipe the kitchen counter and kitchen floor up! They need to investigate Darin Routier. Come on people. I only hope your comment reaches all the way to their brains. In the reopened investigation several law enforcement offices & experts for the state stated that there is no way a person could inflict multiple deep self inflicted wounds. He divorced his wife so he could move on. Damaged from her shitty childhood thanks to her mother. Guilty people usually will do anything to avoid being questioned about the event. She obviously was sleeping kind of hard because duh, she is a mom with 2 boys and a newborn. A curiously quick turnaround. The evidence the original court lawyers found linking Darin to the crime was never shown to the jury. Just curious: if you turned out to be dead wrong and it was proven that someone else committed the murders, would you have the balls to apologize to her face? Your nuts!! Ive googled these questions and I cant seem to get a straight answer. Maybe she was drinking or doing drugs ?? She was a child murderer when she killer her own sons, and shes still a degenerate, egomaniacal, twisted and malicious female. On the outside, it looks like youve got it made. Shortly after this happened a man was arrested for a series of rapes in the area where he would break in through an unlocked window, use a knife from the victims home and wore socks over his hands through the crime. What do you think all these naysayers will say then? Prosecutors who took the case to trial claimed then and have claimed ever since that she inflicted the injuries herself. I know what their decision was; just because you can copy and paste it, doesnt make it right. They just happened to change venues to a town with a different socioeconomic standard and religious affiliation. Living in North Texas I was frightened about a murderer being on the loose. Thats what she told them on the show I saw. All you baby killer lovers never talk about those precious little boys who had to look at their own mother snuff the life out of them. wrote a book and was convinced of her guilt but shortly after writing the book heard enough or found out some stuff that convinced her that Darlie was innocent and she was devasted. I cant think of a crime more vile and repulsive and add to it both sides of Devon and Damons families lie for the psycho bitch that murdered their grandchildren. How did the boys blood splatter get on the back of her shirt? Well it seems to me that 22 years would break any mother who actually killed her children I dont even know if Jesus can get you forgiveness for that but you think that that would crush her after so long she would after being locked up for so long and I dont understand why anybody would cut their own throat may be inflicted wound somewhere but not your throat well I hope Justice is is fulfilled Gods will is the outcome I know theres a lot of innocent people in prison and to be on death row you know that brings up a whole nother issue of death row if you cant get it right we shouldnt even have that Laurel because I think her being a woman and these Rowdy Cowboy detectives and want to put away make a case whatever and that Fords been 20 minutes that man that has died since had concluded it was her theres no way you could figure that out 20 minutes unless it was just so clearly evident to everybody I dont think she got a fair Shake probably whether shes innocent or guilty I think she deserves it deserves to be looked at again and until they find out whos that fingerprint was that Bloody fingerprint and go from there before you get online being so sure of your your opinion so lets let Gods will be done through our justice system because its kind of corrupt sometimes and people are off and stuff mistakes are made and innocent people get killed because of our death row sentencing maybe thats why they sit on death row for so many years and cost the taxpayers a ton of money. Real Names: Devon Damon Routier Nicknames: No known nicknames Location: Rowlett, Texas Date: June 6, 1996 Details: Devon and Damon Routier were the oldest and middle sons of Darin and Darlie Routier. Blaming the ex. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. Be able to point the finger at anyone she has skin under fingernails... Darin planned in 1996 Smith met two weeks ago with the killer the DNA from 10-2589-502 of darlie routier dna results 2019 Ive. Into her husband x27 ; s neck, forearm and shoulder condemning her to death was. Needed before it came to the jury sticking twice tgat he has go... I believe she is long overdue to fulfill her sentence condemning her death! Sherlock Holmes to see that s neck, forearm and shoulder course!! 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